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Federal Labor Party discussion

I reckon the whole Labor party is a conflict of our interests.
How is that actually a conflict of interest?

The brief legal definition of Conflict of interest is: A situation where a person has a personal interest in a matter the subject of a decision or duty of the person... and a situation where a legal practioner's duty to a client conflicts with his or her duty to another or former client.

The GG would be forced to resign if Shorton were to become Labor leader and subsequently PM, if not sooner.

It certainly is not a good look for Labor to have a faction leader with a history of toppling former leaders for his own benefit, aspiring to be PM with a current conflict of interest (even if only perceived) with the only person who has power to refuse legislation, appointments and or dismiss the government under certain circumstances (Kerr, Whitlam 1975).

While we have the current Constitution, Shorton does has the audacity to exploit his contacts and allegiances all the way to the top to gain and maintain power. That's the sort of disrespect for the people and open accountability and good government that leads to dictatorship and a country to civil war. Below is summary of GG powers and responsibilities.

Reserve powers of GG outlined fairly simply here
Hmm, I still don't see that there would be necessarily a conflict of interest to the point where Quentin Bryce would have to resign if her son in law were made leader.

Surely if that were so, some legal or constitutional expert would have remarked on it by now?

I just googled the question and Mr Shorten's own view is:

The member for Maribyrnong said that he had no concerns about a conflict of interest should he be elected Labor leader, given that his mother-in-law is Governor-General Quentin Bryce.

I think it might be the perceived conflict of interest. Imagine if in 1975 Fraser had been the son-in-law of Kerr. In a constitutional crisis in order for the system to work, and to maintain its legitimacy, it's essential that the GG be considered absolutely impartial by both sides and the wider Australian population. Having the GG related to the leader of one side cannot guarantee that.

Well she would say that, especially using the power of faction bosses rather than an election to gain power.

"These rules literally mean that a person could hang on as Labor leader and as prime minister even if every member of cabinet, the body that should be the most powerful and collegiate in the country, has decided that person was no longer capable of functioning as prime minister," she writes.

"A person could hang on even if well over half of their parliamentary colleagues thought the same.

Funny that... most people especially the membership and electorate call that cronyism.

She still doesn't get the often lauded and so called founding principles of Labor party and democracy... to represent the interests of the common man and woman, not faction bosses and other self interests.
Dont worry, even though Gillard was quiet after she was thrown out, she was still working behind the scenes pushing her union friends through the empty seats, thanks to Shorten, even though there were other pre-selections.

Julia, I don't think it is of great importance at this stage as the GG, has, I think another 12 months to run and if Shorten does become leader of the Labor Party it will be quite irrelevant being the GG's son-in-law.

IMHO the only conflict of interest that could take place is if Shorten tried to block supply to the incoming government and I doubt that would take place given the numbers in the house of reps......he would also have to have a very good reason to do so.
ABC Poll -

Current Poll

Bill Shorten and Anthony Albanese appear to be the frontrunners for the Labor leadership. Who do you prefer?

Anthony Albanese 79%

Bill Shorten 21%

3741 votes counted
It won't be long and offshore processing of boat arrivals will be back on their black list as well.
It won't be long and offshore processing of boat arrivals will be back on their black list as well.

The only ones listening are the ABC, everyone else is fed up to the back teeth with them and that wont change for quite a while.
Shorten was on Pravda today.

These Fabian clowns just can't shake themselves from being total neg-heads. He could do nothing but slag off Abbott on trifles and insignificancies. Bowen has been doing nothing but the same, whining aboutAbbott.

It just makes the party seem a bunch whingeing tossers and douchebags.....

....which I suppose they have largely shown to be over the last few years.

Such a shame.

You think after two PM's being thrown out using this tactic that they might have changed strategy. Not our labor party, got to keep the circus rolling.
Just have to post this to keep the thread on the front page.
So Labor followers can keep us abreast of their policies, now they are in opposition.

What is Labors view on Abbott turning back a boat?
Come on there must be a response, you were all critical of the policy, pre election.
The only ones listening are the ABC, everyone else is fed up to the back teeth with them and that wont change for quite a while.

And the amazing thing is that they don't realise this.

Their traditional base is gone.

Unions are either ineffective, run by thugs or no longer trust the ALP.

And they have 40,000 new iTune members with a vote on the leader who are muppets conned by Rudd to join up.

The Shearers must be spinning in their graves.


Indeed, they are architects of their own demise.

They have lost there way and were shown to represent nothing, other than their own ends.

Labor will find it hard to build credibility, after this display of inept government.IMO
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