Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Federal election Saturday, September 14, 2013

Vote now...the Coalition or Labor?

  • Labor - Rudd

    Votes: 8 16.7%
  • The Coalition - Abbott

    Votes: 40 83.3%

  • Total voters
It was said on Paul Murray Live tonight that the council referrendum can't be held before the 14th September. It can be held after, so I don't know if that will be a factor.
It was said on Paul Murray Live tonight that the council referrendum can't be held before the 14th September. It can be held after, so I don't know if that will be a factor.
A very minor consideration I would think, especially as Tony Abbott has chilled on the idea.
Labor's reformed, the carbon tax is terminated and the boats will be stopped. This at least what Kevin wants us to believe.

It is the same issue-by-issue strategy that Gillard deployed after she justified toppling Rudd in 2010 on the grounds that the government had lost its way - but it is being executed with more speed and skill.

The only problem is that it anticipates the electorate can be fooled twice, or even three times in the case of asylum seekers.
Labor's reformed, the carbon tax is terminated and the boats will be stopped. This at least what Kevin wants us to believe.

The only problem is that it anticipates the electorate can be fooled twice, or even three times in the case of asylum seekers.
They are yet to offer any suggestion as to how they will stop the boats.

On the termination of the carbon tax, it's all hypothetical, because it will not get through the Senate.
Both the Greens and the Coalition have made this absolutely clear.

I have a question on this: the government has identified various 'savings' which they say will pay for the gap in the budget as a result of moving early to an ETS. In the reality of the carbon tax not being shelved, as above, will they continue anyway with the removal of the FBT and other 'saves'? Do these also require legislation?
Will they regard it as something they might as well continue with anyway to boost the budget?
Wouldn't to do so open them up to more charges of hypocrisy and fraud?
They are yet to offer any suggestion as to how they will stop the boats.

On the termination of the carbon tax, it's all hypothetical, because it will not get through the Senate.
Both the Greens and the Coalition have made this absolutely clear.
A lot of things they do is either hypothetical or a disaster.

That's why I think Kev will go sooner rather than later. With Labor trying to pull the wool over the electorate's eyes, again, time is very much its enemy.
Waiting for Newspoll perhaps.
I suspect so. Essential Media's weekly poll should also be out later today.

They might have to go either way. If their trajectory has already started to turn down, one can only imagine it getting worse from here.
How about, you start another poll, and see how that compares with the last one.
I think there would still be five or so poor delusional souls that would still give Labor the nod. ;)

The latest Newspoll is now out and has Labor at 48% 2PP compared to 50% two weeks ago.

The honeymoon with Kevin Rudd is perhaps beginning to ware off and the hangover begin.
I have modified the poll in this thread to reflect that Rudd has now succeeded Gillard as Prime Minister.

I have also re-opened the poll, so if you haven't voted and would like to, you may now do so.

Should the election date change I will edit the thread title accordingly.
I have modified the poll in this thread to reflect that Rudd has now succeeded Gillard as Prime Minister.

I have also re-opened the poll, so if you haven't voted and would like to, you may now do so.

Should the election date change I will edit the thread title accordingly.

Magic Joe, pure magic.:xyxthumbs
I have also re-opened the poll, so if you haven't voted and would like to, you may now do so.
That might be a little unfair to those who might like to change their vote now Kev has replaced Julia. Specifically, I could be underestimating the poor souls I mentioned in my post above. They now might wish to vote Liberal. ;) :xyxthumbs
That might be a little unfair to those who might like to change their vote now Kev has replaced Julia. Specifically, I could be underestimating the poor souls I mentioned in my post above. They now might wish to vote Liberal. ;) :xyxthumbs

It's true that there may be some in this position. However, the poll has been closed since the end of February so it has been some time since anyone has voted. There has been a lot of water under the bridge since then.

If someone who voted previously would like to change their vote, please let me know in this thread. Once I have confirmed that you did indeed vote previously and your vote change is valid I will authorise it.
I think one of the big winners in the next election will be the Greens and Independents. Rudds PNG decision will infuriate many people who see it as a cruel way to return to power and break international laws. I suspect there may be a jump in Greens votes in the Senate and House of reps.

Given the election will probably be very close now a hung parliament might still be on the cards with a hung Senate as well.

Also suggest the Poll should include Greens and a separate box for the Senate ticket. (But then this is not a particularly representative group is it ?)
It looks like Rudd will not be calling the election until November. He knows he has no chance of winning and the longer he delays the less chance he has, but it just gives the egocentric boofhead a bit longer to strut the world stage, before descending into oblivion.
It looks like Rudd will not be calling the election until November. He knows he has no chance of winning and the longer he delays the less chance he has, but it just gives the egocentric boofhead a bit longer to strut the world stage, before descending into oblivion.

Well thanks for ruining my day.:D
It looks like Rudd will not be calling the election until November. He knows he has no chance of winning and the longer he delays the less chance he has, but it just gives the egocentric boofhead a bit longer to strut the world stage, before descending into oblivion.

also he wants to secure a seat on the UN after he leaves. Its amazing how he gets to decide the date and not the Australia people, democracy at its best! :banghead:

EDIT: bad news is on the way for Rudd