Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

ELECTIONS - Labor or Liberal

Who do you think will win the next election Labor or Liberal?

  • Labor (Kevin Rudd)

    Votes: 221 51.8%
  • Liberal (John Howard)

    Votes: 206 48.2%

  • Total voters
greggy said:

Your attitude sickens me and I don't think you live in Happytown. It worries me that you have to refer to Mr Howard as being a heroin dealer in order to get your point across. Attack him for his faults, but to label him as being a heroin dealer is simply outrageous. For the record, I'm a swinging voter. In the past I've voted for Mr Beazley and for Mr Bracks so Mr Howard is not my idol. I just feel however that he has done a reasonable job overall as has done Mr Bracks here in Victoria..

Do you use this much emotion when you trade?

cheers :)
greggy said:
Yes, foreign debt has got out of control, but the Howard Government has slashed its level of debt since 1996. Also, Australia has had a longer period of economic growth than it did under the Hawke / Keating years. Also, I remember Keating boosting when we went into recession that this is the recession Australia had to have. Sure Keating made a number of sound economic reforms, but interest rates went up too high in the end and during his last few years he tried to spend his way out of trouble.
The government doesn't control interest rates, the RBA does. Heads of the RBA at the time that Keating was treasurer and PM have ADMITTED that Keating wanted them to raise rates prior to the interest rate spike (to lessen the damage) and to lower them faster than what they did. These heads ADMITTED that they were wrong, and that Keating in the end was correct.

And like I keep saying, Howard gave us the highest interest rates ever on record. Australians and their short memories... geez. I wasn't even born then... no excuse for not knowing this stuff.
The Mint Man said:
The greens have said the same about Australia exporting coal.... how stupid. Bloody dirty coal miners, you're all drug dealers :rolleyes:


Feel free to go back and look at the context.

Well, what an interesting set of responses.

Sounds to me like it will be 51/49 no matter who wins.

As to Happytown, well I live in a happy town, and it is not like his, although we have our fair share of unwell and substance abusers.

We cope no matter which party wins government.

Sounds like one of the dolts Peter Garrett has come out of his cave. Australian Today

Poor Kevie, he would have been a "not bad" prime minister.

A setback for Garrett's credibility

By Malcolm Farr

February 16, 2007 01:00am
Article from: The Daily Telegraph

PETER Garrett rocked as a vocal opponent of American bases back in the early '80s with Midnight Oil song US Forces.

Yesterday the former Oils frontman and Labor frontbencher would not comment on a new US communications base in Geraldton, Western Australia.

Labor supports it, but Mr Garrett was mute.

Five times the party's environmental spokesman was questioned on the proposed base, which would tap into Middle East communications, and five times he declined to answer.

US Forces was on the 1982 album 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 and included the line: "We're unable to make decisions; political party line don't cross that floor ..."

Foreign Minister Alexander Downer yesterday in Parliament showed he had become an instant expert on the song, particularly the verse: "US forces give the nod; It's a setback for your country."

Mr Downer: "There he (Mr Garrett) was up there at Alice Springs in the 1980s with his fellow travellers demanding that Pine Gap be closed ... a great man of principle.

"The Labor Party thinks that the US should be defeated in Iraq, it thinks that these joint facilities are really not acceptable in Australia."

Labor's defence spokesman Joel Fitzgibbon accused the Foreign Minister of playing party politics with the issue.

"But, of course, we would also urge that the same partnership approach which is taken with the existing facilities also be taken with respect to the new facility," Mr Fitzgibbon said.

"That means intricate Australian involvement and knowledge of what is taking place within the facility."

Mr Downer said the base would be fundamental to the Australia-American alliance and serve as a satellite ground station for communications with American military forces throughout the world.

"It will be hosted in the same basis as all other Australia-US joint facilities and operate on the basis of our full knowledge and our full concurrence," he told Parliament.

It could be followed by other facilities, including an element of the global US military weather satellite network.

Australia has one facility jointly operated with the US, the major satellite communications base at Pine Gap outside Alice Springs, opened in 1968.
Garpal Gumnut said:
Sounds like one of the dolts Peter Garrett has come out of his cave. Australian Today

Poor Kevie, he would have been a "not bad" prime minister.
Tell me, do you think EVERY government minister agrees with EVERY government policy?

Personally I'd prefer a government that didn't automatically approve every USA request, especially with the current american administration.
Garpal Gumnut said:
Sounds like one of the dolts Peter Garrett has come out of his cave. Australian Today

Poor Kevie, he would have been a "not bad" prime minister.
I feel that Mr Howard lost even more credibility with his recent remarks in relation to Obama and the US Democrats. They could be construed as being anti-American. Although come to think of it Mr Latham's comments about Mr Bush were far worse!! Even though he had some good ideas, I'm glad Mr Latham didn't win the last election. I'm sure that even many Labor supporters now feel this way.
Stop_the_clock said:
How can you keep Howard in when he has slashed education funding, put up HECS fees, Dumped workers needs/rights/working conditions/Pay.

Pumped millions into a useless war.

Lied to the public and allowed 8 interest rate rises to occur

Introduced the GST, a tax on a tax!

Kick the bastard out!

But thats also why the government has money to pay back to other ppl, and Australia is almost debt free (it owes the world the least amount of money compared to everyone else). The other was is to put the taxable income back up in percentage and to increase interest rates to attract foreign companies and investors to dump their money into the Country.
greggy said:
I feel that Mr Howard lost even more credibility with his recent remarks in relation to Obama and the US Democrats. They could be construed as being anti-American. Although come to think of it Mr Latham's comments about Mr Bush were far worse!! Even though he had some good ideas, I'm glad Mr Latham didn't win the last election. I'm sure that even many Labor supporters now feel this way.

:) Absolutely
Noskcid said:
But thats also why the government has money to pay back to other ppl, and Australia is almost debt free (it owes the world the least amount of money compared to everyone else). The other was is to put the taxable income back up in percentage and to increase interest rates to attract foreign companies and investors to dump their money into the Country.

by what measure is Australia debt free? the Federal govt has paid off its debts but its economic policies have contributed to a massive private sector debt which leaves us extremely vulnerable should global interest rates rise.
Broadside said:
by what measure is Australia debt free? the Federal govt has paid off its debts but its economic policies have contributed to a massive private sector debt which leaves us extremely vulnerable should global interest rates rise.

True True, I agree with that but wasn't really talking about the private sector. And thats if the global interest rates rise Yes!!, but with the situation atm, last weeks un-employment rate in the US!! I dont think it will raise soon, but yes there is that possibility, and if it does I think not just us but alot of people would be in trouble!! ;)

After all anything is possible!!! :)
Noskcid said:
True True, I agree with that but wasn't really talking about the private sector. And thats if the global interest rates rise Yes!!, but with the situation atm, last weeks un-employment rate in the US!! I dont think it will raise soon, but yes there is that possibility, and if it does I think not just us but alot of people would be in trouble!! ;)

After all anything is possible!!! :)

I guess the only point I am making is that although I think the govt has done a reasonable job with the economy, they conveniently point to being debt free themselves whilst ignoring the big problem which is private debt (and I don't think they have done enough to address this). I think the Libs are in bother but John Howard has proved himself to be adept and cunning at winning elections when it matters.
Broadside said:
I guess the only point I am making is that although I think the govt has done a reasonable job with the economy, they conveniently point to being debt free themselves whilst ignoring the big problem which is private debt (and I don't think they have done enough to address this). I think the Libs are in bother but John Howard has proved himself to be adept and cunning at winning elections when it matters.

And it happens that I agree with you, just that my first comment was mainly about the GST/Hecs issues.
Surely a stupid gaff...
Terrorism comparison angers Greek community
A South Australian Labor MP says Prime Minister John Howard's comparison of terrorism in Iraq to Greece have outraged the Greek-Australian community. Mr Howard last week described terrorist attacks in democratic countries as common and used Greece as an example.

South Australian MP Steve Georganas says it is outrageous to compare Greece with Iraq, where about 3,000 people are killed each month. Mr Georganas says Mr Howard is risking the relationship between the two countries.

"What John Howard has done is to try and show that there's been some sort of movement in Iraq," he said. "He's trying to compare it to peaceful nations that are having peaceful times, which is totally outrageous and unacceptable and it shows that he has no understanding of international affairs and diplomacy."
sorry folks - this is all NSW state stuff - but here's a list of the partys available :-

Australian Democrats (NSW)
Australian Labor Party (NSW)
Christian Democratic Party
The Greens
Human Rights Party (Peter Breen)
Liberal Party (NSW)
The Nationals
One Nation
Outdoor Recreation Party
Save Our Suburbs (NSW)
The Shooters' Party
Socialist Alliance
Unity Party

Initially I thought it was "1 fish - 1 vote" ;) - targetting the intellectuals lol. - then I realised it was "I fish I vote" - completely different!
Looks like Johnny is playing the credibility card. He'd better hope not too many Liberal MP's have ever met a certain former WA premier...

And of course there's always the nuclear power debate which seems to be emerging as a major Liberal versus Labor issue. And one poll put support for nuclear power at 41% which isn't exactly a small minority - support is clearly growing.

Hmm... A federal election with power as an issue. I'm used to seeing Tas politicians making promises literally measured in meagwatts but I never thought I'd see it from Canberra, at least not in a national context.

What next? Pulp mills? :rolleyes: