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Investing Experiment
My latest investing exercises, the core idea has been to invest equally in the ASX20 and let the chips fall where they may. There are numerous variations on this investment style - you could focus on high dividend payers with 100% franking, or opt for growth-oriented investments if you're in the wealth accumulation phase of your life. The beauty of investing is the ability to tailor an approach that aligns with your personal circumstances and preferences. You can dice and splice an investment strategy into something truly relatable. Nevertheless, I’ve decided to stop posting updates as their educational value has diminished but the ideas have already been shared.

Trading Experiment
The ASX20 trading exercise, while perhaps not as exhilarating as some strategies, has the potential to generate returns regardless of the MACD variant used to produce the signals. The goal was to showcase how, by utilising a common technical indicator and a free charting program, anyone can participate in the market without any initial upfront capital, leveraging only their trading funds. It's a practical way to engage with the market, offering the opportunity to gain hands-on experience and learning, without risking anything beyond their capital. However, upon further reflection, the diminishing educational value no longer justifies continuing to post regular updates on this experiment.

thanks for the time and effort

yes i chose to 'cherry-pick' ( and time where i could) my ASX top 20 stocks

but it was interesting to see how the stocks went when all given an equal start and weighting

it might be helpful for new market entrants in making choices in strategies

AI vs. Expert
After 22 weeks of consistently poor results, it's evident that this project was unfortunately doomed from the start. Although the initial concept was intriguing, it fell short of expectations. Despite my initial intent to cease posting, I was persuaded to persist with this exercise. However, upon further reflection, the educational value no longer justifies continuing to post updates.

it might be helpful for new market entrants in making choices in strategies

@divs4ever, posting hypothetical investing and trading scenarios, I've realised that the content was not as engaging as I had hoped. Upon further consideration, I've been primarily explaining concepts and promoting ideas, rather than providing valuable information.

Posting excessively detailed data tends to overwhelm even the most avid readers of this thread. Unless the information is directly relevant and actionable, it lacks the intended value.

i disagree illuminating yes , but doomed ( from the start ) i don't think so

now over-expectation is always a danger in investing

there WILL be downs that go with the ups

but it should inspire investors to look at their own strategies

while i much prefer 'hands on ' i also understand i cannot be good at every part of market participation

to dilute that lack i hold various LICs that specialize in strategies beyond my skills and operate in markets i can't access cost-effectively

while i use ETFs as 'a safety net ' ( insurance if you like ) , and avoid learning to master all aspects of the market

now AI is likely to improve ( maybe some traders here might chose to program their own AI search engine scans for their own gain ) but there is no guarantee of that in the current world ( it might continue to use flawed data inputs )

but thanks for your time and effort investigating this potential

more interesting to note , is while you are claiming disappointment at these exercises the ASX ( XJO ) is just below record highs

if the index is near records and the exercise results was less than jaw-dropping , what is out of balance

( for instance the US is basically being lifted by 7 or 8 stocks , is similar occurring here ? )

the exercises may have been red flags about the market in general ( rather than the strategies used )

now of course another strong trend in the current market is share buy-backs which tend to artificially elevate the stock price , are these strategies being affected by those ?

as a share-holder i would prefer that ( buy-back ) cash to be used wisely or returned to loyal share-holders
but new entrants SHOULD dive head first into the details there is a LOT to learn and they need to be ready and ( at least partly ) savvy before the next 'black swan ' one might say this is the lull before the next storm , very few people can react instinctively AND correctly in panic-mode , if they have nothing prepared in advance

( also many non-members view without joining , and some members read without posting , so accurate data is very difficult on audience reach )
Thanks for your time and effort so far Monsieur @Skate, indeed, the end results were appealing for all but the initial first months were great for the AI engine.
So my lesson is
AI: maybe on the short term, but no magic ball;
Experts..not so experts ...and I can do as bad wo the fees
Ahoy there my Old Friend

I do not understand how Your Expert and Gemini AI could expect to win any meaningful prize money without the ability to SELL

Crikey ! It is like one going to sea in a sailing ship with only ONE ARM

It it very difficult if not impossible to hoist and lower Sails with only One Arm IMHO

Safety at Sea is Paramount and the discipline of Seamanship in Tacking / ie: Selling is OMNIPOTENT

I say "It seems they have been brainwashed "She'll be Right in the Long Term"
Good Luck to them in Buying without having the Ability ti Sell

"You may Win some times but you will lose More in the Long Term if you cannot SELL!" IMHO"

View attachment 179149
Humor is subjective
Some jokes make me laugh while some miss the mark.


a little bit like some of my fortunate share-market plays

say Linc Energy ( instead of BPT ) from Linc into Blackmores ( because Bond moved the listing to Singapore ) Blackmores decided to test the Chinese market , and went so high it was just sensible to swap into WES on a div. return basis ( one BKL into 3+ WES )... and WES has risen more than 50% since despite off-loading COL , and all i really did was look on stunned ( and collected some divs on the way )

@divs4ever, in the financial markets, where unpredictability reigns, only a handful with exceptional skill can foresee the rise and fall of values. Technical analysis can transform the unpredictable chaos into a strategic approach to decode complex patterns. System trading is one such discipline that has been proven to be effective. Of course, different approaches work for different people.

Ah Professor countries being run by fools, idiots and no-hopers, all grossly overpaid, and loving the TV camera when it suits them.

@farmerge the punchline is supposed to rhyme.

We used to have empires run by emperors,
then we had kingdoms run by kings..
now we have countries run by...

The final word in the punchline is a 'c' word and is not the word 'counts' as there are too many letters in that word. The actual word used is considered crude or inappropriate language that should be avoided on this forum.

Lost in Translation
I read that a banana a day is great for cleansing the colon
It was 4 days before I found out you're supposed to eat them.


it wasn't counts ??

gee after the few i have met of them ... i thought that was a foregone conclusion

some of those lord and dames don't scrub up so attractive either ( more white-wash than gold plating )
Professor that word is just in general language in any school yard these days. Blew my socks off when a granddaughter came out with it.
Lost in Translation
I read that a banana a day is great for cleansing the colon
It was 4 days before I found out you're supposed to eat them.

So Professor what did you do with the banana, just look at it for those days in question.
Me, I have one every day at lunchtime.
(a) CBA continues to advance despite the recommendations from brokers to sell. I see no reason to doubt it will fly further.
(b) In summary : BHP pays a reasonable dividends. I'll be buying more on any further weakness.

Trading the leading stocks on the ASX presents unique challenges
Over the last few months, I've come to appreciate the difficulties of trading large-cap companies, with their prices efficiently reflected in the market, making it challenging to identify favourable trading opportunities. Trading these "mega caps" is difficult but not impossible.

The significant volatility experienced by some of these companies requires a well-defined and disciplined entry and exit strategy to effectively navigate and manage these fluctuations. Overcoming the competitive and efficient nature of the large-cap, while also addressing the inherent risks of price swings, are the "key factors" to be considered when attempting to generate consistent returns from trading the market leaders.

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