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Federal Labor Party discussion

Well I sure hope you’re right.
This is what I think too.

Tony Abbott is just watching the smoke from Kevin Rudd spinning the wheels at full throttle and waiting for the engine to blow up. When it does let go (which I think will be before the election), the recriminations from within alone will make what has gone previous look like a church picnic.
Tony Abbott is just watching the smoke from Kevin Rudd spinning the wheels at full throttle and waiting for the engine to blow up.

Tony Abbott does not seem to even know where Rudd went let alone observe the smoke.

ALP 55%,

others (whoever they may be) 45%
Kevin Rudd's trying to hide himself with all the smoke. In doing that, the engine can only last so long. When it finally goes like a Russian N1 rocket, we'll know exactly how far he's gone.

It will be little pieces in every direction and a big crater underneath.

I don't share your confidence. In fact I think during his extended time on the back bench, Kevin Rudd has given very careful thought to exactly what he will do should he get this additional chance.

It doesn't make him changed in the least, or any more sincere, just smarter and more able to hide his dysfunctional ways. His colleagues are so desperate to keep their seats (with the noble exceptions of those who were principled enough to resign) and will do whatever Kev says, having already mortgaged their souls to him.

We need to remember that much of the electorate doesn't take the day to day interest in politics that some of us here do, and are easily manipulated by someone who is zipping round the country, at least looking as though he has some plans for the future (never mind that they will be ill thought out and unfunded), whilst Mr Abbott largely sits impotently wondering what to do.
Abbott is playing this out very smartly by not engaging in Rudd's stunts... Why should he, let him grandstand for a few weeks and people will see how much hot air Rudd is full of. Just like the insulation and Mining Tax debacles he created he will come unstuck shortly... He's campaigning more against his own party than Tony Abbott. Abbott is smart to step aside whilst this egotistical vortex of bullsh#t goes on. It's already running out of puff and the longer he holds off holding an election the more the sham will be exposed. Instead of nicking his face will the razor he may actually cut an artery...

RED ALERT, saw Captain FW in an advert 5 minutes ago, full on election campaign add. lol

Was probably a bit of premature eleculation, or scamming.
Agree, No Trust, the femanazi are all screaming, that he is putting Gillard down, all part of his revenge.

The business owners are screaming, tell him he is dreaming, bring on the election.

Change of leaders with no change in policies.

No he's not scrapping pricing carbon - wants to call it an ETS after July 14. How many will be fooled? That might lower the price but only until ETS prices rise again.

And what's to say he won't keep any promises if they get in?

More fluff and no substance?
No this is fair enough, they stuffed up the carbon tax now they at least need the chance to stuff up removing it.
Rudd wanted an ETS in the first place so he can reasonably say he is being consistent on this.

It will make Tony Abbott's promise of removing 'that big bad tax' seem much less relevant, which of course is Rudd's intention.
Rudd wanted an ETS in the first place so he can reasonably say he is being consistent on this.

It will make Tony Abbott's promise of removing 'that big bad tax' seem much less relevant, which of course is Rudd's intention.

Yes but it also shows they were wrong in the first place.
Yes but it also shows they were wrong in the first place.

What it really shows is that Rudd will do anything to get re-elected. It neutralises one more negative. Rudd can also say he never introduced it. A very wily politician.
What it really shows is that Rudd will do anything to get re-elected. It neutralises one more negative. Rudd can also say he never introduced it. A very wily politician.


How is Labor going to get any reduction in its carbon price through the Senate ?

This is the kitchen sink. It's dependent on the Coalition losing the election and electing Malcolm Turnbull as the new Opposition Leader.

I would believe Windsor about as far as I could spit him.

He betrayed his conservative electorate for few shekels and the focus of the spotlight on himself for one term.

Then doesn't have the intestinal fortitude to face his electorate again.

A loss in the next election would have proven his current term of office was fraudulent in the eyes of his constituents and a clear rejection of the position he took.

He wishes to write his own legacy.

A cretin and a man condemned.
Yes but it also shows they were wrong in the first place.
I'm not sure what you mean here. If Rudd said originally that he believed there should be an ETS (rather than a carbon tax), got rolled on it, and now that he's back, is continuing with what he originally said, who/what is wrong?

Good point, drsmith, on the passage of this through the Senate. Hard to see the Greens going for it.
Tony Windsor was twice the man Tony Abbott ever will be. Also, the polls had him beating Barnaby Joyce at the next election so I'm not sure what you're on about.

"A poll by the resources industry in the past fortnight shows Mr Windsor would win 49 per cent of the primary vote compared with 38 per cent for Senator Joyce." - Fin Review.

It's hard to believe Windsor was just making **** up. Especially when you see clips of Abbott saying the exact same thing.

I'm hearing a lot of reasons why the government are wrong when it comes to anything they attempt to do with reducing emissions so I'm interested to hear what you guys would do? Serious question.
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He betrayed his conservative electorate for few shekels and the focus of the spotlight on himself for one term.

Setting aside the very public fallout between the Coalition/Nationals and the two NSW independent's, have you ever looked at Tony Windsor's and Rob Oakeshott's voting records before the 2010 election?
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