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Gold Price - Where is it heading?

Yes, this the gold thread. Yikes!
I really believe you are in TDS mode, Trump is a jerk but far less nasty than the predecessors in power. Inc Biden's club.
The US did not turn evil and the economy turned to hell on election day: the rot was there
You need to wake up and have eyes and mind more open for your own good on the market.
I know following the lemmings is a recipe for success in the market, yet you still need to jump in time before the cliff.
You can not do that blindfolded
Sheep get fleeced, everywhere, every time
Gold did not jump out of nowhere for no reason.
So look at facts figures and all data.
I am not into gold for hating the democrats, i could not care less which party is leading the US..but i care at what they do or do not
In a way, these TDS are our friends now for us gold bugs
gold is an inert , lifeless metal , that drives people crazy
@divs, apparently you haven't come across this* but gold has its own signature atomic vibrational frequency to which humans have evolved to resonate emotionally. Gold is actually anchored in our DNA! The mere sight or even thought of gold sets off an epigenetic response whereby the gold 'gene', so to speak, is upregulated to produce hormones such as seratonin and dopamine that flood the brain. It's partly to do with the ancient human's largely futile drive for physical security, but in all likelihood is a primitive analogue to an elusive spiritual reality. Because here's the kicker - that vibrational frequency matches the higher octave levels of the Tibetan AUM phoneme - you know, that eerie whistling sound that the adept monks achieve. This suggests that Gold (God) is a manifestation of something extra terrestial and divine and may be an outpost of supreme consciousness. So, inert, lifeless? I think we need to define our terms?
* cos the market's closed and I made it up
sorry but i am wired completely differently ( to most people ) and part of it might be genetic

what i do understand is what certain other humans will do to amass large quantities of it , and that i find exploitable , and useful
sounds abit like liquid gold ...
rum ha ha ha ha ha ha
Everyone knows that.

...I thought the discussion was getting a little off the rails when the TDS was unleashed.

Now it's an extraterrestrial with consciousness and it's also God and has mystical vibrations... oh, brother.

Of course in reality people have instinctive rections to it for cultural reasons. I grew up from a young age getting a gold star on my work as a little school kid, seeing athletes winning gold medals, hearing things referred to as the 'gold standard' etc etc. Physical cash gives people the same instinctive response and I doubt anyone will say cash is an alien god with consciousness and vibrations which rattle human DNA.
Just back from sri lanka
Gold is wealth
You see picture of jewellery..and only gold gold gold no silver or stones..associated to insurance, banks and off cause well i think as loan sharks...
So if the whole indian continent wakes up, gold has a nice future.
The only threat IMHO would be a modern philosopher stone
A way to artificially create gold at a reasonable price, like diamond has just experienced
That would be a very bad news for the frog....
Remember aluminium bars were once a precious store of value, destroyed by a simple electolysis process
so nothing is impossible ...with the right nuclear barrier to who wants a glowing bracelet and losing one's hair

I just looked into this recently when someone was talking about the possibility of nuking Fort Knox and concerns about the(Schroedinger's) gold becoming radioactive.

Don't lose any sleep over concerns about gold being produced cheaply. It's sort of possible, I mean it *is* possible, but extraordinarily difficult and expensive. It's one thing to make a chemical change such as turning carbon in one form into carbon in another form - making diamonds is just a matter of forming extra covalent bonds between carbon atoms. Covalent bonds are constantly forming in your body and all around you, many of them especially inside your body involve carbon. Diamond is just a lattice of carbon where all of the carbon is fully bonded to maximum potential (making it extremely hard and stable because it is heavily bonded) and very transparent (because all the electrons are fully bonded up so they can't absorb photons etc and the light goes straight through) and because it's so hard and bonded up, it refracts the light heavily - the light can go straight through but changes direction heavily when entering and exiting a diamond, so you get pretty sparkles, even though the diamond itself didn't have electrons interacting with photons to produce colours). I really like diamonds, I still remember all of this from high school chemistry. If they weren't so expensive I'd like to buy some big ones and use them as disco balls and desk ornaments.

Nuclear changes on the other hand are far more extreme. Gold is a heavy element, it can only naturally be created when a star explodes. Diamonds can naturally be formed on our planet with fairly ordinary forces, i expect we'll see cold fusion generators long before synthetic gold.

As for the part about radioactive gold (the bit I looked into recently), the unstable gold isotopes have very short half lives so if you wanted to get cancer from your gold bracelet you'd have to get it manufactured very very quickly after producing the gold and complete the distribution and retail process extremely quickly to have any chance, and even if you did that quickly enough you'd probably have to immediately eat it for any chance.

You were probably joking about the risk of synthetic gold flooding the market but I couldn't resist a Sunday morning geek out.

I can potentially see extraterrestrial gold being mined at some stage. If that becomes viable, gold will become an industrial metal rather than a precious metal and lose most of its value. There's enough gold floating around in interplanetary space to make what we have on Earth irrelevant. It'll probably happen but long after we're buried.
Yes, as i mentioned, it is one thing to change an element form..oxide, crystal etc cf aluminium,carbon for diamond to synthesise an element from one of its neighbours on the elements table..
The radioactive mention was a fun bit, not science but stability of the newly created element would be challenging.
As far as i know, barrier to entry is a no go, yet not impossible if unlimited energy aka fusion is coupled with a state level ability with nuclear reactors.
Then cost could become competitive and Fort Knox could be refilled
No need to worry yet for Bullion price..

Haha, that gave me fun images of a small team underground in Fort Knox working on a fusion reactor, spitting out gold bars, quickly stacking them before the first external audit in several decades.
the radiation fear would mainly about the area surrounding the gold storage , HOWEVER if one chose to isolate that gold repository from human interaction ( theft , sales , audits etc. ) the nuclear danger might be real ( and multiple parties might have reasons to use this tactic )

since gold is an element , one might assume a very close facsimile would the danger , and maybe a gold-plated one in case of testing the surface

the issue with gold ( in space or on earth ) is finding it and mining it in a cost-effective manner IF you are planning to sell it

it gold was easy to find and mine , the Moon ( and Mars ) would look like Swiss cheese by now ( and most likely the Chinese would be awash with it already not buying in multiple tonne parcels )
yet not impossible if unlimited energy aka fusion is coupled with a state level ability with nuclear reactors.
MAYBE , that is why the US is so terrified of the Iran nuclear program

Iran would already have nuclear weapons is the chose to .. if North Korea can make them , Iran would have even less problems , there is abundant evidence of smuggling through Iran in all directions

Israel has them as does Pakistan , India and the usual suspects

but a nuclear fusion device to create gold .... THAT would scare several influential nations
Cost is energy, fusion is quasi free energy once reached.. obviously not in Australia where even abondance managed to get expensive
So creating gold would become possible:
I expect US, China potentially Europe to be contenter, at least 10 to 20 years away, then ramp up and slow feed in market.
I should be ok with my super....
So back to the dirty extracted by mining shiny bits.
Always good to remember that gold price is rarity plus cost of extraction which is as usual an energy cost
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