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Donald Trump - Business and tax stories

The judge appointed to the case is one that Trump put there.

All Trump needs to do is get it delayed till after the election. No problemo. I am sure he will oblige. Some technical hitch.

And when it eventually goes to court the judge has the ability to say there is no case and cancel it that way.

Gotta love the US system.
Famous for being much more friendly to the wealthy.
And much more friendly to Democrats too :laugh:
The judge appointed to the case is one that Trump put there.

All Trump needs to do is get it delayed till after the election. No problemo. I am sure he will oblige. Some technical hitch.

And when it eventually goes to court the judge has the ability to say there is no case and cancel it that way.

Gotta love the US system.
Famous for being much more friendly to the wealthy.

It’s extremely rare but the Trump appointed Judge can also direct the jury before they announce their verdict if he dose no doubt the Trump cult disciples will see that as fair ??
I believe the issue was quite clear. Trump took hundreds of boxes of documents from the White House. He does not seem to have processed them except it seems for some particularly juicy Top secret files which he openly referred to in public discussions.

He was asked to return all the documents . He returned 15 boxes . NRAA checked them and realised there was definitely substantial missing classified material. Trump was now supoenaed to give up the rest of the material.

This time Trump finds another 38 boxes of material (that somehow he had overlooked the first time :cautious:) However there is continual leaking that Trump still has not returned all the material he took from the White House. The DOJ finally have a complete search of Mars a Lago and acting on tips offs find a further 102 boxes of material that had been hidden in a range of locations. (Remember that his lawyers had assured NRAA that all documents were returned in the previous tranche of 38 boxes) An analysis of these files shows

classified documents Mr Trump stored in his boxes contained information about:
  • United States nuclear programmes
  • Defence and weapons capabilities of both the United States and foreign countries
  • Potential vulnerabilities of the United States and its allies to military attack
  • Plans for possible retaliation in response to a foreign attack
As far as ignoring client-attorney privilege ? This is the argument that challenges that issue

Yes, he handed back the boxes that were presidential as required. That proves my above scenario more than anything you had up. He has to be proven to have willfully withheld the material. He had 100 something documents left. That's easily misplaced.

Every president has had to hand back boxes of presidential documents. Biden probably still has some floating round and he wasn't even the president when he had them.
You define it as you are the expert and tell me why is isn't. Love to be educated.
Cmon, don't chicken out. You know that's not how debate works. You're the accuser,

If I call tou a murderer, I'd have to let you know who I think you killed.
As it appears we're a little stuck; lets break it down children, so as to move on.
Here we have it in it's Classical(the hint is in the word) form. The audience of the time naive to embodied consequences of just what they were signing up to... all went very very quiet a few short years later.
Seven minutes, to much?

As opposed to the current crop of 'neo's' who at best and generously would be decribed as wilfully ignorant.
There's a few modern aspirants to Clara Petacci 'tiara'; hard to say the same fate would be underserved.
What is Fascist ideology ? How does it come to Authoritarianism ? This analysis compares and contrasts both concepts.

T and the R party exemplify these five elements of fascism

Robert Reich

T is often described as ‘authoritarian’. But that doesn’t really capture the more alarming aspects of his movement
Sat 17 Jun 2023 20.05 AESTLast modified on Sat 17 Jun 2023 20.34 AEST

The Washington Post calls Donald Trump’s vision for a second term “authoritarian”.
That vision includes mandatory stop-and-frisk. Deploying the military to fight street crime, break up gangs and deport immigrants. Purging the federal workforce. Charging leakers.

“In 2016, I declared I am your voice,” Trump said at his first 2024 campaign rally in Waco, Texas. “Today, I add I am your warrior. I am your justice. And for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution.”

How do we describe what Trump wants for America?

“Authoritarianism” isn’t adequate. It is fascism. Fascism stands for a coherent set of ideas different from – and more dangerous than – authoritarianism.

To fight those ideas, it’s necessary to be aware of what they are and how they fit together.

Borrowing from the cultural theorist Umberto Eco, the historians Emilio Gentile and Ian Kershaw, the political scientist Roger Griffin, and the former US secretary of state Madeleine Albright, I offer five elements that distinguish fascism from authoritarianism.

What do we get when we put T and R together .
The Tyrant Lizard :laugh:

Cmon, don't chicken out. You know that's not how debate works. You're the accuser,

If I call tou a murderer, I'd have to let you know who I think you killed.
Why don't you define it. You are so confident.
This is the way you debate. I have known you since this website was started. if I post anything you won't argue the definition. Just call me a Maoist, Stalinist or something. Can't be bothered.

If you do decided to change your mind it should be in a new thread titled something like Defining neo fascism.
Why don't you define it. You are so confident.
This is the way you debate. I have known you since this website was started. if I post anything you won't argue the definition. Just call me a Maoist, Stalinist or something. Can't be bothered.

If you do decided to change your mind it should be in a new thread titled something like Defining neo fascism.
You utter loon, I know what fascism is and we can all look up what it means as well. I want to see what you think fascism is seeing you have accused someone of it.

I want to see you try to justify that tag.
Ok I'll bite. What is Fascism ? I posted a link to an analayis of Fascism and how it is different to merely an Authoritarian Government. I'll repost the rest of the article.

Borrowing from the cultural theorist Umberto Eco, the historians Emilio Gentile and Ian Kershaw, the political scientist Roger Griffin, and the former US secretary of state Madeleine Albright, I offer five elements that distinguish fascism from authoritarianism.

1. The rejection of democracy, the rule of law and equal rights under the law in favor of a strongman who interprets the popular will.

“The election was stolen.” (Trump, 2020)

“I am your justice … I am your retribution.” (Trump, 2023)

Authoritarians believe society needs strong leaders to maintain stability. They vest in a dictator the power to maintain social order through the use of force (armies, police, militia) and bureaucracy.

By contrast, fascists view strong leaders as the means of discovering what society needs. They regard the leader as the embodiment of society, the voice of the people.

2. The galvanizing of popular rage against cultural elites.

“Your enemies” are “media elites”, … “the elites who led us from one financial and foreign policy disaster to another”. (Trump, 2015, 2016)

Authoritarians do not stir people up against establishment elites. They use or co-opt those elites to gain and maintain power.

By contrast, fascists galvanize public rage at presumed (or imaginary) cultural elites and use mass rage to gain and maintain power. They stir up grievances against those elites for supposedly displacing average people and seek revenge. In doing so, they create mass parties. They often encourage violence.

3. Nationalism based on a dominant “superior” race and historic bloodlines.

“Tremendous infectious disease is pouring across the border.” (Trump, 2015)

“Jewish people that vote for a Democrat [show] great disloyalty.” (Trump, 2019)

“Getting critical race theory out of our schools is … a matter of national survival.” (Trump, 2022)

Authoritarians see nationalism as a means of asserting the power of the state. They glorify the state. They want it to dominate other nations.

Authoritarianism seeks to protect or expand its geographic boundaries. It worries about foreign enemies encroaching on its territory.

By contrast, fascism embodies what it considers a “superior” group – based on race, religion and historic bloodlines. Nationalism is a means of asserting that superiority.

Fascists worry about disloyalty and sabotage from groups within the nation that don’t share the same race or bloodlines. These “others” are scapegoated, excluded or expelled, sometimes even killed.

Fascists believe schools and universities must teach values that extol the dominant race, religion and bloodline. Schools should not teach inconvenient truths (such as America’s history of genocide and racism).

4. Extolling brute strength and heroic warriors.

“You’ll never take back our country with weakness, you have to show strength and you have to be strong. (Trump, 6 January 2021)

“I am your warrior.” (Trump, 2023)

The goal of authoritarianism is to gain and maintain state power. For authoritarians, “strength” comes in the form of large armies and munitions.
By contrast, the ostensible goal of fascism is to strengthen society. Fascism’s method of accomplishing this is to reward those who win economically and physically and to denigrate or exterminate those who lose.

Fascism depends on organized bullying – a form of social Darwinism. For the fascist, war and violence are means of strengthening society by culling the weak and extolling heroic warriors.

5. Disdain of women and fear of non-standard gender identities or sexual orientation.

“When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.” (Trump, 2005)

“You have to treat ’em like ****.” (Trump, 1992)

“[I will] promote positive education about the nuclear family … rather than erasing the things that make men and women different.” (Trump, 2023)

Authoritarianism imposes hierarchies. Authoritarians seek order.

By contrast, fascism is organized around the particular hierarchy of male dominance. The fascist heroic warrior is male. Women are relegated to subservient roles.

In fascism, anything that challenges the traditional heroic male roles of protector, provider and controller of the family is considered a threat to the social order.

Fascism seeks to eliminate homosexual, transgender and queer people because they are thought to challenge or weaken the heroic male warrior.

These five elements of fascism reinforce each other:

Rejection of democracy in favor of a strongman depends on galvanizing popular rage.

Popular rage draws on a nationalism based on a supposed superior race or ethnicity.

That superior race or ethnicity is justified by social Darwinist strength and violence, as exemplified by heroic warriors.

Strength, violence and the heroic warrior are centered on male power.

These five elements find exact expression in Donald Trump and the white Christian nationalist movement he is encouraging. This is also the direction that most of the Republican party is now heading.

They are not the elements of authoritarianism. They are the essential elements of fascism.

America’s mainstream media is by now comfortable talking and writing about Trump’s authoritarianism. In describing what he is seeking to impose on America, the media should be using the term fascism.

Ok I'll bite. What is Fascism ? I posted a link to an analayis of Fascism and how it is different to merely an Authoritarian Government. I'll repost the rest of the article.

Borrowing from the cultural theorist Umberto Eco, the historians Emilio Gentile and Ian Kershaw, the political scientist Roger Griffin, and the former US secretary of state Madeleine Albright, I offer five elements that distinguish fascism from authoritarianism.

1. The rejection of democracy, the rule of law and equal rights under the law in favor of a strongman who interprets the popular will.

“The election was stolen.” (Trump, 2020)

“I am your justice … I am your retribution.” (Trump, 2023)

Authoritarians believe society needs strong leaders to maintain stability. They vest in a dictator the power to maintain social order through the use of force (armies, police, militia) and bureaucracy.

By contrast, fascists view strong leaders as the means of discovering what society needs. They regard the leader as the embodiment of society, the voice of the people.

2. The galvanizing of popular rage against cultural elites.

“Your enemies” are “media elites”, … “the elites who led us from one financial and foreign policy disaster to another”. (Trump, 2015, 2016)

Authoritarians do not stir people up against establishment elites. They use or co-opt those elites to gain and maintain power.

By contrast, fascists galvanize public rage at presumed (or imaginary) cultural elites and use mass rage to gain and maintain power. They stir up grievances against those elites for supposedly displacing average people and seek revenge. In doing so, they create mass parties. They often encourage violence.

3. Nationalism based on a dominant “superior” race and historic bloodlines.

“Tremendous infectious disease is pouring across the border.” (Trump, 2015)

“Jewish people that vote for a Democrat [show] great disloyalty.” (Trump, 2019)

“Getting critical race theory out of our schools is … a matter of national survival.” (Trump, 2022)

Authoritarians see nationalism as a means of asserting the power of the state. They glorify the state. They want it to dominate other nations.

Authoritarianism seeks to protect or expand its geographic boundaries. It worries about foreign enemies encroaching on its territory.

By contrast, fascism embodies what it considers a “superior” group – based on race, religion and historic bloodlines. Nationalism is a means of asserting that superiority.

Fascists worry about disloyalty and sabotage from groups within the nation that don’t share the same race or bloodlines. These “others” are scapegoated, excluded or expelled, sometimes even killed.

Fascists believe schools and universities must teach values that extol the dominant race, religion and bloodline. Schools should not teach inconvenient truths (such as America’s history of genocide and racism).

4. Extolling brute strength and heroic warriors.

“You’ll never take back our country with weakness, you have to show strength and you have to be strong. (Trump, 6 January 2021)

“I am your warrior.” (Trump, 2023)

The goal of authoritarianism is to gain and maintain state power. For authoritarians, “strength” comes in the form of large armies and munitions.
By contrast, the ostensible goal of fascism is to strengthen society. Fascism’s method of accomplishing this is to reward those who win economically and physically and to denigrate or exterminate those who lose.

Fascism depends on organized bullying – a form of social Darwinism. For the fascist, war and violence are means of strengthening society by culling the weak and extolling heroic warriors.

5. Disdain of women and fear of non-standard gender identities or sexual orientation.

“When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.” (Trump, 2005)

“You have to treat ’em like ****.” (Trump, 1992)

“[I will] promote positive education about the nuclear family … rather than erasing the things that make men and women different.” (Trump, 2023)

Authoritarianism imposes hierarchies. Authoritarians seek order.

By contrast, fascism is organized around the particular hierarchy of male dominance. The fascist heroic warrior is male. Women are relegated to subservient roles.

In fascism, anything that challenges the traditional heroic male roles of protector, provider and controller of the family is considered a threat to the social order.

Fascism seeks to eliminate homosexual, transgender and queer people because they are thought to challenge or weaken the heroic male warrior.

These five elements of fascism reinforce each other:

Rejection of democracy in favor of a strongman depends on galvanizing popular rage.

Popular rage draws on a nationalism based on a supposed superior race or ethnicity.

That superior race or ethnicity is justified by social Darwinist strength and violence, as exemplified by heroic warriors.

Strength, violence and the heroic warrior are centered on male power.

These five elements find exact expression in Donald Trump and the white Christian nationalist movement he is encouraging. This is also the direction that most of the Republican party is now heading.

They are not the elements of authoritarianism. They are the essential elements of fascism.

America’s mainstream media is by now comfortable talking and writing about Trump’s authoritarianism. In describing what he is seeking to impose on America, the media should be using the term fascism.

Neo fascism is more nuanced and cleverer than historical fascism but the soul is still there.

Honestly hardly looked at my phone last few days. Too much happening. Another day.
Ok I'll bite. What is Fascism ? I posted a link to an analayis of Fascism and how it is different to merely an Authoritarian Government. I'll repost the rest of the article.

Borrowing from the cultural theorist Umberto Eco, the historians Emilio Gentile and Ian Kershaw, the political scientist Roger Griffin, and the former US secretary of state Madeleine Albright, I offer five elements that distinguish fascism from authoritarianism.

1. The rejection of democracy, the rule of law and equal rights under the law in favor of a strongman who interprets the popular will.

“The election was stolen.” (Trump, 2020)

“I am your justice … I am your retribution.” (Trump, 2023)

Authoritarians believe society needs strong leaders to maintain stability. They vest in a dictator the power to maintain social order through the use of force (armies, police, militia) and bureaucracy.

By contrast, fascists view strong leaders as the means of discovering what society needs. They regard the leader as the embodiment of society, the voice of the people.

2. The galvanizing of popular rage against cultural elites.

“Your enemies” are “media elites”, … “the elites who led us from one financial and foreign policy disaster to another”. (Trump, 2015, 2016)

Authoritarians do not stir people up against establishment elites. They use or co-opt those elites to gain and maintain power.

By contrast, fascists galvanize public rage at presumed (or imaginary) cultural elites and use mass rage to gain and maintain power. They stir up grievances against those elites for supposedly displacing average people and seek revenge. In doing so, they create mass parties. They often encourage violence.

3. Nationalism based on a dominant “superior” race and historic bloodlines.

“Tremendous infectious disease is pouring across the border.” (Trump, 2015)

“Jewish people that vote for a Democrat [show] great disloyalty.” (Trump, 2019)

“Getting critical race theory out of our schools is … a matter of national survival.” (Trump, 2022)

Authoritarians see nationalism as a means of asserting the power of the state. They glorify the state. They want it to dominate other nations.

Authoritarianism seeks to protect or expand its geographic boundaries. It worries about foreign enemies encroaching on its territory.

By contrast, fascism embodies what it considers a “superior” group – based on race, religion and historic bloodlines. Nationalism is a means of asserting that superiority.

Fascists worry about disloyalty and sabotage from groups within the nation that don’t share the same race or bloodlines. These “others” are scapegoated, excluded or expelled, sometimes even killed.

Fascists believe schools and universities must teach values that extol the dominant race, religion and bloodline. Schools should not teach inconvenient truths (such as America’s history of genocide and racism).

4. Extolling brute strength and heroic warriors.

“You’ll never take back our country with weakness, you have to show strength and you have to be strong. (Trump, 6 January 2021)

“I am your warrior.” (Trump, 2023)

The goal of authoritarianism is to gain and maintain state power. For authoritarians, “strength” comes in the form of large armies and munitions.
By contrast, the ostensible goal of fascism is to strengthen society. Fascism’s method of accomplishing this is to reward those who win economically and physically and to denigrate or exterminate those who lose.

Fascism depends on organized bullying – a form of social Darwinism. For the fascist, war and violence are means of strengthening society by culling the weak and extolling heroic warriors.

5. Disdain of women and fear of non-standard gender identities or sexual orientation.

“When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.” (Trump, 2005)

“You have to treat ’em like ****.” (Trump, 1992)

“[I will] promote positive education about the nuclear family … rather than erasing the things that make men and women different.” (Trump, 2023)

Authoritarianism imposes hierarchies. Authoritarians seek order.

By contrast, fascism is organized around the particular hierarchy of male dominance. The fascist heroic warrior is male. Women are relegated to subservient roles.

In fascism, anything that challenges the traditional heroic male roles of protector, provider and controller of the family is considered a threat to the social order.

Fascism seeks to eliminate homosexual, transgender and queer people because they are thought to challenge or weaken the heroic male warrior.

These five elements of fascism reinforce each other:

Rejection of democracy in favor of a strongman depends on galvanizing popular rage.

Popular rage draws on a nationalism based on a supposed superior race or ethnicity.

That superior race or ethnicity is justified by social Darwinist strength and violence, as exemplified by heroic warriors.

Strength, violence and the heroic warrior are centered on male power.

These five elements find exact expression in Donald Trump and the white Christian nationalist movement he is encouraging. This is also the direction that most of the Republican party is now heading.

They are not the elements of authoritarianism. They are the essential elements of fascism.

America’s mainstream media is by now comfortable talking and writing about Trump’s authoritarianism. In describing what he is seeking to impose on America, the media should be using the term fascism.

Oh please. That's what you call curve fitting, you could make the same case for anyone. Please anyone with the time do Biden.

It also ignore several of fascisms central tenets, most importantly the economic. That is The Grauniad blowing smoke up the qss of its little echo chamber.

I think it's a mistake to think all populists are "neo fascists".
If anything people are too liberal in applying the "fascism" tag. In fact everyone the left disagrees with is a nazi.
That's what you call curve fitting, you could make the same case for anyone. Please anyone with the time do Biden.

Really Wayne ? For Dogs sake get a grip on yourself. Nothing in those tenants fits Biden. It only fits a relatively small number of politicians.
But the world view and working principles are well worth thinking about
Back to the topic. Donald Trump; how deep is the hole he is digging and when will the sides (inevitably) cave in.

His AG Bill Barr has penned an analysis of the circumstances around his taking and hiding of volumes of official Government documents.
Forensic, detailed, devastating.

Former President Trump greets supporters at Versailles Cuban Restaurant minutes after pleading not guilty to federal charges on June 13, 2023, in Miami. (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images)

Bill Barr: The Truth About the Trump Indictment

This time the president is not a victim of a witch hunt. The situation is entirely of his own making.
By William P. Barr

June 19, 2023

He’s the victim. Since President Trump was indicted in Florida last week, those of us who read and listen to conservative media have heard that singular message. The longer version goes like this: he’s the victim of a political witch hunt being carried out by the deep state during a presidential campaign in order to take out the Republican front-runner.

If anyone is sympathetic to this kind of logic, it’s me.

Trump has been the victim of witch hunts by obsessive enemies willing to do anything to bring him down. On those occasions—most prominently Russiagate, and more recently the civil and criminal actions against him in New York—I have never shied away from defending him. As his attorney general, I witnessed firsthand the unfair and venomous treatment he, and those in his administration, often received.
It is also true, as I know well, that Trump is a deeply flawed, incorrigible man who frequently brings calamity on himself and the country through his dishonesty and self-destructive recklessness. Even his supporters, who can’t help but acknowledge that he is own worst enemy, know it.

For the sake of the country, our party, and a basic respect for the truth, it is time that Republicans come to grips with the hard truths about President Trump’s conduct and its implications. Chief among them: Trump’s indictment is not the result of unfair government persecution. This is a situation entirely of his own making. The effort to present Trump as a victim in the Mar-a-Lago document affair is cynical political propaganda.

Here are the plain facts.
