In taking this action,
ASIC is addressing
the core obligations
of a responsible entity
and its directors
and officers
to operate the fund
with care
and diligence,
and in the best interest of the fund’s members. ..."
Surely ASIC are looking into City Pacfic's previous conduct now. They would have to have a mountain of complaints. Seems that when the snarring company disappears that ASIC grows balls and takes action!
I know you have been a very active provider of quality information and lots of questions that our belove corporate watchdog should be looking into.
Not sure what one has to do to get there attention....i wrote 3 emails to them and got patronising lip service in return.
What are the chances of them stepping up to the plate albeit belatedly??
Or is a class action the only way like others are doing? Surely there would be plenty for the lawyers to get their hooks into!!
If there were a class action I would happily throws a couple of thousand in...