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Futures trading journal - GB

Dump into 4276 into us open would be nice
There's a lot of selling going on, but it keeps rising. I'm going to get taken out soon.


Now for some revenge trading.
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Short again.


The tennis final is great viewing. Both playing well. Hope Alcatraz wins.
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Thinking I might introduce a 2 hr time stop and sell this. Most trades that go 2/3 the way to my target then sideways for 2 hrs tend to end up falling to my stop level. Need a high WR beacuse most of my stops are quite wide.


edit: now it hits my target.
L 4358


Quite nervous about this trade. Rather not wait. Feel like it's going to go down at some point.
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short 4359


I think with shorts I should have much closer targets.
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Again, not comfortable holding. Can't get a read on it. I guess it has something to do with Aus and UK being closed.
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CPI at 10:30pm. Thinking a move down to 4378-ish, but not a plunge. Will they run it up to 4408.5 first? I'm guessing not.

Short 4389.5.
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Was fiddling around with stop placement as 10:30 rolled around!

Somehow managed to lose on the first trade.

then re-entered short at 4404, which is not ideal, but ok. Stop is at 4410.
Seems I'm not very good at shorting.


One win but two losses means the end of the session for me.
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