Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Historic Price of a Can of Coke

I remember "back in the day" they used to give coke out free at parties

now they try and charge exhorbitant amounts in weighted servings instead.

the economy definately gone to the dogs i reckon

Seems you go to the wrong parties.
Try and join your nearest Footy Team's end-of-season 'do. They'll crack you up.
Historic prices are not worth discussing without their relativity to inflation or the weekly wage. My first pay was 27 shillings and 6 pence. I gave my mother a pound and that left me 7 shillings and 6 pence ( how's that for a mathmatical calculation). Out of that I could buy chewing gum for a penny, go to the pictures for 6 pence etc and save up for an "Ashby" bike that cost 12 pound.

However fishing lines were expensive. Nylon lines came in yard long "traces" that cost 6 pence each. That meant that a weekly wage would buy 57 yards of a 4lb breaking strain line. My grandson can buy the same line now for a few minutes work.

Our first clothes washing machine cost me 6 weeks wages at 16 pounds per week. I have just paid a tradesman for an hours work enough for him to go close to paying for a similar machine.

I don't know where the price of Coke fits into the scheme of things?
The AB have an "inflation calculator" which tells you what $x back whenever equals today. e.g. $2500 in 1984 = $6600 in 2009. Can't calculate backwards in time.

This tool calculates the change in cost of purchasing a representative ‘basket of goods and services’ over a period of time. For example, it may show that items costing $10 in 1970 cost $26.93 in 1980 and $58.71 in 1990. For details of the precise conversion of pence to cents please refer to the Australian Bureau of Statistics 1965, 'Special Article - Decimal Currency', Year Book of the Commonwealth of Australia, cat no 1301.0.
Thanks for all your help. As I was struggling to find accurate prices I decided to just ring Coke to see if they could give me the RRP for a 375ml Can of Coke today and back in 1990. They are getting back to me.

Todays RRP is $2.10, anyone remember what a can cost back in 1990?