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House prices to keep falling for years

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Don't come tell me property prices don't fall fellow posters. This an atricle from 2000 post the Asian financial crisis....admittedly may not be the same situation ....but for better or worse who knows, agreed in the long term house prices are a good investment and if your raising a family who gives a toss.......but fact is property prices can and do fall....look at HK and Japan following their falls from property booms........and now the US and the UK......

Its great to hear about your interest rate cut. That means the economy is going good right? Imagine how high houses will go when interest rates fall down to 1% like in america!

Now THAT is an interesting article! Probably won't have much of an impact on national or regional median prices, but more expensive houses in good area's in the major cities could well see a good pick up in demand, and prices due to that "expat effect". Something to consider for anyone who is in that segment of the market, especially if you are betting on further price falls......


Everything comes down to interpretation doesn't it

First thing when I read that, is that are financial expats put out of work in finance (due largely due to the causal crash of housing prices!) in both the UK, and the US, really going to as first priority buy a property here??

Surely, out of everybody, they would have an incredible sense of caution after coming from such a market to sunny Australia.
returning unemployed expat hippys will be outweighed by the coming reduction in Immigration ...... imho .....


But if they have been saving there pennies and pents, and the aussie dollar has just come off 20-40% (depending on pennies or pents!), then things start to look pretty cheap here don't they??? It's definetly something to think about.... Expat money has certainly paid a big role in driving Sydney property prices before.



Hi PropertyGuy,

People lose jobs.

Unemployment goes up.

If you really want a pulse on what is happening, ask a Truckdriver, especially in Melbourne. Transportation is a leading indicator. If our transport industry is not as robust as what it has been earlier on in the year and truckies are losing their jobs, that tells me that consumers are not spending as much and tightening their belts. Have you checked out Harvey Norman's sales figures lately? Isn't that one of the first port of calls for new home owners!!!

I have no doubt that unemployment will increase over the coming 12 months with alot of pain and suffering to go with it. The car industry is cactus with many losing their jobs. Small businesses are suffering and can only get worse.

PropertyGuy, imo this global credit crunch has not even fully unravelled yet.
We still have the mother of all mothers to go. The $50 Trillion Derivitives market to be unwound. If and when that should happen there is no government on earth could stop it. Why do you think Bush and his merry men were so protective of preventing Lehman Bros and the other 9 banks from going under. It would have been a domino effect.

When you stop and consider that Australia's housing is approximately 8 x times avg annual income and we are sitting on a potential time bomb with the financial crisis gaining momentum, my clock says the last place i would want to invest in now is property.

In fact, liquidating your assets would be the prime concern unless you are prepared to have a house not as an investment.

But hey, don't listen to me, i only listen to what the truckies have to say.

Cheers markcoinoz
Its great to hear about your interest rate cut. That means the economy is going good right? Imagine how high houses will go when interest rates fall down to 1% like in america!


the money that doesnt go to the mortgage(interest) thanks to 1% interest rates will just go to savings offsetting anything that occurs, great stuff isnt it

save another 9-10k a year, awesome

win win everyway you look at it, just goes to show you have to be in it to win it

imagine just paying the principal and a little bit of margin, investment properties will be cash flow+, now do you think you will get a letter from the landlord?

i dont think so

great discussion, have a great day everyone in this fine country


the money that doesnt go to the mortgage(interest) thanks to 1% interest rates will just go to savings offsetting anything that occurs, great stuff isnt it

save another 9-10k a year, awesome


Are you saying you have a $1,000,000.00 loan?

How do you get this saving with a 1% interest rate cut.

Just to highlight something.

I was wrong when i said the $50 Trillion Derivatives market.

Try $600 Trillion.

We have reached the point of no return. A combination of globalization, greed, Central Banks, a fiat currency, 9000 hedge funds and $600 trillion worth of derivatives has brought the crisis to a boiling point. At this time, governments around the world are throwing $100 bills at the fire. It will have no effect; you cannot solve a financial problem caused by easy money by making money still easier. You can, however, create hyperinflation.

And some people here think our property market will continue on its merry way upwards...

Cheers markcoinoz
Just to highlight something.

I was wrong when i said the $50 Trillion Derivatives market.

Try $600 Trillion.

We have reached the point of no return.

Yes I worked out and posted a couple of weeks ago that the derivatives amount stacked in US $100 bills would be 9 million miles high and end to end out of the universe.

Out of this world indeed.

Hmm everywhere i look now it seems more obvious that the central banks are responsible but most importantly the general public is becoming more educated.......

1 thing i do not get is if money supply increases then how can inflation be at stable levels as the RBA mentions??????? A person with little brains would understand that you cannot stop the increase of inflation by continuing to inflate it even more (i.e increased money in circulation).


  • Money_supply_of_Australia_1984-2007.jpg
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Yes I worked out and posted a couple of weeks ago that the derivatives amount stacked in US $100 bills would be 9 million miles high and end to end out of the universe.

Out of this world indeed.

Explod, I missed that. Could you give me a link to your earlier post?
Does it make clear how you came to that conclusion and where the input data came from?
I ask because there seems to be such hugely varying estimates of the worth of the derivatives still out there.

Hey Ageo,
Have you looked at the Crash Course posted here elsewhere? Chart looks suspiciously exponential like many other charts of significant quantities - I fully recommend that chapter (see link) for anyone looking at this chart.

Interesting times ahead
I guess its too late for the money renters who bought last year, they are toast and will probably never recoup their investement in their entire lives .......

HAHAHA, laughable assertion.

I notice the amount of RE forsale in Queensland is treble of what it was this time last year and the flood gates are only beginning to open ......

there have been plenty of downturns without flood gates doing anything.

yeah, but salesmen are generally desperate BS artists. nothing unusual here.

Anyways, any of the regulars here at ASF would of known well in advance of what was coming and why it was coming and positioned accordingly so I imagine its happy days for most asfers .....

these happy days are yours and mine, happy days.

Thanks for your response Mark.

I dont understand alot about the world of Global Finance and Derivitives, but if someone owes $600 Trillion, surely someone else is owed $600 Trillion - who is this entity/demographic that is owed this money?

Also, if Im owed $600 Trillion (Im obviously a pretty smart cookie) and the world markets were about to hyperinflate making my $600 Trillion worth $10 Trillion, wouldnt I be better off just taking $15 Trillion now and writting the rest off as a lesson in "dont be too smart"?

The question above may be a little simple, but this whole thing doesnt make any sense to me.

With regards to hyper inflation - buy as much property as you can without debt. High inflation is the low geared property investors dream come true. If you are geared, lower your gearing.


That is the total value of derivatives taken on both sides (although the figures I have read are US$171trillion, almost 11 times the entire US economy)
The value isn't the major concern - it's the spread (effectively the risk each party has taken with their position) you need to take into account, as even the most gung ho of hedge fund traders often have competing positions. Again, my figures (read) are a 2% spread risk ~ US$3.4trillion

Governments will struggle to cover the risk in the event of a complete meltdown, however as we've seen, finance market consolidation (t/o)conditions include an assumption of the takeover partie's debt/risk. Even the best estimates of what is going to happen next are just guesses, so in the menatime, sit back and enjoy the ride

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