Such certainty in your statements! And yet property prices have held up extremely well through every recessionary period since WWII without any problem at all? Did people who held their property through 1974, 1981, 1991 loose it all???
Only if your overleveraged Did know of some in the 30's that lost it all because of rates going up and not getting tenants Property was on Whickahm Terrace Brisbane were all the specialists have there offices etc
, however regardless of a big fall or not the property is still worth a lot compared to wages or most other measures if we do have a major depression and is it 3 years the money in the bank is guaranteed for. that guarantee was given by the most trustworthy people on earth Politicians!it doesn't work for me
I also think your right atm as we have not seen any top in place only people's thoughts from what is happening overseas but no evidence yet that we are about to follow. I think we are some way off a major recession as commodities are still at good levels even after coming down so far
Copper has a range rom 55c to 120c per lb normally but after going up to 400c lb it has only come down to about 145c it is still quite high. So even if we are in for a major depression (I think we are ) we are still likely to see a rally in house prices for a while while we still have a reasonable economy and GDP. And unemployment rising .1% is nothing like the other economies yet. As the fear subsides and people stop thinking about it as much, we could get a descent rally in house prices for a few months