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House prices to keep falling for years

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WTF!!!!! u got a fever mr burns ? you just agreed with robots!!, quick someone take the mans tempreture!

Not nice language for a bride of God, extra time at confession in the morning for you !

No fever I'm really a nice guy when I'm not defending myself !
Financial Review had some interesting articles on property - yields in some states making this an attractive proposition and with rates on a downward spiral it may become the investment vehicle of choice when things stabilise.
"when things stabilise."
Answer that and you can own 100000 homes debt free.
That essentially is the difference between being proactive and reactive. Seen this all too often.Similar circumstances and different details. In the 90's the sky was going to fall down and on many occasions b4 that - lo and behold those with vision will be able to buy before the pack - buy intelligently and do well out of it. Therein lies the difference - those who have succeeded don't need to be proven right or wrong - just enjoy the many benefits over time.

I think the secret is going to be, and across all asset classes, buying with cash.

Almost impossible for most with property, but those that can, will and do will probably be miles ahead.

The question is more likely to be when.

You remind me of someone offensively defensive on the Somersoft forums. She signed on with "Hello", off with "Thank you", used grammatically incorrect short sentences, and offensive self answering "gtfo" kind of statements when things weren't going her way as well. Funny, she lives in Melbourne too. I guess when people get panicky, they get get pretty prickly.

How long have we been in slow down? Australia as a whole, only very recently, Q3. Some places still aren't in slow down. Others in Sydney have been flat or slowing down since 2003. Is it relevant? What matters is not what's happened, but what's coming. If Sydney slowed down during one of the greatest booms in living memory, what happens when we hit recession? We experience one of the biggest RE booms? I have my doubts.

And no, GHPC is now much more active than before, and gaining more and varied posters, and yes, Hired Goon is back.

In short, if you are so sure that RE is going to be a good investment, why get so prickly - enjoy your good buy as you have lots more bargaining against sellers, cheaper interest rates, and a much larger client base as people keep renting and put off home purchase. There's no need to get nasty about things.

not being nasty or prickly i am just having a discussion with you,

no big deal really, different views, happens everyday around the water cooler

I think the secret is going to be, and across all asset classes, buying with cash.

Almost impossible for most with property, but those that can, will and do will probably be miles ahead.

The question is more likely to be when.
Not quite so difficult to pay cash for with "alternate" forms of commercial property with low entry costs; car spaces, storage units, ATMs, etc. Not my first choice personally.

Yields & lease terms aren't as good as normal commercial property either. True set & forget holds.
Friend of mine has his house on the market, Kew. good suburb, at the open yesterday 2 people turned up and according to the agent that was better than the previous 3 houses they had open yesterday.

340 sold in the year Sept to Sept.
Median Price $1,100,000.
12 mths rise 29.6% !!!
10 Yrs average 11.7%.

So is he slashing the price to sell?
Id be sacking the agent.
If he has had a poor response at auctions whats he doing running it at auction?

All your data is out of date, Kew has fallen about 15pc last quarter ....

Permabulls last bastion of hope is to quote prices over a 12 month period, that little rort is falling apart everyday that ticks by as well .....

no one is doubting the past as thats happened so why keep on regurgitating the figures ? facts are its toppling rapidly on average now .... prices are falling, clearance rates nosediving to rates not seen for decades .....

stop fighting the truth ...... who are you trying to fool ? scared about something ? your only 38pc geared, why the need to bend the truth ?,25479,24653251-5013951,00.html

Interesting - the 40%+ falls the megabears have been sprouting runs counter to almost every economist except "I don't put my money where my mouth is" Keen.

AMP looking at 10-15% annual fall, whilst Hazza Triguboff thinks we're close to the bottom (I have a feeling he knows a bit about property).
The market is not a forgone conclusion at all...
Not Auction, private sale, there are pockets of brightness, some houses in Kew are special and when they come up a premium will be paid for them BUT the rest is like everywhere else I guess, when he told me that today it was frightening, his place would have sold in a week before all this.
Now it seems there's very little if any market.

It's only the second day it's been open but doesn't look good at all.
Hazza Triguboff thinks we're close to the bottom (I have a feeling he knows a bit about property).
The market is not a forgone conclusion at all...

In all honesty, I hope the "megabears" are wrong, even though I feel uneasily feel they are probably right. Being wrong spells roses and rainbows compared to what being right spells...

But for Mr Triguboff, easy to be complacent when your the direct target of >3bn govt bailout in the form of 150,000*$21,000 + infinite FHOG at 14k

"I don't think we have to worry, we have such help from the Government"

Good on ya mate, what a battler,
It's happening before their eyes yet the property bulls remain convinced property is safe from further collapse.
An amazing study in human nature to be in self denial in the face of the facts.
LOL and the roundabout continues............... your all wrong and im right ........ok... phew glad thats sorted


Professor Keen sold his apartment to some sucker for the record

Wouldnt be surprised if the sale collapses due to finance like half the contracts do these days thou eh ?
AMP looking at 10-15% annual fall, whilst Hazza Triguboff thinks we're close to the bottom (I have a feeling he knows a bit about property).
The market is not a forgone conclusion at all...
The guy from Mirvac right?

Well... Mirvac properties in the next suburb along have been on the market for nearly 2 years now. Can't drop the price because half have already sold, the rest can't.

Hilarious. Bottom of the market indeed. Why they needed to raise capital right?
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