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Drug experimentation and dependence

hell I'm not a christian
if I were to say a prayer, it would go something like this ...

"hey lord but you have given me one mind
and lord but you have given me one body
hence lord, may I be able to able to "unwind"
with nothing stronger than a rum and toddy"

(sorry but crap poetry is my forte )

I actually take offense to this comment.

My wife and I recently spent our wedding anniversary on a cruise up the river. No drugs taken and I'll assure you my life that day was worth a HELL of alot more than yours ever has been, or will be!!

Life is a pretty amazing drug too... You should try one..

BTW, your grammar is deplorable. "What side effects?"

Hi 2020, If only some idiots would follow the advice in your short poem. Only one small Rum & Toddy, however. - Good Luck

So... MDMA messes with your brain chemistry. Confuses its seratonin regulation. Is that good? Do you really believe there will be no legacy from that?
- It's russian roulette you guys are playing - even if you think you are in control.

Of course all drugs, alcohol, caffeine, nicotine.... even foods! - alter brain chemistry in various ways.

BUT - oils ain't oils - and molecules ain't molecules. Some drugs have greater potential to do lasting damage... just hope you make the right choices.

Another thought that occurred to me today .... many folks have said "some people just shouldn't take drugs". True - I agree - Same can be said of alcohol.

...Has anyone contributing here ever said to someone - "hey man - you are one of those people who just shouldn't take drugs"....

Do you think it works?? Of course not - it has the opposite effect. They go hell for leather - to prove they can handle it. "don't tell me how to live my life...blah blah'.

The "people who just shouldn't take drugs" Never understand, realise or accept that fact until After - usually long after - the damage has been done....

ANd once again - the families & kids pay the price.

Exactly how do you regulate things like ice??? Underage drinking is a massive problem atm I'd hate to see the effects of legalised drugs. Do you think the government is going to have required portions and that’s all people will take? More chance they will simply get it from where ever they want . This country loves to do things to excess drinking, gambling , fatty foods etc.Why expose more of the population to this filth.

Yeah enjoy the come downs paranoia and the rest of the crap you forgot to mention after you’ve been popping eggs for a while. I did the whole club scene starts off fine, but there’s generally more bad times that seem to get glossed over then the good.

There’s still illegal tobacco sales , and kids still get cigarettes and are drinking to excess. In your ideal world do we just buy as much drugs over the counter as we want?

Rum is bad for your health, drugs are bad for your health, drink to much and you will stuff your liver, smoke to much and you will become a lazy bum.

are you going to become a drunkard 2020?

no I thought not

the same as my friends and I will enjoy the occasional pill or joint or line and we will not end up in the dole queue waiting for that next hit.... why? cos we got brains for ourselves.

there will always be weak people in all facets of life but that doesn't mean we are the ones to blame or drugs are to blame and it doesn't mean that we should have should have to endure rediculous penalties for situations that harm neither ourselves or the people around us
To those of you who advocate legalising drugs such as heroin, amphetamines, ice, and whatever else happens to be fashionable, could you describe just exactly how you would envisage this happening.

If it ever were to happen...and I bet my left nut it never will, sorry day-dreamers...this country would become the laughing stock of the if Steve Irwin hasn't given us enough to live up to already...if rec-drugs were legalised then when we go overseas we'd probably never get hired for jobs in any decent first world country because the grown ups in those countries would know better than the let stoners or pill-poppers or speed or coke heads into positions of importance.
I assure you asx there are plenty of those people in positions of power as we speak.

something I dont get is a lot of you guys seem to think that drug taking is about fashion or "being cool?", thats a load of bollocks, kids mainly try drugs in curiosity.

I don't believe legalization has a chance in hell of working though
"Soft" drugs are decriminalised in The Netherlands:

Are they actually legal? The article seems to contradict itself. But certainly a policy of non enforcement is in place and soft drugs are very much out in the open.

And a bit of a discussion on the pros and cons:

I'm tentatively in favour of some level of decriminalization, but agree with ASX.G, way to emotive a topic for it to happen anytime soon, if ever.
ding ding ding

wayne has hit the money word "decriminalization"

that is a possibly the best answer yet.

grab a beer and a teddy mate
I assure you asx there are plenty of those people in positions of power as we speak.

I know! And there are alcoholics who hold high-level positions and positions of authority in countries like Sweden where a rec-drug-culture is practically non-existent.

Given the decision to make I'd still rather fight this battle on a single front and stick with alcohol as the primary legalised rec-drug. You could say, better the devil you know.
Well I'm off to bed guys n gals.

Remember, think freely and don't become too polarised you lot, its not a black and white question. you honestly believe that rum is less damaging to your health than moderate use of some of the drugs mentioned in this post?
hey gar, I do , and that's honest.

ok - have I occasionally regretted drinking too much alcohol ? - sure -
in fact a major vulnerability in my argument is that almost every embarrassing moment of my life has involved excessive booze -

(although the days of having to ask ..
"was that before or after I was sick in the swimming pool? "
are long since behind me )

But I still think that booze in moderation is a viable proposition...
and no way - ABSOLUTELY no way is meth viable - in ANY amount.

and (IMO anyways) that also goes for E and cocaine and heroin etc - I just can't see the need (not that I've tried them). Nor do my kids (thanks god - well at least not as far as hard drugs are concerned) - and I can tell you that they laugh a lot unassisted by drugs : 2twocents

me? - I'd prefer to go for a run m8 - or take the dog for a walk

Incidentally I believe that there is no difference between the cigarette companies and a common drug pusher .

I studied with an afghan - became good friends - he told me it was well known that long term users of pot were (often) regarded as mental cripples to some degree.

I coached a kid who flipped on marijuana - became a schizophrenic - young teenager - his father a man of the cloth no less - had to pull out of school - he will achieve a fraction of what he could have.

Dukey has mentioned his sister in similar predicament

Julia has mentioned her doctor friend who became a stranger to his own kids

One of us is arguably not seeing the wood for the trees mate

or else perhaps... we should (all) come back to this thread in 10 years - I think I will still think the same - and still treat all these drugs with utmost - I mean utmost - fear and respect ( purely because of the disrespect with which I believe it would treat me)

Finally, here's an excerpts from poems of Adam Lindsay Gordon - in the first, he is comparing the courage from alcohol vs a brave and skillful horse rider (which he was)

PS We have as ritual at work - we all feign enthusiasm about a bludy weekly get-together with egg and bacon rolls - guess what - it actually becomes a real buzz! - and we are look forward to it lol - no drugs (unless you call ham and / or egg a drug ) - it's all attitude m8 (IMO)


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they used to say eat strange tastes with pot ...
here are a few weird effects to try with a beer - or sober for that matter, lol - (NB you have to use headphones ok - important)

Virtual Barber Shop (Audio...use headphones)
PS you'll get the effect after 30 seconds - stick it out as long as you can though - lol - preferably with someone watching your back

and lol , I for one found it bloody disconcerting ... was happy to terminate it .

comments on the youtube include ...
was freaking out so much when i listened to this- i was cringing when he puts the bag over your head and the razor part too!! everyone in math was talking about this today so i thought id better check it out. definitely worth it
scariest haircut i ever had. it freaked me out roflmfao!"!!!
This is the best piece of work with audio i have heard this year, by far!
I rarely find any clips that actually takes advantage of the "from-left-to-right speaker"sound.

btw here's a bloke high on weed listening to it ..
Virtual Haircut whilst stoned on weed
Julia - to try and answer a few of your questions.

This is my opinion only, i dont push this on anyone and would just say again, everyone should be allowed to do as they please without having others try and make them conform to their views.

Is recreational drugs just as phase?
Good question, not sure, but i think i will use them on and off until i leave this world of ours.
I dont ever plan to be in a nursing home, i'd rather be dead than there. Who wants to not be able to remember your own name and not have control of your bodily functions, not me.
I don't measure life by how long i live, i measure it by the experiences i have and the fun things i do. I'd rather live to 40 and have done as much as i could rather than live to 100 and have done very little.
At the same time i dont have a death wish and plan to go on as long as i am enjoying myself.

Reasoning behind drug use?
I use them to further enhance an already enjoyable experience. Also, with E, it is the type of people in the club or group and the atmosphere, everyone is happy, no fights, no issues, how life should be. Thats why i avoid boozy places, its hell.
Without being smart, it is very difficult to explain to someone who has never used it.
It also opens up your mind, i dont know how to explain that either.

Its not to fill an empty space, its a choice, like when you go to the pub and have a few beers, i might go out and have a line of coke and a pill of E. I think this is a big part of the problem, many people just cant get their head around this because they have been brain washed by people saying ALL drugs are evil and will kill you. Its just not true.
Of course drugs can kill you, so can exceeding the limit and driving recklessly, so can consuming too much alcohol, so can smoking too many cigarette and even if you drink too much water it can kill you. What i am trying to say is that everything in moderation is fine.

If you lost your job for whatever reason, would you buy drugs if it came to a financial choice between that and food?

Of course not, you are getting confused between drug addicts and recreational drug users.
Its like alcoholics and the guy who has a few beverages with his mates. The alcoholic will of course by more booze before he feeds his family but your average bloke on the street will not.

Okay - on legalising drugs you ask,

Re legalising drugs: to do this would be to say to young people who have never used drugs (and older people too for that matter) that it's fine.
Just roll up to your friendly family pharmacy and get your week's supply of whatever paid for by the taxpayer. Just to go with the free needles and the state run hygienic injecting rooms.

I do not advocate legalising all drugs, drugs aint drugs as far as i am concerned (just my opinion). This is another HUGE problem, you cant just have a blanket statement that says they are all good or bad, you have to judge each individually.
Saying that, i'd legalise weed. coke, MDMA (E), mushrooms to begin with and look at the others.
I just believe peolpe should be able to have a choice. Making them illegal certainly does not work, look at the mess we have got ourselves into. Young people will always experiment, so you may as well at least let them get clean substances so they know 100% for sure what they are taking.
Of course some numpties will still abuse them as they do with everything, numpties are numpties and they always will be numpties.

You say - Yes, I know drug use has been with us always. And yes, I appreciate that legalising drug use would largely eliminate much crime, but given the drug induced psychoses I have seen with the consequent permanent effects on personality and general health, not to mention the destruction of relationships, I don't believe legalisation of currently illicit drugs will ever happen. The majority of Australians are too sensible to allow it.

All i'd say to that is, we have been trying to go along the path of illegalisation of drugs for some time now. It does not work, crime grows, people are not educated and usage continues to grow expodentially.
So those who are too sensible too allow it, may just be the cause of the problem.
Time to start thinking Australia, look at what is really happening and provide a sensible solution.

You say - To those of you who advocate legalising drugs such as heroin, amphetamines, ice, and whatever else happens to be fashionable, could you describe just exactly how you would envisage this happening.
Do you pick it up from Woolworths along with your groceries?
Do you rock on up to your friendly GP for a prescription along with your antibiotics for the latest bacteria?
Who would pay for your drugs? The tax payer?
Just a little detail on how exactly you envisage this nirvana would be welcome.

Once again - each drug needs to be looked at on an idividual basis just as they do at present with legal prescription drugs, same process.
Just as prescription drugs all vary in strength and effect so do the non prescription drugs.
Prescription drugs are more than capable of taking you out of this world for good, if you are stupid enough to dose yourself over the recommended rate.
Same thing applies for every drug, dose is the key and knowing what you are putting inside your body which comes back to education.

I'd say let people have weed and E in cafes like Amsterdam. The others let people get from a chemist with a prescription from a doctor. As for price, happy to pay the same as the street value but knowing i was getting a clean product.

Not sure if that helps or if i have even explained it very well?

But, at the end of the day, people are using these substances by choice and they will continue to use them at an ever growing pace.
The current system is a total shambles for eveyone, its just a joke.

The Ned Flanderers have got it wrong and until they realise we need change the debarcle will continue...........................JW
The Ned Flanderers have got it wrong and until they realise we need change the debarcle will continue...........................JW

I doodley don't know how you can be so doodley sure about that !
Jessica - intersting to read your take on it (and others aaron etc) - worrying but interesting lol.

(sheesh, never thought I'd be lining up with the Ned FLanders of the world, lol!)

PS I agree with safe injecting rooms btw

[ so defi-diddley-efinateley sure about that ?? ]

PS hey Jessica - Are Marge and Lisa also wrong lol?

Law and order is quite basic. If the punishment does not fit the crime, then the crime becomes worthwhile. It's all about keeping crime at low levels, otherwise, the police forces become larger and larger and the prisons as well.

People who are involved in drug trafficking should be shot by firing squad. That should also apply to those who sell drugs. No need for bigger prisons and the reoffending rate would be 0%. Persons found bringing drugs into the country should also be shot.

Be tough on crime and the causes of crime!
Ummm... hate to mention this to you, but you would be surprised at the number of professionals & other people in "positions of importance" who are regular recreational users (petinant hint for this site - ever been to a shareholder meeting?). Most of them (that I speak to) do so simply because it is far easier to work at full capacity after a night involving a few lines, than it is after a drinking session.

Unfortunately, people view drugs as a black & white issue; legal = good, illegal = bad.
There are shades of grey that need to be considered. Some people can drink in moderation. Some people can use softer recreational drugs in moderation.
Some people should avoid stimulants altogether.

By the same token, some people can't resist fatty foods, in a time when heart disease is out no 1 killer. Should be start placing bans on chips, pies & preservative laden snacks? What about artifical sweeteners, many of which are appetisers that cause people to eat more anyway?

I'm not advocating easy access to heroin or ice, however the effect of illegal substances on the human body does not change depending on how we attach social stigma to it.
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