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Why the Liberals lost the election. Do they ring true ?

Labor campaign director's eight reasons why the Coalition lost the election​

Paul Erickson has summarised why the Coalition lost in eight key points:

One, a pathological refusal to take responsibility for anything which comes from their small government mindset.

Two, incompetent management of the Federal Government’s responsibilities during the pandemic.

Three, cabinet-wide partisan attacks on state and territory governments throughout Covid which particularly alienated voters in Victoria and Western Australia.

Four, incompetent budget management.

Five, an incompetent and incoherent response to the cost of living crisis.

Six, incoherent engagement with our allies in our region.

Seven, a lack of awareness or interest in women’s experiences across the economy and society.

Eight, a decades long failure to take climate change seriously.

Scott Morrison may have come to personify these failures but they are institutional and collective, not individual. They’re actively prosecuted by senior cabinet ministers and all Coalition leaders, including the two men then seen as the only likely successors to Scott Morrison – Josh Frydenberg and Peter Dutton

Yes, they do ring true to me anyway, plus the 22 energy policies fiasco.

I guess it shows that Oppositions rarely win elections, governments lose them.
Not small minded enough for some apparently.
Well that about hits the nail on the head. True classical liberals are big minded, intelligent folk, and the current Liberal Party became a parody of itself.

As has Labor really, evidenced by the abysmal primary vote for each.
When you read the list, it will certainly be worth reading how it all is in 6-12 months, addressing cost of living issues with a 5% wage rise will be interesting to watch.
Also how the coal issue is resolved, both thermal and metallurgical, Chris Bowen will certainly have his hands full. As the media and the States will no doubt hold him responsible as was Taylor.
Energy minister wont be a nice place to be, the renewables sector wanting action, the coal sector wanting action, the greens wanting action and the general public wanting affordable electricity.?
Energy minister wont be a nice place to be, the renewables sector wanting action, the coal sector wanting action, the greens wanting action....
So, why didn't those groups get action over the past 10 years? (this is a coalition discussion thread, after all)
What freakin action?

Everybody wants "action", but for nothing to change for their own lifestyle, otherwise they'd be doing it already (like your friendly neighbourhood skeptic actually IS).

Classic cognitive dissonance.
So, why didn't those groups get action over the past 10 years? (this is a coalition discussion thread, after all)
What, are you saying Angus Taylor didnt get any action, I thought he copped plenty.
As will Chris Bowen, which is what I was saying.
The coalition had to manage the issues and dealing with the pressure groups, now hopefully it will be smoother.
What, are you saying Angus Taylor didnt get any action, I thought he copped plenty.
As will Chris Bowen, which is what I was saying.
The coalition had to manage the issues and dealing with the pressure groups, now hopefully it will be smoother.

You mentioned three groups wanting action, and now you're talking about the bloke who wouldn't provide any, and now you're saying he's the victim?

The problem, is that the coalition DIDN'T manage the issues. The only reason Taylor was constantly pressured by those groups is because he was paralysed by believing in his own BS.
You are showing your blinkered bias, if the last Government had done nothing, the East Coast wouldnt be having the issues they are having, because there wouldnt be enough renewables in the system to be causing the coal fired generators the problems they are having. We have one of the highest penetrations of renewables into an electrical grid in the World and are actually breaking new ground and developing technology to cope with it.

So if you are going to say someone else is talking BS, dont fall into the same trap yourself.
As I said I dont think Chris will find it any easier.
Im not invested in either side, just watching the pantomime with interest.
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I much prefer quotes from inside the party as to why they lost. Posted in the Weekend Paper but unattributed unfortunately.

One Liberal MP had a very specific putdown for Mr Morrison.
"He f**cked us and his fingerprints are absolutely f**kin’ everywhere on that," he said.

"The bloke thinks he is a master strategist. He is a f**kwit."
Without doing any research on it I think a lot of it had to do with ScoMo and that Hawke guy handpicking those candidates at the last moment rather than using the Libs democratic process to pick their best candidates.

I wouldn't mind knowing from inside the Labor party what they think of their own handpick of Keneally.

Expensive captain calls from both sides
Chances are it's attracting refugees from the defunct Fred Nile CDP party. It dissolved earlier this year.
They can enjoy not being voted in again if that's the case. Right, or left authoritarianism can both get stuffed.
A Rainbow Missed.......

No doubt there's all facets of 'queer' Liberal leaning voters 'out' there; I hazard a guess? .... less of the fascist's I hope.
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