I always tend to struggle with the imaginations of people in high places that think they can always get one over the masses . Then when I look at the masses , I sometimes wonder how they managed to get as far as they have , luck , fortune or karma must play a roll .
A famous quote made by Abraham Lincoln should be a lesson for them to subscribe to :
"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."
It's just a shame that they keep on trying and it's lunacy for those that really believe the servings of crap laid out for them .
Non Farm Payrolls , blimey , just a glance at the charts show that the peak in the cycle was in 2003-2005 , these years saw the best of the bull . It was in this period that the data started to get distorted , these years saw well over 300K in NFP data .
If GATA wants to get a President impeached it had best start going back over the data and pulling out their pens and calculators . It was BS , it still is BS and it will always be BS . If they were to distill it and filter all the muck out of it , I think you'll find they are struggling to get over 135K , current measures say 135K would be absolutely bloomin' marvellous . Something closer to or under 100K is much closer to reality , the economic machine is broken , it's like an old bomb clunking down the road muffler shot and scraping the ground , blaring a racket everywhere it goes . The head gaskets have had it , there's a crack in the head , the CV joints are plain old dangerous and the tyres are bald and begging for a blowout .
The line meaningful employment is a fantasy of some numbnutz imagination , the only amazing thing is that they've gotten away with it for so long .
We're witnessing the shakeup of the USA , it's going to be squeezed , tossed , folded and rolled out before the true amellioration is allowed to set in . Amellioration is what it desperately needs , but it won't win votes .
It's all about economic victory and that has many battles , Presidents never get residence without the conservative vote on their side , that's what gives them the keys to 1600 Pennsyvania Ave. Not mega millions and baby kissing , if the hopefuls don't get it ....... they never will .
Victory has a thousand fathers , defeat is an orphan .
That being the case , just get ready for the rides of your life , volatility is about and around every corner , especially when short squeezes are the money makings in the market .
Any bets the squeezers get squeezed themselves ?
Well let's take Abes saying and remodel it for the 21st century .
"You can fool all the stock market some of the time, and some of the stock market all the time, but you cannot fool all the stock markets all the time . "
And now I'll probably get jumped on for rattling on in the gold thread , but I tried to show swings the other night , these were dominant signals for myself , the finance district is trying to fight back , you've got to at least expect them to try , fail they will , but do you really think they're going to go down without a fight , half of this mob is buried already . But they'll fight from the grave if they could , damn shame they can't though , so highrisers best bolt windows , especially in the financial districts , I know what pidgeon poo does to my cars paint , I'd hate to see what a flying banker could do .
If relief is what you need to see , I've said it before , watch the transports index , it will show a bottoming out phase commencing and mind you it could take years , the only problem to come is what will get rerated in the indexes and what won't .
I'll just crawl back into my vodka and tonic now ........