Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

ELECTIONS - Labor or Liberal

Who do you think will win the next election Labor or Liberal?

  • Labor (Kevin Rudd)

    Votes: 221 51.8%
  • Liberal (John Howard)

    Votes: 206 48.2%

  • Total voters
You are referring to the Swiss Guards?

I believe they are a mercenary outfit and not part of the Swiss military and therefore not a government thing. Could be wrong there, dunno.
Yeah I was. I was clutching at straws to say why the swiss are baddies. I actually think they are selected for the job, and they might have to be Catholic, or something.

Anything bad about Swiss Land?
You might find this article interesting, on the finance news site

Are swinging voters more democratic?

It talk about if you never change your vote throughout your life, are you going against the whole premise of democracy.

I reckon that if you always vote for one party, your vote almost doesn't count, because you're not considering matters fully. What do you guys think?

Everyone's vote counts in a democracy. If people vote one way all their life so be it. Its their choice. I am a swinging voter and have yet to make up my own mind about who I'm going to vote for at the next federal election. Just because I'm a swinging voter doesn't necessarily mean that I consider matters more fully than loyal party followers.
Yeah I was. I was clutching at straws to say why the swiss are baddies. I actually think they are selected for the job, and they might have to be Catholic, or something.

Anything bad about Swiss Land?
I suppose there must be, but Mrs lived there for a short time and waxes lyrical about the place.

I certainly like their political system over most others, that's for sure.
Re: Swiss Guards.

You can't say they don't like dressing up :cool:

You think this is democracy? LOL

It's a choice of which faces to head up the Oz branch of the NWO.

I've had this image on my hard drive for a couple of months now and keep forgetting to post it. I suspect this is an good an opportunity as ever. :D


  • dead.jpg
    91.3 KB · Views: 149
Lol - reminds me of one of Keating's quotes ( the one I was looking for the other day .. " we kiss your ass for 3 months (leading into the election), and you can kiss ours for the next 3 years" ;)

You can't say they don't like dressing up
m8, dare you to wear them to a fancy dress party in the wild west. - tell em it's your mad sister's pyjamas lol.
Antony Green's summary of swinging voters and the next election :-

Hopefully at least people who vote traditionally will (try to) demand that their party (at least tries to) live up to their expectations.

But why don't we swing? Is this like religion & football (and sexual preference :D) - once you choose a team, that's it for life?

It's worth pointing out that one of the main reasons - apart from wearing flowery bike pants and speaking French - that John Kerry lost the last Presidential election was because he "flip-flopped", or so the propaganda went. Does society accept someone who changes their mind, or must we maintain our stance in finitum?

"The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of doubt, what is laid before him." Tolstoy.
"The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of doubt, what is laid before him." Tolstoy.
good one FF ;)
couple more in similar vein:-
I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense , reason, and intellect has intended us to forego their use - Galileo 1564 - 1642

He who will not reason is a bigot; he who cannot is a fool; and he who dares not is a slave - Sir William Drummond 1585 - 1649

That's why I'm gonna vote for the best option - informal lol (just a jest)
that's because I'm a slave to reason -
and it's the same reason I slave all day and ahh SHUDDUP. ;)
I'm taking an early mark - adios amigos
Hang on try again oops
Liberals with their new ideas :nono::nono:
Very :bad:


  • rudd.jpg
    68.8 KB · Views: 116
Given that the Libs are saying Labor have to hand back funds given to them by the CFMEU, does this also logically necessitate that the libs have to hand back votes given to them by the CFMEU at the last election? :confused:
Thats a bit rich!!!
Question, who from the labor party is not a union member?
Not sure where you're going there Mint Man ;)
Are you saying it is wrong to be a union member?
I mean if the cartoonist who did Bwacull's posted cartoon (Bill Leak, The Australian) did a cartoon on Peter Costello's youtube comment , I wonder where he'd go with it ? - knowing him he'd still be pretty good - but I personally still think Bwacull's post is spot on ....

Also, imo , so what if they are union members.
If it weren't for unions (and I'm not a unionsist) kids would still be working the mines.

PS John Howard made a major point, when introducing AWA's, of saying IT WAS STILL OK TO BELONG TO A UNION. Whence then the sarcasm they now spit back at unions?

But.. Here's one he could have REAL fun with , lol .. ;)
Peter was a member of Young Labour

Costello was born in Melbourne, into a middle-class family of practicing Christians: his brother, Tim Costello, is a prominent Baptist minister and current CEO of World Vision Australia. He was educated at Carey Baptist Grammar School and attended Melbourne's Monash University, where he graduated in arts and law. During his student years he was active in student politics as a socially radical Christian, and was for a time an office-bearer of the Social Democratic Students Association of Victoria, an affiliate of the Victorian Branch of Australian Young Labor. After graduating he became more conservative, while retaining liberal views on some social issues.
Peter was surely a unionist himself once lol


  • costello.jpg
    62.8 KB · Views: 126
This is true.
The Liberals gave him his wife to join them.
Hey chops, you into Latin ? lol

Bella gerant allii, tu felix Austria nube.

Translation: "Others may lead wars, you, happy Austria, marry." Referring to Austria's cunning policy in early modern times to marry into all important royal houses. [ I wonder if the quote was really intended for Australia?] lol ;)

Trouble is , how to change it to :-
"Others may avoid wars, you, unhappy Australia, marry some mad Texan"
Hey chops, you into Latin ? lol
Of course. I'm into anything with a pulse, two legs and a hole or two.

Bella gerant allii, tu felix Austria nube.

Translation: "Others may lead wars, you, happy Austria, marry." Referring to Austria's cunning policy in early modern times to marry into all important royal houses. [ I wonder if the quote was really intended for Australia?] lol ;)

Trouble is , how to change it to :-
"Others may avoid wars, you, unhappy Australia, marry some mad Texan"

Where do you have that stuff stored? I could have sworn you were talking pig latin there, but no. Lol!

Seriously, I would like to learn latin though... Very difficult to learn it in perv.
Of course. I'm into anything with a pulse, two legs and a hole or two. Lol!

Where do you have that stuff stored? I could have sworn you were talking pig latin there, but no. Lol!

Seriously, I would like to learn latin though... Very difficult to learn it in perv.
It's all here m8, lol - hidden in the ASF archives

Here's one of MintMans ;)

btw, I personally dont mind Costello, if only for his brilliance in the rough and tumble of the bearpit - but I sure as hell TRULY admire his brother, Tim ;)

Tim Costello, is a prominent Baptist minister and current CEO of World Vision Australia.

PS Lol, IMO, the other thing we all here have to admit to , is that playing with shares on the ASX and ASF is not capitalism, - it's gambling lol - nothing more nothing less. - maybe just my opinion ;)

PS , lol - I'd stick to the ones with two holes lol. What's the difference between a bowling ball and a Kings Cross hooker - let's not go there, lol
no bias here, just hopeless pollies in action ;) Political High
(they're getting paid for this lol - pissed as a newt) What's Tony Abbott thinking about?

last question unanswered on this youtube - so a bit unfair - Except that the treasurer wouldn't even mention the words "global warming" until a month or two back :- Alexander Downer - US Forces

BTW, The Ab question has hit the headlines at last !!! - yessssss
Except that you cant dictate this - and Howard is wrong to think he can imo
gotta get people on board