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House prices to keep falling for years

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There's not a shortage of houses - there's just an oversupply of speculators

Actually right now there is a shortage of both because the No Doc loans are gone and borrowers have to show loan servicebility plus savings history or they can't get finance
Morning Robots,
the cfd salesman, or the broker, or anyone else wanting to use your money to fatten their pockets....they are easy to pick, and the gullible go for it....that bloke wants the kids to play, gamble with cfd's and derivatives....easiest way to lose their money...he does not want them buying houses (that would mean they are being responsible with their money, not gambling it away) hence the rant.

I also noted in his article that he had changed the govt reports and stats, to suit his theme......wonder if he had permission to copy the copyrighted material....oh and when you do have permission to use cannot change it or modify it in anyway.....hmmm interesting...or just plain stupid....

apparently he is very excited with the responses he just how many gullible people are actually out there ?

oh and thanks again for the thumbs up.....
I listened to Edward De Bono on BBS radio this morning....I feel the need to revisit some of his I may relay it to some on this subject....not just creative or lateral thinking...but how to move from arguing and debating to an alternative thought process everyone wins...
I need to listen to parts of the interview again....
cheers and have a great Sunday today

yes the CFD man is hunting for that "disposable" income for sure

thanks, yes will have a great day down Chapel St for a couple of latte's, have a bowl of pasta at Old Pepper, probably go on and ride the trams around Melbourne, its a great network

$3 all day travel, anywhere, anytime today, paradise

professor robots
billv....where is your proof or source that low do, or no doc loans are gone ???
I am not aware of any reduction, or that they became extinct, apart from media articles, and that is not necessarily truthful....oh, and all the banks offer them now...
I know of a few cases recently where low doc, no doc loans were rolled over, no problems, nothing changed, easy new financiers.....
but hey, I live in a different world to the rest of you don't I.....
I get a pitza at the Old Pepper now and again rated 6/10...or La Porchetta in Sth Yarra 7/10...his are better...the best pitza's are in Carters Avenue in Toorak...the italian place...9/10 rating...
the dog, had her eye operation on friday, only just back to normal last night...a full 24 hours later than the vet expected....her eye is now a massive black eye and swollen....she is very traumatised by operations...
they take the eye out of the socket, to sew the 3rd eyelid back in...

did I tell you about last week at the dog wash, near the Prahran Market...I left the keys in the car, while I had a quick chat with the owner....the dog was frantically scratching at the window to get out and come with me...she pressed the door lock....I had to wait for the RACV to come and rescue us...
thought it was funny at the time...until I realised I was locked out...
I would have put her in a dog house if we had one....but she shares my house
ps I wonder if the govt should do a suvey on the number of vacant dog houses.....
we are all a little bit poorer after losing a giant...Ted Kennedy...what an inspirational man he was...the Lion of the US Senate...I will be looking to read some of his speeches, and any books about his life...

hint...might be a good idea for some out there, to read and follow the ideas of a great man, instead of following the scaremongering media....who look for the 'strange but true' erronous predictions of some of late....initials with SK or KS spring to mind...relative to this thread
ps let them introduce pay per view for their rubbish articles...I will not bother to pay a cent...I will find another way to waste my time instead

No kincella, I am not hoping that property falls 50% my ears would burst from all the winging property owners.

I have owned in the past and will own again in the future. I am simply in a position with no debt, cashed up and waiting for a low risk entry back into the property market.

I simple do not support the idea that RE should be a place for speculation, it provides nothing beneficial for greater society with exception of making bankers fatter than they already are.

I do find it amusing that Steven Keen keeps getting mentioned, if people do not like what he has to say then do not listen - it is just another perspective and one that is probably above the common mans interlect and hence why you see some many misguided comments about his work.

For every SK there are a million others pushing the other direction, property to double every 10 years, 20% increase of the next 3 years etc etc etc. Borrow borrow borrow, being grossly indebted is the only way to go.

looking at a house going to auction this wednesday but worried the FHBG fuelled bubble is about to hemorrhage.

happy renting at the moment, but really like this house, unlike the many other polished turds people are trying to offload at the moment.

jump in or save and wait another 6 months?

Look, if you like the home as a home and can afford to service the loan, bearing in mind its value is overinflated, rates will probably rise etc, then of course buy it.

Just remember it will be a long term thing and there will be plenty of bargains coming up very soon.

yeah, so what Knocker? amazing how people think they have to right to something because it isnt used,

get out of here, they just holding holding and holding fabulous isnt it

and all the bludgers want to get their hands on it for free

professor robots
spot on again Robots....

oh and said... "my ears would burst from all the winging property owners."
winging means as if to fly...your right there...we are flying

1a: to fit with wings b : to enable to fly or move swiftly
2 a : to traverse with or as if with wings b : to effect or achieve by flying

or did you mean whining....or howling...
whinge intr.v. Chiefly British. , whinged , whinging , whinges . To complain or protest, especially in an annoying or persistent manner.

guess am not surprised with the spelling I see on these forums....bit like the ones who call others loosers..rather than losers....
you dont have to spell correctly, or cross the t's and dot the i' life..but then you may expect unintended consequences...if you cannot pick up the finer life...

I am just not that anal in my life to comment on someone mistyping a word.

Amazing how low people stoop when the chips are down :

There's nothing wrong with squatting. In fact I daresay a lot of people will be doing it soon if they follow your advice Prof lol


I was talking to a friend in Gero recently and he said there were A LOT of layoffs at the mines... a lot of unemployed miners in Gero.



MMX skeleton crew .. went from 24 hr rotaing shifts to a 12hr day to bugger all at present

mgx skeleton crews


golden grove formerly owned by OZL , mass layoffs only kept the cream of the bunch

cobra machinery ( providing heavy machinery hire ) .yard full no work

coates hire same yards full of equipment

tru blue hire same

ILU looking at closing ALL midwest ops IF conditions dont change shortly . huge layoffs ,

twomeys (mining maintenance and services )skeleton crews . only got work because of pipe supplies for karratha

the list goes on mate

but apparently all sunshine and lollipops in the great midwest

big difference in what you read to whats actually happening up here

good opportunity to pick up some cheap maloo utes and other financed toys tho

don't know about the loo but the place to be is IBIZA party on dudes
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