Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Federal election Saturday, September 14, 2013

Vote now...the Coalition or Labor?

  • Labor - Rudd

    Votes: 8 16.7%
  • The Coalition - Abbott

    Votes: 40 83.3%

  • Total voters
What a load of bollocks about the calling of this election !!

For two years now we have had the mindless hounding of the Opposition demanding the government "face the people" . There would be absolutely no doubt the same mindless numbats would keep up their chants for the next six months if they had half a chance. (Any I'm sure some are mindless enough to do it .!)

Meanwhile another group of similarly mindless numbats would be endlessly speculating about when the election would be called. Early, middle, late, on a full moon after a big gig whatever...

We all know it was going to be sometime late this year. late this year. Practical issues would suggest an August /September time frame (but not Grand Final weeks) .

PM Gilliard has just made a clear simple decision that will short circuit at least some of the mindless dribble that has been used as an excuse for political analysis.

Of course The Hun won't be swayed in this discussion. They carry the proud banner of "227 days of farce". What an insult to all the systems which just happen to have fixed election terms - State of Victoria, USA Presidential election and so on.

The third year of a government is always an election year. The incumbent is hell bent on presenting the best case for their return. The opposition is there to argue why they should be in power. :2twocents
Polish the baseball bats

What an aggressive opening to the start of this thread, the big adrenalin kick, we are going to fight; yeee haaaar.:banghead:

How can rational ideas and thought be discussed to make this country better when we have such attitudes.

And on the vote count, where is the provision for Greens and Independents which in my view will increase dramatically this time. The people in the street are fed up and have had enough and will be heard on polling day.

This thread is a joke and Joe, you should close it down and start the subject off again properly as it could be a very important and interesting thread framed up the right way. In its present form it will be open to continual attack and the political discussions move close to the edge between posters enough on ASF without virtually advertising/asking for trouble.:frown:
Typical Copper; is that an instruction? "move on...nothing to see here."

This thread is a joke and Joe, you should close it down

Is this another new Julia? The one who can see into the future.

Graham Richardson has raised the white flag and summed it up well.

Tony Abbott can now plan his campaign with a certainty that no opposition leader in our history has ever had. The spending of every dollar, the appearances in every marginal seat, the fundraising, the advertisements, the timing of every policy release (they may lack detail but they will be called "policies") - this is a gift to the opposition the like of which we have never seen before.

Tony Abbott won't be fooled into releasing policy detail and costings too soon. Nor will Labor. That politics 101. Where Tony has to be careful is not to run his campaign too hard too soon. That's where Labor will be hoping he'll blunder.
I cant think of the angle but you can be sure there is one.

Someone just commented that why on earth would any decent PM make an announcement like that in the middle of a national flood emergency ?

We'll find out eventually I guess.

She has an ulterior motive you can bet your back side on it but it will back fire on her.

I would also say she would have had prior knowledge of Thomson's pending arrest as well.

Maybe it will be Slippers turn next week.
Re: Federal election Saturday September 14 2013

Is this a joke? I have to listen to these two windbags in "election mode" for 8 months.:rolleyes:

I draw your attention to the forum rules. I don't think you should be talking about Dr Smith and Mr Burns in that manner.
Turnbull Tweets -
I had a good laugh at that one. I'm sure Malcolm will be running around organising postal votes. Besides, don't Orthodox Jews just pay someone else to operate the remote control for them on the Sabbath? Can't they just pay someone else to vote for them on Yom Kippur ;)
Someone just commented that why on earth would any decent PM make an announcement like that in the middle of a national flood emergency ?
This hadn't occurred to me but it was raised by the local ABC Radio presenter here - where the broadcast area covers Bundaberg - as being insensitive timing.

Would she have known yesterday of the pending arrest of Craig Thomson? I wouldn't have thought so, but am ignorant of police procedures.
Can't they just pay someone else to vote for them on Yom Kippur ;)

I think you have missed the point. It is not only the fact that the election coincides with Yom Kippur but that a football game is more important than the acknowledgement of the most religious Jewish day. They see an equivalent being the holding of an election on Good Friday.

Country Lad
Data junkies - How does the Australian economy usually perform in election years?:cautious:

And on the vote count, where is the provision for Greens and Independents which in my view will increase dramatically this time. The people in the street are fed up and have had enough and will be heard on polling day

Well in my view the Greens and Independents will be decimated at the next election and so they should be.
We need a strong Government and I feel people are fed up at the Greens and Independents putting their
agenda before the National interest.
Instead of debating this ad infinitum lets revisit this post after the next election and whoever is wrong should
re-evaluate their perspective.:2twocents
I had a good laugh at that one. I'm sure Malcolm will be running around organising postal votes. Besides, don't Orthodox Jews just pay someone else to operate the remote control for them on the Sabbath? Can't they just pay someone else to vote for them on Yom Kippur ;)

Holding the election on Yom Kippur may or may not be a big deal for those who it affects but either way the fact that it could easily be avoided reeks of sloppiness and a hasty decision which doesn't make sense given how far away the actual date is. However, the arrest of Craig Thomson today seems a likely reason for the haste so it's starting to make sense now.
I think you have missed the point. It is not only the fact that the election coincides with Yom Kippur but that a football game is more important than the acknowledgement of the most religious Jewish day. They see an equivalent being the holding of an election on Good Friday.

But have you also considered that Yom Kippur is "The Day of Atonement." A suitable date for the fair Julia to atone for her sins...and they are legion.
Typical Copper; is that an instruction? "move on...nothing to see here."

So what did you do in the past to deserve a good kick up the backside. Never ever did administer justice myself. Preferred to maintain my Sworn Office under Statute and if serious put it before the Court. But in exercising discretion I have always preferred and tried to use brains and negotiation.

It is a bit of a shame that you do not seem to have any (Brains).

But, sigh, a measure of an Abbott fan I suppose. Opps wrong thread.
Our Dear Leader has a plan. Some canny media observer made comment on this but I cant remember the link.

Essentially, since the "official" campaign won't start until a few weeks before the actual polling day, all media hype by the Blowhard gummint up to that date will be paid for in full by the Australian taxpayer. However, having to respond to the impending tsunami of taxpayer-funded gummint media propaganda, the opposition or any other non-gummint parties will have to fund their media responses out of their own pockets.

Hence, the longer the run up and the more faux-policies the gummint can throw out there in media land at taxpayer's expense, the more Juliar hopes to bleed the opposition's campaign funding dry through having to respond in kind at their own expense over an extended period, prior to the official campaign start.

BRILLIANT tactic, wot?

You sly dog, Juliar.... :cool:
I had a good laugh at that one. I'm sure Malcolm will be running around organising postal votes. Besides, don't Orthodox Jews just pay someone else to operate the remote control for them on the Sabbath? Can't they just pay someone else to vote for them on Yom Kippur ;)

Congratulations! You have successfully portrayed your ignorance for all to witness. Grow up.
Hence, the longer the run up and the more faux-policies the gummint can throw out there in media land at taxpayer's expense, the more Juliar hopes to bleed the opposition's campaign funding dry through having to respond in kind at their own expense over an extended period, prior to the official campaign start.

BRILLIANT tactic, wot?

You sly dog, Juliar.... :cool:

And if Abbott was in the chair he would not do the same, as in fact John Howard did by promoting his cause at taxpayers expense all the time.

In fact it was not till his time that leaders came to respond to every incident with news in it. Sir John has taught them all well. It was always tradition and protocol for the Queen or representative (the Governor General) to open the Olympic Games, but again, would be, Sir John cast them aside and did that too.

No, Gillard is just following the new established status qua.