Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

GDN - Golden State Resources

Wysiwyg said:
I`d pay money to know the thought processes of a seller. :confused:

If I sell now I will have X profit in my account.
When and if it looks like another buy opportunity I will then re enter.

Send cheque to Joe as support of ASF.
MalteseBull said:
ok i agree.. this share is sh*t

I wouldn't say that at all, and say that it's doing what it's mean't to do, and so do all other shares.... I think :eek:

It has to retrace, sooner or later, and by the way this has gone up, it's due.

Don't forget it's also FRIDAY.
tech/a said:
If I sell now I will have X profit in my account.
When and if it looks like another buy opportunity I will then re enter.

Send cheque to Joe as support of ASF.

LOL at tech/a!! :D
MalteseBull said:
that was stupid to sell out... the announcement to come either day or on Monday will determine if i sell out or not... not the share price which is often manipulated

Yes but unfortunately the share price does dictate whether or not you will be profitable.

Something i had to learn the hard way unfortunately...
tech/a said:
If I sell now I will have X profit in my account.
When and if it looks like another buy opportunity I will then re enter.

Send cheque to Joe as support of ASF.

You can`t tell me an avalanche of selling is averyone thinking `oh...I might take some profit now`

It is reaction to others selling off for no apparent reason and triggering fear of loss.

See...I knew the answer all along. :2twocents
Wysiwyg said:
You can`t tell me an avalanche of selling is averyone thinking `oh...I might take some profit now`

It is reaction to others selling off for no apparent reason and triggering fear of loss.

See...I knew the answer all along. :2twocents

many burnt fingers :( :(
It all depends on the result on Monday. If your in the market be prepared to lose money. Those who sold in the afternoon are not willing to wait for the results..its pretty simple.

The buyers arent going to pour into this when they know investors are running scared.
It could be up 40 cents on monday if the results are good. Waiting game for me. If I end up be it. I have checked their drill status and I believe everything is pointing to good results. Hence I will hold.
chris1983 said:
It could be up 40 cents on monday if the results are good. Waiting game for me. If I end up be it. I have checked their drill status and I believe everything is pointing to good results. Hence I will hold.

I'm with you on this one Chris - this could go either way depending on those results. I have my fingers crossed for all investors. Early next week we'll know what the right decision would have been
chris1983 said:
It could be up 40 cents on monday if the results are good. Waiting game for me. If I end up be it. I have checked their drill status and I believe everything is pointing to good results. Hence I will hold.

Nothing wrong with your stance Chris--if it does that.
Question is how many times out of x number of announcements after the initial announcement that caused the rise in the first place--does that happen.
Id say sometimes rather than often.
I hope it does go through the roof.
yeah indicators point to a potential good run, but after a 600% increase buyer confidence is wearing a little thin. I feel that hopefully it will be good on monday if the news is decent. Hope you do well as I hate to see people lose money. ps, i've never held gdn, just watched
maverick11 said:
yeah indicators point to a potential good run, but after a 600% increase buyer confidence is wearing a little thin. I feel that hopefully it will be good on monday if the news is decent. Hope you do well as I hate to see people lose money. ps, i've never held gdn, just watched

Hey guys its all banking on the news. Bit of a scary position? :)

But in all honestly..I will be shocked if the news is bad. As many people say..sometimes the directors etc talk up more than what they allready have..but it looks very good from the information they have released thus far. Thats all the holders of GDN have to go by. I dont get phased too much..I mean..if I lose..Tax loss..will help with some of the profits. Then I'll move on. I'm really hoping it doesnt come to that scenario..Monday will answer all of our questions. What a weekend..I cant wait till its over haha
Just out of curiosity, aside from the verbose description, can you interpret the announcement?
interpretations are always open to debate so I wont go there. If you make your own interpretation on their messages you will either buy..or sell. I'll let you make your own interpretation :) Like I said. Message out on Monday will confirm a lot of things.
tech/a said:
20c to $1.20 600% thats significant upside.
600% from here again would be $6 (GDN at $1.)

I have no problem with people buy and holding but watching a 600% profit drop to even 300% or 400% is plain stupid.

hey tech - i've seen you make this point before (i think in regards to ZFX) and just had a question.

How do you suggest a holder of a stock that does made 600% profit protect oneself from that profit falling to 300-400%, given that e.g. for a buyer of GDN at 20c a fall of 10c is would turn a 600% profit into a 550% and these small stocks are prone to big volatility. I presume one could set tight sell orders below market price to lock in a high %age of profit - but if one did that when the profit was 50%, or 100% then the orders probably would have been triggered and they wouldnt be in the 600% situation now today..

Thanks for any advice.
I'm a US investor. I'm invested in the E&P company whose drilling subsidiary is drilling GDN's Paradox Basin well - Delta Petroleum (DPTR) and I just invested in GDN (GSRCF at Stateside brokers). I believe the statements made by GDN on 10/27 and 10/31 require that this well is commercial (otherwise the GDN management needs to find a hole to hide in). So assuming this well is commercial, indeed probably very commercial, the best thing GDN could do now is get DPTR to buy in as a partner. There are several reasons why this is in GDN's interest. First, rigs are in short supply in the Rockies and DPTR controls its own fleet of rigs (16). Second, DPTR has significant interests in the Paradox Basin itself. It just drilled an 8000+ foot well there which blew out the 5000PSI shut off valve and had to be vented for 5 days until an 8000PSI valve was installed. This well vented at a rate of 12mmcfe/d from a 15% interval (of 100% of gas bearing intervals) that was being frac'd at the time. So don't imagine there are not monsters in the Paradox, there are. As a shareholder in both companies, it would be in CDN's interest to get DPTR to pay for the next well and perhaps a little more for a WI about like Elipse's. Getting money through dilution as compared to getting DPTR as a partner would be a mistake for CDN. They need DPTR's expertise as well as financing. DPTR knows what they're doing and would be a major asset to GDN realizing the potential of what may be a major find.
Hi roses

Any idea of the size of the gas reserves being touted stateside? A lot of selling here in Australia over the past few days has seen GDN drop from AUS$1.20 to AUS$0.89.

We are expecting some kind of announcement next week, possibly even by Monday.

I agree with your comments that GDN's statement imply a commercial well and if they haven't got one, they are in serious trouble.

Do you have any other information (example media releases etc) that GDN have made in the US? Or do you just go by their stock exchange announcements?

Thanks a bunch.
I have spent some time searching the internet and can not find newspaper reports on potential find,

Can you paste links if you can find