Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

How will business and the internet cope with COVID-19?

30 June 2008
We are seeing a massive contraction of formal workplaces with thousands of people working from home.
Hundreds of thousands of school children may end up using the net for learning or, more likely, video games to death.
Millions of people who can't go out will hit Netflix plus everything else .
Can the net sustain this level of use ? What are the work arounds ? How will we ensure critical users - medical, government , critical business can still work /
Thoughts ?
"The gaming industry, with all that’s happening around the world [COVID-19] and it’s really unfortunate but it’s made gaming the largest entertainment medium in the world. More than ever, people are spending time digitally, spending their time in video games”
Jensen Huang, CEO, NVIDIA Corporation [global manufacturer of computer graphics cards]

“The consumer market is now growing at a much faster pace than pre COVID-19 times. If we look at June and July sales, the market would have been 40-50% higher than last year's June and July. We clearly see the market growing double digit in gaming. That will continue”
Rahul Agarwal, CEO, Lenovo [global computer manufacturer]
Dictator Dan concedes that office life won't be returning to the way it was before COVID-19.

The future looks very bleak for commercial real estate. Residential will suffer less because people will still need a place to live, but with retail moving to online and foot traffic declining to pubs, clubs and restaurants commercial vacancies are only set to rise further, driving down rental returns and yields.