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Trump Says He Discarded Classified Documents After Realising There Were No Pictures


Donald Trump has pleaded not guilty to misusing classified documents, saying he was unable to make sense of any of it, given the lack of illustrations.

“They were really bad documents, terrible documents. Pages of pages of words. Not a single drawing or illustration explaining how America’s nuclear program works. Not a single cartoon describing our secret military tactics,” Trump said in a rambling speech today.

“You’d think there would’ve been a least one pop-up book explaining America’s military secrets. Or a comic-book-style illustration of how to use the nuclear codes. But no, just words. So many words. It’s all so elitist. I didn’t even get past the first box”.
Understanding Trumps history. How Roy Cohns mentoring shaped Donald Trump.
Published in April 2016 before Trump was elected President.


Politico illustration/Getty and iStock
The Friday Cover

‘He Brutalized For You’​

How Joseph McCarthy henchman Roy Cohn became Donald Trump’s mentor.

April 08, 2016
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The Friday Cover


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Michael Kruse is a senior staff writer for Politico.

The reporter from the Washington Post didn’t ask Donald Trump about nuclear weapons, but he wanted to talk about them anyway. “Some people have an ability to negotiate,” Trump said, of facing the Soviet Union. “You either have it or you don’t.”
He wasn’t daunted by the complexity of the topic: “It would take an hour and a half to learn everything there is to learn about missiles,” he said.

It was the fall of 1984, Trump Tower was new, and this was unusual territory for the 38-year-old real estate developer. He was three years away from his first semi-serious dalliance with presidential politics, more than 30 years before the beginning of his current campaign—but he had gotten the idea to bring this up, he said, from his attorney, his good friend and his closest adviser, Roy Cohn.

That Roy Cohn.
Roy Cohn, the lurking legal hit man for red-baiting Sen. Joe McCarthy, whose reign of televised intimidation in the 1950s has become synonymous with demagoguery, fear-mongering and character assassination. In the formative years of Donald Trump’s career, when he went from a rich kid working for his real estate-developing father to a top-line dealmaker in his own right, Cohn was one of the most powerful influences and helpful contacts in Trump’s life.


Trump Says He Discarded Classified Documents After Realising There Were No Pictures

View attachment 158203

Donald Trump has pleaded not guilty to misusing classified documents, saying he was unable to make sense of any of it, given the lack of illustrations.

“They were really bad documents, terrible documents. Pages of pages of words. Not a single drawing or illustration explaining how America’s nuclear program works. Not a single cartoon describing our secret military tactics,” Trump said in a rambling speech today.

“You’d think there would’ve been a least one pop-up book explaining America’s military secrets. Or a comic-book-style illustration of how to use the nuclear codes. But no, just words. So many words. It’s all so elitist. I didn’t even get past the first box”.
So which satirical site did it come from?
It helps if you identify the sources of your opinions and analysis.
So which satirical site did it come from?
It helps if you identify the sources of your opinions and analysis.
Opps ! As usual The Shovel.

I don't believe it of course. Be totally unfair to characterise Donald Trump as a President who refused to read any briefing more than a page in big print with pictures.

Even once Trump started receiving the President’s Daily Brief (PDB), a daily summary of high-level national security and intelligence issues, Trump chose not to read it, according to Ted Gistaro, a career CIA analyst who frequently briefed Trump. This backed up earlier reports that Trump did not read the PDB. “He touched it,” Gistaro said when asked how closely Trump read the briefs. “He doesn’t really read anything.”

Clapper agreed with Gistaro, telling Helgerson, “Trump doesn’t read much; he likes bullets.” Instead, during the Trump administration, the briefer would summarize aloud key points since the last briefing and provide three documents (none more than a page) about new developments abroad. This was all part of an effort to make the PDB “shorter and tighter, with declarative sentences and no feature-length pieces.”

10 minute video outlining the path to Trumps final indictment of taking and hiding Top Secret and classified documents.
Clear and damming

Clear and damming

Pffft he fails to mention a lot. Theres zero explanation of the law and why there is the discrepancy in if he was/wasn't allowed to keep the documents. Slug level understanding. God even the graphics are misleading. Showing boxes and boxes for 102 documents?
That sht would fit in a folder. Trump probably has pr0n mags that are thicker.

Oh and on Jack Smith. This is the guy that previously destroyed a Republican prior with bs charges that were thrown out 8-0 by the Supreme court (would of been 9 but one of them died I think).
Him and his wife are fanatical dems.
I'm sure he was living somewhere in Europe. Geeze I wonder why they flew him in.

Bas you want me to provide what's actually going on and not your "Shovel" level posts, or you good with these brain dead articles?
Pffft he fails to mention a lot. Theres zero explanation of the law and why there is the discrepancy in if he was/wasn't allowed to keep the documents. Slug level understanding. God even the graphics are misleading. Showing boxes and boxes for 102 documents?
That sht would fit in a folder. Trump probably has pr0n mags that are thicker.

Oh and on Jack Smith. This is the guy that previously destroyed a Republican prior with bs charges that were thrown out 8-0 by the Supreme court (would of been 9 but one of them died I think).
Him and his wife are fanatical dems.
I'm sure he was living somewhere in Europe. Geeze I wonder why they flew him in.

Bas you want me to provide what's actually going on and not your "Shovel" level posts, or you good with these brain dead articles?

Well there you are Moxjo. Your great opportunity has just arrived. You get out there and PROVE to Jack Smith and co that they know SFA about this investigation and are WRONG on so many critical areas.

And while you are at send a copy to the remainder of Trumps lawyers and the Republicans who have been feverishly "supporting him" but never actually say "he is innocent". They all just rabbiut on about Hilary or Biden or whatever. You clearly have ascertained the critical information everyone else seems to have missed.

Lets be clear. The explainer highlights the sequence of events which ended up with Trump being charged.

What I find unbelievable, completely crackers in fact, is that Trump, his followers and some posters here are trying to say that Donald Trump was within his rights to take Top Secret and Highly Classified Military information when he left office.

This is information that any foreign power would kill or pay big dollars for. It opens the US Government and its operatives to any type of interference. And somehow saying this is absolutely wrong and should be quickly rectified is a source of violent disagreement ?

The comparison with Biden or Pence , or Bush or anyone else is a complete red herring. In every other case the person immediately acknowledged the issues and co-operated fully in retrieving and returning any information relevant. And that was rightfully the end of the story

But Trump simply "pulled rank". Said he was the final arbiter (he isn't) and then deliberately moved and hid documents which were later found. And not just a couple of odd files either. Seemingly a very substantial haul.

Lets be clear. The explainer highlights the sequence of events which ended up with Trump being charged.

View attachment 158289
That's hardly the meat of it, is it...
You basically showed a sequence of events to proclaim "clear and damming".
More like dot to dot for dullards.

Make no mistake about it though. Trump runs the real risk of being found guilty. But there are multiple points to this case.

But the quick just is:
he failed to hand over NDI Documents to NARA.
So they now say that he WILLFULLY failed to deliver it to that official.

Now not every classified document is an NDI. The news throws all these classifications but it's bs. The actual NDI documents are what will sink you.

Now everyone has probably heard about how Trump "declassified" documents. The president designates all records that he creates either as Presidential or personal records. So the personal he can keep Presidential goes back.

Now he had boxes and boxes of documents and they found 100 or so papers out of potentially millions. So the court has to prove that he knowingly and willfully withheld them.
He believed that those boxes were his personal records.

That's it without the mainstream bs and tds meltdowns.

Now there's also key things the fbi has done that looks horrendously like the Gestapo. Ignoring client-attorney privileges is just one on a long list. This is a political shakedown to stop Trump running.
What I find unbelievable, completely crackers in fact, is that Trump, his followers and some posters here are trying to say that Donald Trump was within his rights to take Top Secret and Highly Classified Military information when he left office.

This is information that any foreign power would kill or pay big dollars for. It opens the US Government and its operatives to any type of interference. And somehow saying this is absolutely wrong and should be quickly rectified is a source of violent disagreement ?

The comparison with Biden or Pence , or Bush or anyone else is a complete red herring. In every other case the person immediately acknowledged the issues and co-operated fully in retrieving and returning any information relevant. And that was rightfully the end of the story

But Trump simply "pulled rank". Said he was the final arbiter (he isn't) and then deliberately moved and hid documents which were later found. And not just a couple of odd files either. Seemingly a very substantial haul.
I can't speak for anyone else, but I have no idea of whether Trump was within his rights to take Top secret documents etc etc.
That is for a court to decide when admissable evidence is presented. Anything else is merely opinion.
What I can say is that the real problem is the inconsistent treatment handed by politicised DOJ and FBI to Trump versus Pence, Obama, Biden, and probably a few others.
That's hardly the meat of it, is it...
You basically showed a sequence of events to proclaim "clear and damming".
More like dot to dot for dullards.

Make no mistake about it though. Trump runs the real risk of being found guilty. But there are multiple points to this case.

But the quick just is:
he failed to hand over NDI Documents to NARA.
So they now say that he WILLFULLY failed to deliver it to that official.

Now not every classified document is an NDI. The news throws all these classifications but it's bs. The actual NDI documents are what will sink you.

Now everyone has probably heard about how Trump "declassified" documents. The president designates all records that he creates either as Presidential or personal records. So the personal he can keep Presidential goes back.

Now he had boxes and boxes of documents and they found 100 or so papers out of potentially millions. So the court has to prove that he knowingly and willfully withheld them.
He believed that those boxes were his personal records.

That's it without the mainstream bs and tds meltdowns.

Now there's also key things the fbi has done that looks horrendously like the Gestapo. Ignoring client-attorney privileges is just one on a long list. This is a political shakedown to stop Trump running.

I believe the issue was quite clear. Trump took hundreds of boxes of documents from the White House. He does not seem to have processed them except it seems for some particularly juicy Top secret files which he openly referred to in public discussions.

He was asked to return all the documents . He returned 15 boxes . NRAA checked them and realised there was definitely substantial missing classified material. Trump was now supoenaed to give up the rest of the material.

This time Trump finds another 38 boxes of material (that somehow he had overlooked the first time :cautious:) However there is continual leaking that Trump still has not returned all the material he took from the White House. The DOJ finally have a complete search of Mars a Lago and acting on tips offs find a further 102 boxes of material that had been hidden in a range of locations. (Remember that his lawyers had assured NRAA that all documents were returned in the previous tranche of 38 boxes) An analysis of these files shows

classified documents Mr Trump stored in his boxes contained information about:
  • United States nuclear programmes
  • Defence and weapons capabilities of both the United States and foreign countries
  • Potential vulnerabilities of the United States and its allies to military attack
  • Plans for possible retaliation in response to a foreign attack
As far as ignoring client-attorney privilege ? This is the argument that challenges that issue

I believe the issue was quite clear. Trump took hundreds of boxes of documents from the White House. He does not seem to have processed them except it seems for some particularly juicy Top secret files which he openly referred to in public discussions.
Glad you have your belief systems Bas, but sorry belief and proof are miles apart.
Plenty of people believe that Trump was railroaded, cheated, etc etc, but I would not accept their beliefs as fact any more than I accept yours.
Until it all goes before a court and sworn testimony, bank records and other such documentary evidence is presented, they are still only belief systems.
Glad you have your belief systems Bas, but sorry belief and proof are miles apart.
Plenty of people believe that Trump was railroaded, cheated, etc etc, but I would not accept their beliefs as fact any more than I accept yours.
Until it all goes before a court and sworn testimony, bank records and other such documentary evidence is presented, they are still only belief systems.

And if Trump needs to face the court, so should Obama, Hillary, Biden, Pence, and whoever else.

More than anything, this is the injustice, in that so called justice is unequally applied.

It's a broken record assertion, but it need to keep being said.
Glad you have your belief systems Bas, but sorry belief and proof are miles apart.
Plenty of people believe that Trump was railroaded, cheated, etc etc, but I would not accept their beliefs as fact any more than I accept yours.
Until it all goes before a court and sworn testimony, bank records and other such documentary evidence is presented, they are still only belief systems.
The judge appointed to the case is one that Trump put there.

All Trump needs to do is get it delayed till after the election. No problemo. I am sure he will oblige. Some technical hitch.

And when it eventually goes to court the judge has the ability to say there is no case and cancel it that way.

Gotta love the US system.
Famous for being much more friendly to the wealthy.