Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Gold Price - Where is it heading?

Treasury yields are going up, at the moment gold is correlated to the bonds....yields up, gold down...
It does work as two channels,

think of that idea as one channel with a psuedo "mean" within the channel....varification of the validity is the repetition of price hitting the line and getting rejection and acceptance .....somethings cannot be fudged
GC 06-18 (Daily) 2018_05_24.png Posted on Twiiter......

Gold looking ripe for move away from a well developed lower balance area. Given the DX at res, could be up, nice R:R either way, play a retest i reckon.
It's just a dated composite to include the range that you see
I am not sure that is the most appropriate date to be using as it cut off a lot previous moves. (Yes I know charting is subjective before someone points it out.) Moving the date back just a few months shows we could be moving back in to an area of previous balance. Or we bounce off this back to more recent I guess either way it is as you said, seems ripe for a move either way.

Maybe play this idea via gold vix?

Just starting to look at this stuff now so I could be completely off also haha

Ah yes i see your point. In order to get the whole profile i'd need data back to this...

So i chose 2 years worth or so.
Market profile looks interesting but I don't really understand its practical application.

Would make a good thread.
Consolidating near the HVN above the value area that it left behind...1308.6 is an excellent possibility.
GC 06-18 (Daily) 2018_05_25.png
Very strange up and down roller coaster-like price action on gold overnight. It looks like a tug-of-war between the gold bulls and bears.
