Out of interest Skate, would you mind showing us the backtest results for the system over the first week? You would expect it to match, it's good to check that it does.
A backtest can never match live trading. The point of a backtest is only to establish a positive expectancy. Think of the back testing as Phase 1 testing. If the system gives a positive expectancy in Phase 1, then you move to phase 2 testing which is live trading. initially, your live trading is still testing.
A backtest can never match real trading for many reasons.
Here is 1 very simple situation that can make backtesting differ from live trading. If we assume a stock has the following Buy bids and Sell offers during the preopen session (7:00am to 10:00am):
Buy Orders
2000 @ 5.21
5000 @ 5.20
1000 @ 5.20
1000 @ 5.20
1000 @ 5.20
1000 @ 5.20
1000 @ 5.20
1000 @ 5.20
2000 @ 5.18
2000 @ 5.17
Sell Orders
1000 @ 5.19
2000 @ 5.20
1000 @ 5.20
6000 @ 5.20
1000 @ 5.21
5000 @ 5.22
2000 @ 5.23
5000 @ 5.23
1000 @ 5.24
3000 @ 5.25
In the above example we will assume that the ASX algorithm sets the opening price at $5.20 at the opening auction. There are 4 Sell bids making a total of 10,000 shares selling at the opening price of $5.20 or less and 8 Buy bids making a total of 14,000 at the opening price of $5.20 or more. In this situation only the first 5 Buy bids (highlighted red) fit into the 4 Sell bids (highlighted red) of 10,000 shares available at the match price. These 5 highlighted Buy bids will get filled at $5.20 during the opening auction. The remaining 3 Buy bids of 3,000 shares at the opening price of $5.20 are known as the Surplus and will not get filled during the opening auction.
If immediately after the opening auction the trading price moves higher than the opening price of $5.20 and stays higher for the rest of the day, the 3,000 buy bids at $5.20 will never get filled and will be purged from the list at the end of the day if they have been entered as ‘good for the day’ bids.
From the above example, we can see that while the opening price was $5.20, some bids got filled but others did not. So not only can the system backtest get a different result from live trading, but of 2 people trading the same system, one may get filed and one mot filled which would give them different results based on where they are in the queue at the opening auction.
This is just one example and there are probably another dozen scenarios that could result in a difference between a backtest and live trading.