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Gann, honestly, is it a good basis for trading?

Also, note how SeekandFind wants to 'start' from 4 months ago. Probably has made some money at the start of this year so thinks he/she will have a head start... :

well noted Prawn --- you'll make a moderator on this site one day with perceptive powers like that !!! ---

What --- your already a Mod !!!! --- Why the hell wasnt i asked --- bludy young upstarts !!!

Seriously though SeekandFind, you want a competition where you already have a few runs on the board to give you an advantage ??

That being the case I'll only give you evens ---- and i'm still on TH !!!! and i dont know how much in front you are !!

(if you want to start from scratch, i'll give you 2-1 !!!) ------ 5 grand up (im not a big punter sorry)
Also, note how SeekandFind wants to 'start' from 4 months ago. Probably has made some money at the start of this year so thinks he/she will have a head start... :

Prawn well spoted but T/H has said he would like to start now or in a couple of weeks .
Read SeekandFinds first post , I'm very suspicious :bs: notice the phraseology , will apologize if I'm wrong .

Are there any legal implications regarding setting up this sort of trader v trader thing on an internet forum?

well spotted....

that's not fair and should not be included.

both should start from0 and go for a agreed a length of time, equal open balance.

let the games begin!

... well, this self-proclaimed trading guru th, has made these same assertions
previously ..... assertions, that are totally, unfounded ..... !~!

His "client" and th have both obviously been misinformed about my own
trading ... and it would be nice to know, where such misinformation
originated ... certainly, not from anybody who knows me, personally ... !~!

..... NOTHING gives you the right to bad-mouth somebody, that you
do not know, especially, when it's based on fabricated information.

So, maybe it's time for th (or anybody else) to put up the "proof",
where he has established, that i do not trade, period .....
..... (leave off trading for a living) .....

..... show me and everybody else here.

over to you


LOL well I will unreservedly apologize if I have been misinformed but it was actually from someone on your side of the fence. I will dig up the PMs tomorrow and forward them.

Of course you could always post up some statements of your great gann trading and prove me wrong.
This will be great to see
I'd love to see T/H go from 1k to 50k in a week again

He makes trades in the time it takes me to finish eating my weetbix in the morning than i make in a year


TH dont you need a AFSL to manage other peoples money??

I would be very careful my friend! (ASIC)

TH dont you need a AFSL to manage other peoples money??

I would be very careful my friend! (ASIC)


Thats a suss thing to say , anyone can give advise to a friend & help them trade , what Pandora's box are you tying to open ?
Thats a stupid thing to say , anyone can give advise to a friend & help them trade , what Pandora's box are you tying to open

make a bet?

I am not talking about advice or factual information. I am talking about managing peoples money big diff chief........

go talk to ASIC about that mate...........
ok now this is turning into the rookie thread on Forex Factory.


Don't knock Forex Factory haha--I love that forum

Btw--I think Auslanco used a gann high low indicator in one of his systems and a lot of people there know how good he is as a trader. (freaking amazing).
Don't knock Forex Factory haha--I love that forum

Btw--I think Auslanco used a gann high low indicator in one of his systems and a lot of people there know how good he is as a trader. (freaking amazing).

yeh mate its a great forum......

I have picked up so much from some of the posters there.

Yeh read Auslanco, great stuff, I am not a gannist nor ever want to be but i respect the skilled practitioners.

check out Igork he is a freak! Top mind as well

This will be great to see
I'd love to see T/H go from 1k to 50k in a week again

He makes trades in the time it takes me to finish eating my weetbix in the morning than i make in a year


What a crap statement , T/H has proved his !!!!!!!!!

Hey were are yours :sheep:

Haha ------ the real deal is not hard to pick is it !!!

We are privileged to see how a "real trader' operates ----- If i had more cash on hand i'd up my anti to 3-1 on TH, but MM needs to be employed to protect capital lol ---- or does it !!

stuff it ---- i'm in for 10 ---- (i'll take a loan for the rest ------ actually if its over 12 months i'm in for 20 grand ----- money in the bank i reckon ---- and im serious ---- i'll legitimately put 20 grand up on an even money bet if this is serious !!!!!!!!!!!!!! and if its on a "fresh" start date where both parties are starting equally, ill put up 50K !!!

In the words of the famous Mike Tyson ----- "sign the contract big boy, sign the contract" ------ i repeat, im serious !!!! ---- backing TH is a lot safer than letting me trade on my own for 12 months lol ----- bring it on !!!!
make a bet?

I am not talking about advice or factual information. I am talking about managing peoples money big diff chief........

go talk to ASIC about that mate...........

I took that as an attack on T/H , got it wrong , sorry Apocalypto

So you admit, that your attacks on me were based on gossip then, th ... ???

Any time you are ready ... i am awaiting your unreserved apology, as
PMs from anybody prove NOTHING ... except, that you are prepared to
base your posts on nothing more than gossip ... too, too sad .....



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