In taking this action,
ASIC is addressing
the core obligations
of a responsible entity
and its directors
and officers
to operate the fund
with care
and diligence,
and in the best interest of the fund’s members. ..."
Surely ASIC are looking into City Pacfic's previous conduct now. They would have to have a mountain of complaints. Seems that when the snarring company disappears that ASIC grows balls and takes action!
I know you have been a very active provider of quality information and lots of questions that our belove corporate watchdog should be looking into.
Not sure what one has to do to get there attention....i wrote 3 emails to them and got patronising lip service in return.
What are the chances of them stepping up to the plate albeit belatedly??
Or is a class action the only way like others are doing? Surely there would be plenty for the lawyers to get their hooks into!!
If there were a class action I would happily throws a couple of thousand in...
Mellifuous, thanks for taking the trouble to compose and send the letter featured on moneymajik. There are many of us out here who know what they want to say but do not have the expertise. I particularly feel annoyed with regard to tax paid on "dividends" (which of course were our principal in the latter stages) and I had the double whammy were I paid the tax but did not even get that portion of my principal as it was "reinvested"!
I have struggled through the accounts as presented on BTs website and whilst I have some meagre book keeping knowledge the processes used are beyond my comprehension. One thing that comes immediately to mind is the constant use of the words "invested in first and second mortgages" since when was the PDS changed to include "second mortgages". The PDS I read before I invested did not include these words.
Also, CP paid themselves $24+ million. This was based on what! Certainly the funds under management were nowhere near that in December and most probably were nowhere near that on 1st July, 2008. It is more than obvious that management kept the assets artifically high so that they could continue to milk as much as they could. Isn't it interesting that the auditors (the same ones as before) are now predicting gloom and doom for the remaining assets of the fund but they were very gung ho when CP were at the helm!
I can't see where they every pressed CP to obtain more up to date valuations.
I can understand the need for a PDS when people are chosing to invest but what is the point of a PDS if the managers do not adhere to it in the normal course of business. We have been deceived and lied to over and over again.
It will be interesting to see what the real asset values are when BT release this information.
A very astute unit holder has come up with a very good idea - an annual general meeting for managed funds.
Companies have them - managed funds don't.
Write to the Hon Chris Bowen MP and request that the Corporations Act be amended to incorporate annual (or bi-annual) general meetings for managed funds.
A great idea.
City Pacific told us this....
"......City Pacific and the FMF are separate entities and the assets of the
FMF are held separate from the assets of City Pacific by the Public
Trustee of Queensland as custodian of the FMF......"
"...........FMF investor funds are not able to be used by City Pacific to operate
its business (the operations of the FMF are separate to the operations
of City Pacific)......."
All too familiar k.smith, stuff senate enquiries, there is enough evidence of misconduct of monumental proportions to warrant a full forensic investigation in relation to the WELLINGTON CAPITAL PIF and the FMF on their own!! And while the :fan our respective RE's are busy :hide: and :couch and our unit values are :flush:!!!! We can only hope the day of reckoning will see those responsible suitablly punished! :behead::whip:bbat::rocketwho:badass::samurai:: SeamistyCity Pacific told us this....
"......City Pacific and the FMF are separate entities and the assets of the
FMF are held separate from the assets of City Pacific by the Public
Trustee of Queensland as custodian of the FMF......"
"...........FMF investor funds are not able to be used by City Pacific to operate
its business (the operations of the FMF are separate to the operations
of City Pacific)......."
City Pacific Fund Update - January / March 2008, page 3
Yes, the spiel goes on (in part):-
"... The FMF had a bank facility of $240 million. Repayment of which has already commenced and is aligned with current cash flows of the fund. ..."
However, in a document sent to unit holders on 13 October 2008, City disclosed (among other things) this graph:-
Why wasn't City picked up on the statement that the repayments had '... already commenced and is aligned with current cash flows of the fund ..."?
The Fund Update was released on the 8 April 2008 (see the 'document properties' by right clicking on the .pdf document when you download it).
On the graph you will see the evidence as to why the above referenced statement is clearly misleading and incorrect - there was no cash flow - on the 8 April 2009 there were nearly $400m in defaulters (which we didn't find out about until 13 October 2008.)
Further, one wonders why KPMG accepted $50m of impairments as at 30 June 2008, when the amount of defaulters up until 30 June 2008 was around $500m.
Oh! how blind trust has made us broke.
How did the board of City Pacific allow such a statement to be made?
Why did the CBA allow it?
Why didn't KPMG pick it up?
How about ASIC?
How about the PTQ?
We deserve an explanation & those at fault should pay.
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