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Has the 100 year Jihad (war) begun ... ???

Basilio when so many condone Jihad via their silence, vis a vis unwillingness to condemn the violence of the Jihadists, the whole community, bar a few individuals, remain suspect. That is the pragmatic truth.

I cannot claim to know many Muslims but of the few I know when the siege was on in Sydney they appeared to be more concerned than I was. One went further than condemning it and was even very angered.

I am not sure what more they could really do in condemning it?

I can only assume most Muslims are similar. Frankly the majority of Muslims have a lot more to loose than we do if the Muslim extremists end up doing something serious in Australia.

I suspect the USA, GB and Israel are absent at the moment while they build their respective arsenals in readiness. I also suspect it won't only be the ISIS dudes who get the treatment, but other pests who think they still have the clout they did in the cold war.

There's not much of an image mod to imagine Slim Pickens replaced by Donald Trump ... they look the same to the casual eye.

Ffs basilio. Is it possible for you to intellectually venture beyond the narrow blinkered binary world in which you live?

Regarding with suspicion does not mean - yeah let's nuke the bastids, then we'll invade and bayonet their charred corpses and driver wooden stakes through their hearts.

It means - let's see some evidence that the greater number of you are not in thrall to extremists. Some have done so explicitly, but not many. It means, we want to trust you but need you to show trustworthiness.

Just like in the climate debate where you see all except those who agree with your extreme Apocalyptic view as deniers.

For Goodness sake man, try debating with some maturity!

It is becoming clear that you are dealing more with opposing views and personalities that the subjects at hand ole Pal.

Time for you take a more objective view.

On topic, a large percentage of the community here at Thomastown are Muslims. I find them to be kind, moderate in views and very willing to chat. It is clear that Western Governments love to push the buttons of differences and create fear. Also young people love seeking attention and what better way than exalt towards extremism. And on that point, continued war, isolation and lack of opportunities, as the west has exposed them to by military presence to protect the US petrodollar is the prime cause.

Interesting on tellie xmas day, channell 24 just swung from the Christian celebrations to the Isis wars back and forth all day.

Next week the tennis starts where competitors from all over the world come together in harmony. So clear that the money lobby(mostly oil and arms) runs the show.

So calm down and disect the issues.


While it is the apex of wisdom to trust no man, particularly one with a funny name and pray to a different god. Such wisdom are not applicable to our system of law and justice, where the onus of proof lies not with the suspect but with the accuser/prosecutor/exterminator.

I think Basilio was just skipping a few steps ahead of the argument - that is, if we believe Islam and Muslim is the cause and problem of all these terrorism. That if a Muslim is extremely devout, chances are he's a violent radical and only an opportunity away from an Allah Akbar with a boom... what are we to conclude once we believe that?

While you may see that as simply them needing to take it easy on the Islam stuff... others who believe Islam as violent and muderous and who aren't so kind will just wipe them clean and send them to their Allah.

I thought them three are in the thick of it?

Does weapons have an expiry date?
I thought them three are in the thick of it?

Does weapons have an expiry date?


It takes time to amass enough resource and logistics to arm and feed an extreme prejudice counter force
Daniel Defoes solution to the Irish problem.

I might stand corrected here and would be happy to be on something I don't know about Defoe; But if the 'solution' suggested is the essay titled 'A modest proposal' that I believe was presented to the British parliament at one point, which suggested the rearing and fattening of infant Irish papists for table of those able to afford such a delicacy; well that was written by Jonathan Swift. And it should be noted that it wasn't at first recognised as satire by the majority of the Tory side of the house and for a brief time stood a chance of passing as a bill. Proving if nothing else the cloth ears of conservatives have changed little in three hundred years.

I don't know enough about Defoe to know of explicit references to the Irish in 'The generous projector'

Leaving the very much avoided child abuse catastrophe to one side temporarily(such uncomfortable talk, so testing to the sensibilities ....' pass me the salts Maud I feel I'm a'cometh down with the vapours') , I'm yet to be convinced that; 'the fanatics rule Islam' other than in the fevered minds of some on both sides of the divide.

Please keep in mind my veiws on Islam are best expressed by Christopher Hitchins
Is there a new Middle East war brewing ?

Iran v Iraq killed a million +, this one looks definitely one for us to stay out of.

The Yanks and the Aussies should never have been involved in the first place......They should have stayed in their own backyards 20 years ago....You don't see any involvement of the Chinese or the Japanese in the middle east.

It is all about Muslims fighting Muslims.....let them cut each others throats metaphorically speaking.

As Tony Abbott said about Syria, it is baddies fighting baddies

The USA tried to force democracy on the middle east and democracy just does not work.....They only know one thing and that is dictatorship.......They should have left Bin Laden, Colonel Gadaffi and Hussein in charge of their appropriate countries.

The oil wars were bad enough, but I can only imagine how things will get when there no need for so much oil. Being the USA's deputy sheriff makes it hard for us to buck our obligations to save the world.
The USA tried to force democracy on the middle east and democracy just does not work.....They only know one thing and that is dictatorship.......They should have left Bin Laden, Colonel Gadaffi and Hussein in charge of their appropriate countries.

It would also if if the US, Russia and China were not as greedy for the money from arms sales to the tinpot dictators and didn't sell them any weapons.
It would also if if the US, Russia and China were not as greedy for the money from arms sales to the tinpot dictators and didn't sell them any weapons.

you miss out France, Germany, Israel... and Australia - selling the iron ore for the steel [?]

What harm could freedom fighting cause when you have a team of secret service around you, and you and friends also get to make so much money. And when it cause insecurity at home... you get a bigger budget to keep the people safe. Maybe a pay rise too since it's extra work you're taking on too.
There are no words to add to this, but Churchill saw it coming. Read his ending comment.

IRAN 1970

IRAN 2012


EGYPT (Cairo University) 1959

EGYPT (Cairo University) 2012

NETHERLANDS (Amsterdam) 1980

NETHERLANDS (Amsterdam) 2012

And some people still do not see a reason to worry!
Winston Churchill 1899. "Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world."

This is amazing. Even more amazing is that this hasn't been published long before now.

CHURCHILL ON ISLAM Unbelievable, but the speech below was written in 1899.

The attached short speech from Winston Churchill, was delivered by him in 1899 when he was a young soldier and journalist. It probably sets out the current views of many, but expresses in the wonderful Churchillian turn of phrase and use of the English language, of which he was a past master.

Sir Winston Churchill was, without doubt, one of the greatest men of the late 19th and 20th centuries. He was a brave young soldier, a brilliant journalist, an extraordinary politician and statesman, a great war leader and British Prime Minister, to whom the Western world must be forever in his debt.

He was a prophet in his own time. He died on 24th January 1965, at the grand old age of 90 and, after a lifetime of service to his country, was accorded a State funeral.

"How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy.

The effects are apparent in many countries, improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture,sluggish methods of commerce and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement, the next of its dignity and sanctity.

The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinctionof slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it.

No stronger retrograde force exists in the world.

Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome."

Sir Winston Churchill; (Source: The River War, first edition, Vol II, pages 248-250 London)

Churchill saw it coming.

So in 1899 our great leader and aristocrat was how old? 24 years old?

Going by the words of a 24 year old English aristocrat on the merits of another race's worth is really scraping it noco.

Not that age equal wisdom.. We've been through this before... When young Churchill was speaking about Muslim's women having no rights in 1899, English and American women couldn't vote or do much beside staying at home and breed. They couldn't for another 20 to 30 years - before that the Western culture and law assume a woman is to do what her father or her husband tells her to do.

Seriously, by the time this new cold war and the ongoing wars of liberation and not oil is over - the entire ME will be a complete dust bowl. One with little or no water; drained oil and gas for any state revenue and the hundreds of millions of people there will either stay and starve to death or flee North towards Europe seeking refuge.

You know how the Native Americans were wiped out? Beside the smallpox and the cowboys and Indians back and forth? It's sealed by killing all the Buffalos.

What's the Arab states buffalos? Oil.
Islamic State takes credit for shootings and suicide bombings in Jakarta​

The Czech President, Milos Zeman, calls the illegal immigrants into Europe as an invasion...I referred to it on several occasions over the past 6 or 7 years as infiltration.......It has been an organized plot to take over Europe and the rest of the world.

Thanks to Tony Abbott for putting and end to the disastrous Australian Labor Party policy of open borders.......If it had been allowed to continue, we could have found ourselves in the same situation now being experienced in Europe.

Prague (AFP) - Czech President Milos Zeman, known for his fiery anti-migrant rhetoric, said on Sunday it was "practically impossible" to integrate the Muslim community into European society.

"The experience of Western European countries which have ghettos and excluded localities shows that the integration of the Muslim community is practically impossible," Zeman said in a televised interview.

"Let them have their culture in their countries and not take it to Europe, otherwise it will end up like Cologne," he added, referring to the mass New Year's Eve assaults on women in Germany and elsewhere.

"Integration is possible with cultures that are similar, and the similarities may vary," pointing out that the Vietnamese and Ukrainian communities had been able to integrate into Czech society.

Zeman, a 71-year-old leftwinger and the first-ever directly elected president of the Czech Republic, has repeatedly spoken out against the surge of migrant and refugee arrivals in Europe.

Earlier this month, Zeman claimed the influx was masterminded by Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, saying the Islamist group was using money from several states to finance it in a bid to "gradually control Europe".

Late last year, Zeman called the surge in refugee numbers "an organised invasion", urging young men from Iraq and Syria to "take up arms" against the Islamic State (IS) group instead of running away.

Sorry to disappoint you noco but this is what "modern" warefare and invasion looks like:

REPORT: 62 people have the same wealth as the poorest half of the world

See, you get friendly politicians who know ecnomics to lower interest rates to zero or even below zero.
That mean it costs the big guys almost nothing to "borrow" people's money and buy stuff and pay for that political influence.

Those savers and small little plebs who put savings into banks instead of under the mattress saw their cash being used and they got jack for it. Well, they will have their company taken over and their job made redundant.

As they say, it's always the quiet one.

What has all your BS got to do with the Muslim Invasion into Europe?:topic
What has all your BS got to do with the Muslim Invasion into Europe?:topic

So 62 richest people in the world owns the same wealth as the lower 50% of people in the world.

These 62 saw their wealth increased by 44% since 2010; over the same period the same 50% poor buggers lost around $1 trillion dollars of wealth.

Some of them poors managed to "invade" Europe in hope of getting some back through welfare is what I'm also saying.

Point is noco, you're fixated on invaders and welfare cheats and illegal immigrants ruining Europe and your country soon - sooner if it weren't for captain Abbott...

Yet you're ignoring the quiet invaders who raided the country's savers accounts - and did it legally too.
Then with that money, they buy privatised assets and then make it efficient so we could all enjoy the fruit of their labour.

Anyway... there's war and terrorist attack almost daily in that region... and we're hating them for trying to get the heck out of the place.
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