Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Dump Trump

Put someone like Trump in a team of 50 people.

Trump will produce 3 times as much visible activity as the others that is true.

The loss of productivity from the others will however slowly but surely increase and ends up being an order of magnitude greater than Trump's contribution, most of which is bluster rather than actual work anyway.

In due course those with ability will find employment elsewhere without such nonsense going on. Those who stay will be those who weren't able to get out - and they're the people you don't really want anyway. :2twocents
Trump will produce 3 times as much visible activity as the others that is true.

I love this stuff, he tells you he is great and doing great things, but provides little evidence, but you believe.

He has produced f---k all of nothing so far, if he had, it had 2 years to build his f---king wall, when he had control of the lower and upper house, why didn't he do it then.

Just because someone tells you they are great, doesn't mean they are.

So many suckers in this world
I love this stuff, he tells you he is great and doing great things, but provides little evidence, but you believe.
If you think I’m a “believer” in Trump then I suggest you read my post again.

I said he creates a lot of activity which indeed he does. There’s far more fuss and drama from this man than any of his predecessors.

I’ve also said he detracts from the work of others far more than he contributes himself.

Nowhere have I said he actually gets much useful work done. People like that never do.
Trump will win 2020 in a canter.
America is already greater than it was under Obama.

Indeed it is Dutchie. It has broken all records in destroying it's standing amongst previous friends and allies.
It has comprehensively trashed 200 years of US precedents in governing and governance.
It has managed to inspire a world wide revival of Authoritarian and Nationalist governments and rolled back Democracy in a way not seen since the 1930's.

True greatness....
Record low unemployment, record jobs for hispanics, blacks and women; record economic growth; diplomacy breakthrough with North Korea.. median household income rose to $61,372 in 2017, a post-recession high; wages up in August by their fastest rate since June 2009; paychecks rose by 3.3 percent between 2016 and 2017, the most in a decade...
Personal opinions of the man aside, I do find Trump an interesting phenomenon.

He's extremely interventionist but seemingly loved by business and business lobbyists. He also seems to have a strong support base among the working class.

Most significant is the support from business. This would suggest the whole mantra about free markets and so on which has dominated Western political thought for the past 35 or so years is a long way off the mark if even business wants, indeed it seems actually needs, more government involvement in things.

I'm not arguing wrong or right. It's just something I find interesting since I never expected to hear it. It's the exact opposite of what has been said since the 1980's when it became all about de-regulation, "level playing fields" and so on. Now we've got someone extremely interventionist being credited with boosting business profits and the economy.

That's a bit like waking up tomorrow morning and hearing that doctors have found exercise is best avoided but smoking cigarettes isn't bad for you at all. Or hearing that Tony Abbott has launched a new career and is now working for the CFMEU. Or anything else that amounts to a complete reversal on what has been a heavily made point for a very long time which prompts you to check the date to ensure it isn't the 1st of April.

Never did I think I'd see business cheering on someone who's into government intervention and opposed to free trade. But like many things it seems the impossible has actually happened. :2twocents
Getting rid of Jim Mattis in favour of some yes man was just the latest of his blunders.

If he only listens to clones of himself who have little experience of government anyway, he will make blunder after blunder untill the people think he's not worth the trouble any more.

The latest drama over the Wall has only emphasised that he's an egotistical wrecker who cries like a baby when he doesn't get his own way.
Well smurph, I think a lot of the support from business, is due to the fact China don't respect intellectual ownership.
I'm sure a lot of these U.S companies that were offshoring their manufacturing, are now finding their product in different wrapping, appearing on the shelves at half the price.
What Trump is doing is the only way to stop China taking over everything.
They control their currency, their economy, the price of imported products, it is bloody hard to compete with someone that can control all the inputs.
Well smurph, I think a lot of the support from business, is due to the fact China don't respect intellectual ownership.
I'm sure a lot of these U.S companies that were offshoring their manufacturing, are now finding their product in different wrapping, appearing on the shelves at half the price.
What Trump is doing is the only way to stop China taking over everything.
They control their currency, their economy, the price of imported products, it is bloody hard to compete with someone that can control all the inputs.

Don't we kinda wish our Australian state elders could do that kind of protection on our behalf?

China has been filing more patents than the US for some years now. Sure they stole shiploads of IP and know-hows before, and now...

Serve big stupid business for going over there exploiting their plebs thinking there wouldn't be any losses.

Saw a recent interview with this whip smart, innovative, American tech genius nobody ever heard of before... he and his lab practically produces the tech and IP that enable Microsoft, Google, Apple etc. etc.

His team of geniuses invented all the tech but never patent it. They do not believe in the money profit motive. They want the technology to enrich lives, move the world forward.

Bill Gates and partner Allan where HS kids playing in the guy's lab. They took a bunch of his codes and tech to develop some microSoft app... then patent the crap out of it.

ANyway, he was saying that patents is just a very good way for corporations to make profit. It wouldn't help innovation at all. You patent something, milk the heck out of it... and that stops you from innovating.

So if China, or any country, could produce the same stuff and sell for a lot less... until global corporations pay their fair due of taxes to the country that nurture them... they can take a hike.
Getting rid of Jim Mattis in favour of some yes man was just the latest of his blunders.

If he only listens to clones of himself who have little experience of government anyway, he will make blunder after blunder untill the people think he's not worth the trouble any more.

The latest drama over the Wall has only emphasised that he's an egotistical wrecker who cries like a baby when he doesn't get his own way.

Heard that it's a move to begin privatising (further) the Pentagon.
I don't disagree with China doing what they have done, there has been a huge amount of good done, from the wealth generated.
Also I don't disagree with what Trump has done, because they don't want to become what China was, before the manufacturing revolution.
It is all about checks and balances.
Trump IMO, is taking a lot of flack from sectors that have a conflict of interest, and are well funded and well connected.
It is probably due to his arrogance, ignorance and stuburness, that he hasn't
Well smurph, I think a lot of the support from business, is due to the fact China don't respect intellectual ownership.
I'm sure a lot of these U.S companies that were offshoring their manufacturing, are now finding their product in different wrapping, appearing on the shelves at half the price.
What I find truly amazing is that the CEO's who did this in the first place are considered worth employing at even the minimum wage.

Anyone old enough to have been running a company when this was going on and with even a shred of life experience would surely have grasped that "intellectual property" is a concept acknowledged in principle only but pretty much never in practice.

Pretty much everyone copied cassette tapes back in the 1980's for example, piracy was almost universal, and plenty of people pirated computer software back then as well. Plenty as in "everyone's done it sometime". Of all things stolen, IP would top the list for sure and has for decades.

To be running a company, handing someone else your IP, and not expecting that outcome requires a unique degree of naivety not commonly seen in adults. That such people seem to think they're worth paying $ millions at the expense of shareholders, workers and consumers defies belief really. :2twocents
Also I don't disagree with what Trump has done, because they don't want to become what China was, before the manufacturing revolution.
Many of his ideas have a lot of merit. Some of them could sensibly be applied in Australia too if we had leaders.

It's the sociopathic narcissism stuff that he needs to drop.
That is the problem with the capitalist system, it is all about bottom line, everyone is paid on current results not on end results.
As you know, when generation was Government run, capacity was installed on expected demand. Now generation is installed to meet demand, there is a huge difference
I don't disagree with China doing what they have done, there has been a huge amount of good done, from the wealth generated.
Also I don't disagree with what Trump has done, because they don't want to become what China was, before the manufacturing revolution.
It is all about checks and balances.
Trump IMO, is taking a lot of flack from sectors that have a conflict of interest, and are well funded and well connected.
It is probably due to his arrogance, ignorance and stuburness, that he hasn't

The Wall, the tariff, the trade wars... Trump is, maybe accidentally, very smart in selling them as a way to get back at China and save real American jobs, protect its borders etc. But it's all BS.

In 30 years when the new trade deal with Mexico and Canada is made public, I bet you it'll show he just screwed American workers as bad as Clinton and Bush Snr did the first time round.

You can see it in GM etc., announcng closure of a few plants in the US soon after. Moving it to Mexico.

The trade war with China serves two purpose, neither of which is to benefit the average worker in the US. In fact, it destroy more American jobs than it create; and it put that tariff burden on average consumers tha hurting Chinese/American importers.

The aim is to slow down China's rise. Getting manufacturers to move to lesser Asian countries. Exploit those poorer bastards there. Take some air out of China's manufacturing powress.

Second, it give American banks and manufacturers leverage to pry open the Chinese market, particularly its financials/banking/capital market for US innovation and profiteering.

I think that's how Tesla just became the first foreign manufacturer to completely own its operations in China. No partnership with a Beijing-backed partner.

Not sure if that's a smart move by Tesla as it'll just mean they're the sucker funding the whole project and Chinese admirers can just get the drawings for nothing.

The big prize is for the likesof Goldman Sachs coming in, helping Chinese firms raise capital; work with Beijing on projects; privatise them inefficient firms.

If Beijing is run by some idiot, they'll allow that.. and it's game over.
Many of his ideas have a lot of merit.

It's the sociopathic narcissism stuff that he needs to drop.
I think a lot of that may be to keep a state of confusion, if he behaved normaly, he would be bogged down with trying to justify his position
I think he is amazing, achieving a lot, behaving like an idiot and no one can pin him down, that takes brilliance in the U.S. IMO
When all and sundry hate you and won't spare any expense to get rid of you
Absolutely amazing.
I'm concerned about where the steel for Trump's wall will come from. The US has trade tariffs on every steel producing country except Russia. Trump originally campaigned that Americans buy American products, but is this the case for the steel to build the boarder wall?

I was reading how if Trump put the money he inherited into a Managed Fund rather than go into Business, he'd be worth more now.

This situation with Rocket Man, hasn't he just stopped making threats - still building Nukes. Looks like the only deal Trump made with Rocket Man was "you shut your mouth and we won't park a Battlegroup off your coast".

Then there's this stupid Wall. They already use tunnels to get into the U.S. you reckon this Wall is really worth it? Let's harm 800,000 Government employees and their families (and the rest) just so you can achieve whatever it is he's trying to achieve.

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