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GDN - Golden State Resources

stiger said:
Upside lots downside ah well ,Ill take the upside thanks.cheers

20c to $1.20 600% thats significant upside.
600% from here again would be $6 (GDN at $1.)

I have no problem with people buy and holding but watching a 600% profit drop to even 300% or 400% is plain stupid.

10% or in some cases 30% fine.

But what I see most people doing when trading these smalls is not realising the massive profits to be had by ACTUALLY TAKING the profit---infact they should be attempting to maximise it.
without doubt the 2 most precise and correct posts i have ever read!

everyone should be extremely aware of risk and their reasons to invest on these smalls..

IMHO GDN have made it abundantly clear to the market exactly what they are finding, and the market should be very weary of the numbers. They dont equate to success until after the well is properly assessed..

Again, the last two posts are brilliant..
Good morning.....All good and well for those with their feet already on the ground but what about those still in the air.It is typical that interpretation of the same information can change so much once we`re in. :silly:

By the way I`m still holding @ 88-90 cents
When you invest in gdn and the like its Gambling pure and simple.Do the research,assess the risk and gamble.It is up to me when to enter and exit,take a profit or let it ride.Leave your opinions for the plebs.TO bet or not to bet that is the question.PS fence sitters go broke.
Agentm said:
everyone should be extremely aware of risk and their reasons to invest on these smalls..
It's because they go up...and up...and up...and up....and....oops I've lost 90% of my money. Ah well, it isn't a loss until I sell.

My observations on the recent GDN activity (disclosure: I took a profitable chunk out of the rise);
1. Seems to be a classic "buy on rumour, sell on fact" play.
2. Heaps of irrational exuberance here.
3. Lots of pass the parcel with nigh on 1/3rd of the capitalization of the company being passed around for no good reason per day recently.
4. The pros will either already have exited or be very close to exiting with a very nice (and rare) multi-R win.
5. The amateurs will be the ones buying on the way down, the ones the pros will be selling to.
6. No one can predict what the price of GDN will do.
7. If GDN goes ballistic again, the pros will re-enter and the game will begin again.
yeh take that all you doomsdayers!!!! tell you what tho it was a nervous open ive sold out at 101 fo $875 backing a way from this creature
constable said:
yeh take that all you doomsdayers!!!! tell you what tho it was a nervous open ive sold out at 101 fo $875 backing a way from this creature

that was stupid to sell out... the announcement to come either day or on Monday will determine if i sell out or not... not the share price which is often manipulated
Im hearing you but i cant afford to hold this share if it goes bad . But yeah skys the limit if goes well good luck!
constable said:
Im hearing you but i cant afford to hold this share if it goes bad . But yeah skys the limit if goes well good luck!

Good on ya as usual today for all I hope.
Buy the rumor Sell the fact

The "announcement potential" is being factored in trading now.
If its less than impressive then those who have held will plummet as traders fall over themselves to get out.

True at this point it is a gamble---but like the doc there are a few of us here that dont gamble!
Well well I win you lose.670bcf I believe
I think its an educated gamble. I expect to make a bit of money out of this one. My educated gamble may be wrong. I believe the odds are in my favor though Good luck guys
R.I.P GDN.... next to MOX, PMH, and Others... For Now anyway.

I'm sure if I didn't take profits near the top, I would definetly been out late this morning after the second touch failed... just my opinion

Hope most have money in the bank, or can afford to loose some profit, and not initial capital.

haha I say to all the holders if you cant take the heat bail

Last chance to get on this stock. Will likely go into a trading halt first thing Monday.
I`d pay money to know the thought processes of a seller.
Wysiwyg said:
I`d pay money to know the thought processes of a seller.

Hi [What You See, Is What You Get]

How much are you offering, as I would prob offer this for FREE

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