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Does anyone have any thoughts about the appropriateness or otherwise of taking his wife to Afghanistan?
Does anyone have any thoughts about the appropriateness or otherwise of taking his wife to Afghanistan?

I think he took her with him because he knows she always packs a hairdryer.

Does anyone have any thoughts about the appropriateness or otherwise of taking his wife to Afghanistan?

Completely inappropriate IMO. Although I don't expect the PM to be in any real danger, and assume the flak jackets are more for show, taking his wife along makes it look like a tourist adventure, verging on disrespectful to the troops.

Not sure what the thinking was, perhaps setting up a show of a strong couple vs Abbott?
Bringing his wife means he doesn't have to go the hero look with the flapjacket etc. and instead goes as the nice guy. Clever in my opinion. Leave the action man look to Abbott who does it better.
The last nine posts are obviously off topic. Sorry, my error, I started it. I mistakenly picked the wrong discussion.
Mr Abbott could equally cart his wife and daughters along for every photo shoot, I suppose. That wouldn't make it appropriate. This imo is yet another example of Mr Rudd's desire for publicity overriding his common sense, if he has any.
Agree entirely with your comment above.
Switzer encapsulates why I will probably never vote for the liberal party ever again... Ever.

So the coalition has lost the 2022 election, ScoMo stepping down, ex-treasurer Josh concedes and BJ holds his seat. So many questions now for the "COA".
Number one being, will Dutton be endorsed as the new Liberal leader?
So the coalition has lost the 2022 election, ScoMo stepping down, ex-treasurer Josh concedes and BJ holds his seat. So many questions now for the "COA".
Number one being, will Dutton be endorsed as the new Liberal leader?
Well he'll definitely go for it. He nearly lost his seat so becoming leader should make it safer.
Well he'll definitely go for it. He nearly lost his seat so becoming leader should make it safer.
Yep, coz he's so sociable and relatable with the common folk, oh, and well liked Australia wide and in the Pacific too...

Just a guess and my own POV but seems most of the COA suffer from the "Shorten Syndrome" although Michaelia has bit of spunk. I also reckon that when the knives were out and Australia lost one of it's best foreign ministers in Julie Bishop, the down hill spiral had already started.

Having Labor shooting themselves in the foot by backing Bill simply delayed the impending COA crash and boy, after hearing that ScoMo will change his spots if he won again, what a beauty it's been!
Dutton will probably be the sacrificial lamb until they get closer to the next election and then put Ms Cash up to regain WA seats. That's an option.

As for ScoMo one is curious whether he stays in the parliament. He was an effective treasurer so maybe a credible opposition to Labor in that portfolio.

What about the Nats ? Bridget McKenzie has been effective despite the sports rorts. Can't see Barnaby Joyce leadership lasting long.

Ohhh look... money >
That sounds plausible.
What does COA stand for?
To be fair on Dutton, he won't be as unpopular as people think.
ScoMo had a real women problem, they disliked him immensely as represented in the polling. Dutton doesn't have that baggage.

Also everyone who knows Dutton well likes him while with ScoMo most of his colleagues hated him.
Leftists hate him with a visceral passion, which may actually be a good thing for the Liberals.

I have always used him as too much of an authoritarian for my own personal ideology.... I'm not sure that Dutton could ever bring me back into the Liberal fold... As much as there are others that could do so.

In my opinion the first order of business should be to get rid of Matt Kean, by any means, whether legal or illegal
Matt Kean is NSW. So not part of the federal picture is he?
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