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Donald Trump - Business and tax stories

Glen Greenwald

@ggreenwald: "The most unhinged, deranged, and evidence-free conspiracy theory in the last 20 years... didn't come from boomer pages on Facebook, nor from the bowels of 4chan... It came instead from the largest and most powerful media corporations...

For years they recited a deranged script cooked up by the CIA that maintained that Russia had seized control of the levers of American power through various forms of sexual, personal, and financial blackmail held over the head of Donald Trump...

The defenders of this conspiracy theory barely blinked, let alone apologized, or issued retractions when their Jack Smith of 2018, former Bush-Cheney FBI Director Robert Mueller, closed his 18-month investigation without even mentioning, let alone vindicating this laughable and paranoid McCarthyite tail...

In Newsweek, political science professor Max Abrahms argues with compelling evidence that the case for suspecting Ukraine's leverage over Biden is far more credible than the fever swamp dream that Trump was controlled with sexual and financial blackmail by Putin...

As is so often the case, the Biden administration is the living, breathing embodiment of what Democrats breathlessly accuse Trump and his administration of being."

Trump blew himself up
One of Trumps biggest bleats is that all these indictments are just DOJ/ Biden attempts to stop him running for President. Political Victimisation ext.

MSBNC did an excellent analysis which proves that the only reason Trump is facing these trials is because Donald Trump announced his candidacy in Nov 2022 which was an incredibly early stage in the nomination process. It is in fact around 7 months earlier than any other precedent.

What did that mean to the course of events which have led to the indictments and upcoming trials? Simply speaking the special counsel would not have been called in Dec 2022. Jack smith may have been called when Trump finally nominated but the time span of his inquires would have taken him into the actual Republician nomination period and Trump could not be charged in that time frame. That is the precedent for not charging politicians.
Check it out

The upcoming January 2024 Trump trial you didn't know about.
The ACN video phone scam trial.
Never heard of it ?
Check it out. Another Donald Trump business special

And there will be 18 co defendents also facing trial .

The indictment says Mr Trump and the other defendants "knowingly and willfully joined a conspiracy to unlawfully change the outcome of the election in favour of Trump".

"That conspiracy contained a common plan and purpose to commit two or more acts of racketeering activity" in Georgia and elsewhere, it alleges.

Other charges include

  • Spreading conspiracy theories about fraudulent election results. These include claims that more than 10,000 dead people voted in Georgia, and an edited video used to push a now-debunked theory that suitcases of illegal ballots were counted.
  • Making presentations to politicians in Georgia in December 2020, in which they gave "false statements", such as those above, "to persuade Georgia legislators to reject lawful electoral votes".
  • Accessing election equipment in Georgia's Coffee County after being hired by Trump lawyer Sidney Powell, where they "stole data, including ballot images, voting equipment software, and personal voter information".
  • Making "false accusations" about election worker Ruby Freeman committing election crimes, and defendants travelling "from out of state to harass Freeman, intimidate her, and solicit her to falsely confess".
  • Filing false documents, making false statements and committing perjury in judicial hearings in Georgia.
The RICO charge carries mandatory jail time of 5- 20 years. It is a State offence so if Trump was re elected he can't have it pardoned.

The trial will be televised live.

Donald Trump has spent 2.5 years relentlessly repeating his story of a stolen 2020 election. He has gathered an army of people to believe and repeat these allegations . Finally a Court will give him the opportunity to prove the election was stolen and vindicate himself.

Or else the Court will find he and his co defendents guilty of some or all of massive electoral interference, false accusations and spreading lies about fraudulent results.

Bigger than Ben Hur :)