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I know it can't keep going straight up but it's off to a good start.

@DaveTrade, you make a fair point. I understand the enthusiasm about the strong start, but you're right that it can't keep going straight up indefinitely. The markets are inherently volatile, and even the best strategies will face pullbacks and periods of underperformance at times.

The market is a great equaliser
No matter how much effort and care I put into designing a trading strategy, it will ultimately be at the mercy of market forces. Maintaining realistic expectations and staying adaptable is crucial for my long-term trading success.

Crikey Bambi ! You must be doing something right
Well Done !

I just can't work it out
Do you always have to sail with 10 under your constitution ?
What did you buy after you sold RIO?

I think you could turn this T20 ASX into a real Learning experience / COMPETITION
Catering for Beginners and even the more experienced
As You Know
"We Only Learn by Doing"
I just can't work it out
Do you always have to sail with 10 under your constitution ?
What did you buy after you sold RIO?

@Captain_Chaza, thanks for the questions. Let me try to provide some more clarity:

(1) Do you always have to sail with 10 under your constitution?
No, the requirement to trade 10 positions is not written in stone. The choice of 10 positions was made for practical reasons - it fits nicely with a $100k portfolio size and makes the metrics easy to track. However, the strategy could potentially be adapted to trade a different number of positions if that better suited the trader's preferences and account size.

(2) What did you buy after you sold RIO?
After selling the RIO position at a loss of (-$275.58) on the 17th of July 2024, the portfolio did not make any new purchases to replace that position. The portfolio is currently holding 8 out of the 10 intended positions. The last buy was conducted on the 8th of July 2024.

In a nutshell
# No new buys were made to specifically replace the sale of RIO.

The key point is that the portfolio has flexibility in the number of positions it holds. The size of the watchlist or index used makes little difference. The focus should be on executing the breakout trading strategy effectively, rather than strictly maintaining a fixed number of positions at all times.

TradingView Workaround
When using the free version of TradingView, you are limited to only two indicators per chart. Since I'm paper trading and reporting on three different trading systems, each with its own strategy, I had to find a workaround.

To accommodate the 2-limit constraint
I've combined the "Signal Generator" and "Enhanced Signal Generator" into a single script. However, I ensured that the buy and sell signals from each strategy were displayed on their own signal line, positioned a few centimetres apart on the chart. This allows me to differentiate between the signals generated by the two strategies while staying within the limitations of the free TradingView platform.


10-Position Breakout Trading Strategy
This hypothetical trading exercise is designed to trade 10 large ASX companies, selected from a watchlist of 10. The results are from the 1st of June 2024. The breakout trading strategy aims to profit from price movements by identifying when prices break out from established levels.

Simplified Reporting
Having all the trading metrics on a weekly open summary provides an at-a-glance display of the ongoing results, adding a date and time stamp to indicate the snapshot in time.


Comparative Equity Curve Analysis
The displayed equity curve provides a comparative analysis of three trading strategies: (a) the original “Signal Generator”, (b) the “Enhanced Signal Generator”, and (c) the “10-Position Breakout Strategy”. This analysis aims to offer a clear assessment of the relative performance of each approach over time.

1. Original Signal Generator
Represented by the blue line, this strategy serves as the baseline for comparison.

2. The Enhanced Signal Generator
Shown as a dark red line, this strategy builds on the original signal generator with additional suggested enhancements.

3. 10-Position Breakout Strategy
Depicted in lime, this strategy focuses on breakout opportunities across ten positions.

The equity curve highlights the divergence in performance, providing valuable insights for evaluating these 3 trading methods.

My observation is not directed to anyone in particular
When people have a firmly entrenched mindset, it can be tremendously challenging to change their thinking, regardless of the information or evidence presented to them. Furthermore, a single word or phrase can sometimes shape another person's opinion about the ideas being conveyed, without them fully understanding the concept.

It might be interesting to see how your Secret Keel goes against the XTL or the i Shares primary ASX 20 ETF =The ILC

Sailing the ASX 20----------One WEEK at a Time-----------------------------&--------------------One DAY at a Time

Sailing the ILC ------------------One WEEK at a Time--------------------------&--------------------One DAY at a Time

Around 30,000 research and development personnel are expected to move into Huawei Technologies’ new Shanghai campus, which will start operations this year.
Located in Jinze, a town in Shanghai’s Qingpu district, Huawei gave its new campus the name Lianqiu Lake R&D Centre last Tuesday, according to an announcement on the municipal government’s website that cited official media Jiefang Daily.

The campus comprises eight blocks and 104 buildings – making up a complex of laboratories, offices and leisure areas – connected via an internal railway system. While some bridge construction and greening projects are still being finalised, the development of signage, district roads and train service for the Lianqiu Lake campus had been completed, the Jiefang Daily reported last Thursday.

@noirua, it has been recommended by @peter2 that you consider resisting the urge to simply post links, and instead add a brief story or context about the link. Providing this additional information can help explain why you have decided to share the link, and how it may benefit others. This approach can make the content more meaningful and engaging for the community.

Hi Skate, You were too quick off the mark there buddy as I was not quite finished. It can be shown just as a link, as you can see it contains more information than just a link. So I'm able to pick out relevant parts for ongoing conversation not within it.

It is best to wait 30 minutes as #Joe Blow has allowed this to make changes and corrections. You may not agree with him.
Some forums allow no time for changes to be made such as and others from 3 minutes to 30 minutes. One allows changes at any time even 20 years later 30 minutes looks best to me.

If you have something to say about the information, I'm pleased to continue a conversation about it.

All the very best.

@noirua, thank you for adding the additional information. After reading the article it simply highlights Huawei's strategic efforts to enhance its research capabilities and attract top talent in a competitive global landscape, reflecting broader trends in the tech industry and geopolitical considerations. In summary, knowing about Huawei's strategic efforts provides traders with insights into market dynamics, investment opportunities, and competitive positioning, all of which are crucial for making informed trading decisions in the tech sector.

hmmm ! 100 ( one might assume one in each building ) 'cafes' maybe canteens might be the accurate description , now normally i would laugh and laugh , but this is China they try some interesting concepts .. so instead of 'luring foreign talent ' would they be trying to encourage small 'brain-storming groups '

having been in a computer club , sometimes 'hardware guys( gals ) mixing with software ( guys/gals ) and the folks who love computer languages provide seem interesting interactions

given the attempts to sanction China's tech progress , this could prove to be highly pivotal ( trying to isolate China would only increase the chances of a new Bamboo Curtain , and deliberate decoupling with Western communication systems)

remember has already launched it's own space-station, China might not be the laggard in the tech race
From reading the article and a few others - all written from a Chinese perspective. They appear to be trying to shut out foreign competitors in China as a form of retaliation against restrictions by the United States and some other countries.
After reading the article it simply highlights Huawei's strategic efforts to enhance its research capabilities and attract top talent in a competitive global landscape,
a form of retaliation against restrictions by the United States

@divs4ever, my quote above is a tongue-in-cheek comment. @noirua is simply alluding to the fact that Huawei wants the IP that the talent brings along, it's a way to legally steal Intellectual property.

@divs4ever, my quote above is a tongue-in-cheek comment. @noirua is simply alluding to the fact that Huawei wants the IP that the talent brings along, it's a way to legally steal Intellectual property.

The 'Internet of Things' rates Huawei highly it seems. Right or wrong they are too big to ignore now much like Donald Trump, President Putin, and President Xi Jinping.
This is a big win for Huawei, showing its key role in the growth of IoT tech.
@divs4ever, my quote above is a tongue-in-cheek comment. @noirua is simply alluding to the fact that Huawei wants the IP that the talent brings along, it's a way to legally steal Intellectual property.

unlike say Benjamin Franklin

having meet several times an inventor who successfully locked up his patents , stealing patents is not solely a Chinese thing , several G7 companies deliberately tried to steal/subvert his patents

after all the West happily stole several Chinese icons around the 1900's

in fact we still call fine porcelain ... china

but what makes you think the Chinese are simply copy-cats there is plenty of abandoned superior tech to be reinvigorated
it will be interesting to see if they form some sort of merger with Qualcomm and really get a vice-grip on communications
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