Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Gold Price - Where is it heading?

From another thread.

One wonders what effect the US Treasury purchase of BTC with gold reserves will have on the price of gold.

Have you taken into Consideration the Fact that the Earth is ROUND!
In a Round Earth World Ships and Everything look a lot smaller as they go further into the Horizon

As an old Architectural Student we called this PERSPECTIVE and
BTW I won the Australia wide Competition to Design and Build the 1970 Expo in OSAKA Japan in 1968/69
The rest is a long story
Back to "Perspective"
I have found that Long Term Calculations/ Prophesies are Best Studied in LOGARITHMIC SCALE!

FWIW: " The Friend is Your Friend Until She Is NOT"
In a Round Earth World Ships and Everything look a lot smaller as they go further into the Horizon
That's why the myth about Christopher Columbus' crew trying to mutiny as the ship got closer to falling off the edge of the earth is pure bulldust , Captain . Never happened !

Back on topic. I'll be hanging on to my Globalx gold etf and perth mint until they have made 100 % before I'll even think about bailing out . Not long to wait , I'm thinking now .