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Futures trading journal - GB

Got within 4 ticks of target, but no cigar.


And again, back in long at 4226.25. I knew that was going to happen. Wider stop because of trendline. 4213.25.

Moved target down to 4233.25 due to bad entry.
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+28 (assuming filled, that was the high).

edit: no it wasn't. Was the high on CFDs only. Still in trade.

Too hard trying to trade and post when it's happening quickly. Will be pure luck if I profit from this trade.
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L 4199
T 4029

weird conditions. Big bites in both directions.

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Been treading water the last few sessions. Lot of time and effort, and I'm not sure I've learned anything.

I started this thread thinking there's a 2% chance of success. That's realistic, given what I've heard from brokers.
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The second rejection of the weekly imbalance level (yellow) was an obvious short signal. Should have seen that at around 4234.

I felt sure it would break through that level. Idée fixe!

Some of the vibe on other trading forums is very positive tonight.

L 4190.5
T 4200.5
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looks like it's going to retrace a bit
A trend day - no retrace. Had to go to bed at some point.

The most striking thing I noticed about last night was the way sentiment swung so fiercely bullish in the online forums. Last time I saw this was around Apr 2020. Something's up. There's probably only a tiny number of people who really know where the market is going to go next, because they are the ones moving it. But they interact with others and there's an emotion contagion effect. 'The boss seems happy today - I wonder why?'.

Might get to 4267.25 tonight.
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