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House prices to keep falling for years

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What a bleeding rediculous article! Harvey Norman who based their entire business model and growth on cheap credit for the masses!

Where does this guy get off! I hope they get their ****ing comeuppance!

Yeah WTF man some people have problems, some people born in the wrong family at the wrong time and some people got sh*t throw at them through life

for someone like Gerry to disregard this short of people are not human..Animal do that human has compassion and that separate us from the animal...

ah well I only buy my toys from JB hi-fi then or may he lost the plot now that cheap credit is gone and his poor customers he profiteer from are now homeless so he turn on them hahaha


and i will grace the floor of Harvey's joint to get some household gear, what a legend


What a royal coc*smoker Harvey is. People like him would feel twice as much sympathy for a homeless dog than they would a homeless human being. When times get tough beat up on the unemployed and homeless. Whose next? The disabled? Very poor form Gerry.

tall poppy syndrome,



Just coming from someone that has been homeless themselves at one stage.

A lesser person would wish you to be struck down with a crippling mental illness, or someone close to you likewise, to know what it's like to deal in those circumstances.

NO-ONE is ever above living like that.


i suffer from all of them:

bipolar, manic depression, schizophrenia

I and others here could probably describe you, and I doubt any of those words above would be mentioned.

I'd delete this and the exchange that has followed, but you have made yourself look pretty silly so it's probably better that it stays.

Well there you go - barely a few pages ago on this thread there was speculation about whether we would ever see interest/mortgage rates drop below 7% for any significant period of time. Here is the chance to lock in 5.99% for 1 year if you are game. Personally, I think they are going even lower than this, but this offer certainly shows you that there is no "credit rationing" going on over here in oz - the banks are cashed up are competing to lend money, but clearly not to very high risk borrowers - which is a good thing.



its really no different to having asthma or a crook leg or knee

you just get on with living life man and enjoying the planet


its really no different to having asthma or a crook leg or knee

you just get on with living life man and enjoying the planet


It is a lot different.

You aren't subjected to violent tirades by a person with a broken leg, because of their broken leg for instance.

I don't think you could be demonstrating your wide spread ignorance in a more thorough fashion even if you tried.

Oh thats nothing .....

Firstmac is doing 3.99pc fixed intro rates ! Prices to boom for years ? You can pretty much thank the government's $500m RMBS investment for that - so your all paying for this crackup boom now ..... our AUD banana bucks are wonderful things too .... propping up your houseprice ...

Nothing like our own ARMageddon hey ? Just a shame people need circa a 50k deposit to get on the pyramid and the stats show that only 20pc of Australians have savings in excess of 20k and only 5pc of Gen-Y have fallen for this debt slavery trickery ....

Wonder if they lend people their max LVR using the 3.99pc ?
Gerry and Canon have another problem, Canon have been giving a rebate for every printer sold once you filling in all the paper work etc now the company who looked after sending out the rebate cheques has filed for bankruptcy, I guess Canon though they would hang on to the loot and invest it in Lehman's or Bear Sterns and collect big time.
I'd delete this and the exchange that has followed, but you have made yourself look pretty silly so it's probably better that it stays.
Good decision, Professor Frink. Thank you. A pretty appalling display of ignorance by Robots here.
I'm sure i heard something on the news today about real estate "for sale" listings
going up significantly?...anyway all i could find was this....from the courier mail.,23739,24685775-952,00.html

Brisbane's housing sales slump the worst in Australia - November 21, 2008 11:00pm

THE number of properties sold in Brisbane has slumped by 18.6 per cent in the past 12
months - the worst property market decline recorded in Australia.

Property analyst Michael Matusik said vendors with homes on the market for more than
six weeks usually lost up to 15 per cent on the sale.

You've got to wonder why the banks are getting desperate ehh?

I'm guessing that not much business being done these days and if people aren't putting themselves into debt then the banks aren't making any money.

Maybe they're trying to entice new buyers into the game by stimulating sales growth to maintain current price levels? Wouldn't be good for the banks bottom line if prices dropped and future homebuyers didn't have to borrow so much money....

Not sure how falling prices would affect the Aussie banks though ~ I read in the US people just sent their house keys back to the bank and the property became the banks problem, here in Aus doesn't the debt follow you to the grave and beyond? Can anyone elaborate please or is this discussed in another thread somewhere...?

On a side note ~ why is there so much irrelevant drivell being posted that is nowhere near being on topic? I'd suggest the offenders take their rant to another thread or even better, a blog somewhere off site! Either that or the moderators start getting serious and start culling a lot of the cr@p and prosecuting the offenders ~ it's not going to improve otherwise.
In the US they have nonrecourse loans for homes, which allows them to send the keys back to the banks and walk away. We don't have the same luxury here in Oz. The banks will come after everything you own and them some in order to get their money back. Thats a big incentive to keep up your repayments.

Yes agreed there is a lot of drivell on this thread.
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