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Donald Trump - Business and tax stories

It is fascinating... Really I mean it. Couldn't make it up. Nah Chat AI would do it in a doodle

We have the most venal criminal lying heap of xhite that ever walked the earth poisoning the US political system and the response from people like Moxjo and co is to point at flying pigs, walking dolphins, mad hatters, other assorted lunatics. Anything to not see what is in front of their eyes.

Anything to justify not saying "This is unacceptable" "This is criminal " "This must be stopped" .

I saw the dribble about Sinclair . As I noted it was not worth wasting the pixels . But clearly other people see any pixels that distract from the 8000 lb gorilla currently trashing the US political system is worth throwing at the wall.

On the bigger picture, I suppose what Trump has done with Stormy Daniels is small potatoes. I mean the lying, heap of xhite has far, far more serious commercial, political and personal form than just paying off a couple of woman he has banged and then falsifying the books to cover it up while denying the fact he was xalls deep into them in the first place.

But this indictment is a start isn't it ? One DA has had the courage to say the law does apply to everyone. That just because someone is an 8000 lb gorilla who throws red meat to a blind mob to overthrow any one he hates doesn't mean we have to roll over for the xunt. With any luck the other far more serious corruption, sedition, rape and fraud charges will end up in indictments as well.

And then the 8000 lb gorilla can have his day, his week his months in court and see how much his bluster and BS counts when he is trying to turn merde into perfume.

In 1956 Nikita Khrushchev denounced the cult of Stalin in a closed session of the Communist Party Congress. Stalin had died 3years earlier but till then no one had the courage to stand up and call out the terror, the lies, the incompetence, the destruction that Stalin had wrecked on the Soviet Union. The denouncement shattered the true Stalin believers. But it had to be done.

Trump is no Stalin. But he has made a promising start to a very serviceable Cult of the Personality Party. The festering boil needs to lanced and drained.

Trump is a possible Stalin so we need to pre-emptively take him out.
Hmm ok. And I'm the one making a stretch.

You do realise that Clinton paid off women?
As did a whole lot of presidents.

How many fake stories have we heard about Trump so far?
You supported them all as well. Have to ask: at what point do we stop trying to ignore the fact you have posted every conspiracy about Trump so far. Not to mention they were all wrong.

Trump was out of the running and now he is front news again.
This case is flimsy. I'd be surprised if it isn't laughed out. It also will damage future cases.

But here you are. Thinking it somehow has something to do with "doing the right thing".
Biden government has been an absolute clusterfluck so far. I'm placing money on democrat strategy.

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You still think the 2020 US Election was legit...???

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?



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For those out of the loop -
  • Sam Brinton - Former Energy Department Official - gender whatever, dog role fetish, caught stealing luggage, twice​
  • Sam Bankman-Fried - FTX Fraudster/Ponzi, awaiting trial​
  • Joe Biden - Installed President, senile/dementia old man installed by the CIA, money launder, CCP agent​

Trump is a possible Stalin so we need to pre-emptively take him out.
Hmm ok. And I'm the one making a stretch.

Way over your head Moxjo. The reference was not to comparing Trump with Stalin. The reference was Nikita having the courage to do a 4 hour detailed denouncement of Stalins atrocities to the Soviet Congress. It was sending a copy of the speech to every communist party group in the country and having it read out to every communist party member. It was an attempt to destroy the Stalin personality cult that had bound the Communist Party for 30 years.

You do realise that Clinton paid off women?
As did a whole lot of presidents.
Yep. Tons. And it wouldn't surprise me in the least if there are few more Trumpettes in the background who Trump has paid off as well.

Trumps problems are the way he paid Daniels and Mcdougal off through falsifying his accounts to make it look like the payments were for specific legal expenses rather than such a pay off. This is where he is going to be exposed. Lets remember that his lawyer went to jail for 3 years becasue of the illegality of what he did but the man who demanded he cook the books has so far escaped scott free. Expect to see that argument come up in the case.

Of course because he continues to lie through his teeth about the relationships it will be very interesting to see his response if asked under oath whether he had sex with the two women in question . (I suggest Karen Mcdougal will end up being named in the indictment)

How many fake stories have we heard about Trump so far?
Three fifths of xuck all. You can bleat till the cows come home about what hasn't been "proven" or throw fairy dust around to somehow pretend that the current crop of legal concerns. Inciting the January 6th insurrection, attempting to subvert the election results, repeatedly denying his taking of classified documents from the White House and the dodgy dealings with bonking payoffs are the current agenda. And of course the old Jean Carroll rape trial.

I'm far more prepared to see Donald Trump have the opportunity to prove his innocence in a court of law than put credence in his virulent denials and attacks on anyone who dares accuse him of not being the infallible Sun God.

This case is flimsy. I'd be surprised if it isn't laughed out. It also will damage future cases.
So you say. But a grand jury of 20 plus citizens who saw all the evidence and questioned in detail the witnesses brought to bear believe there is case to answer. Of course in a trial the defence has the opportunity to put its case and cross examine the witnesses. And of course Donald Trump has his opportunity to go on the stand and under oath explain just what and what didn't happen and show everything was quite legal. That's the way the law works isn't it ?

Of course its not the way Trump works. He just guns away with denial and then attacks every person or legal body who dares challenge him. He has done this every single time he has faced legal threat. He has already started on the Judge who will be hearing the hush money trial.

In my view this is akin to lynch law behaviour. As per January 6th Trump is inciting his followers to ramp up the hate on all these awful people and if someone goes a step too far ... so sad. Lets see how the judge responds to this abuse. It seems he will take no nonsense but deal with the case on its merits.

Way over your head Moxjo. The reference was not to comparing Trump with Stalin. The reference was Nikita having the courage to do a 4 hour detailed denouncement of Stalins atrocities to the Soviet Congress. It was sending a copy of the speech to every communist party group in the country and having it read out to every communist party member. It was an attempt to destroy the Stalin personality cult that had bound the Communist Party for 30 years.

Yep. Tons. And it wouldn't surprise me in the least if there are few more Trumpettes in the background who Trump has paid off as well.

Trumps problems are the way he paid Daniels and Mcdougal off through falsifying his accounts to make it look like the payments were for specific legal expenses rather than such a pay off. This is where he is going to be exposed. Lets remember that his lawyer went to jail for 3 years becasue of the illegality of what he did but the man who demanded he cook the books has so far escaped scott free. Expect to see that argument come up in the case.

Of course because he continues to lie through his teeth about the relationships it will be very interesting to see his response if asked under oath whether he had sex with the two women in question . (I suggest Karen Mcdougal will end up being named in the indictment)

Three fifths of xuck all. You can bleat till the cows come home about what hasn't been "proven" or throw fairy dust around to somehow pretend that the current crop of legal concerns. Inciting the January 6th insurrection, attempting to subvert the election results, repeatedly denying his taking of classified documents from the White House and the dodgy dealings with bonking payoffs are the current agenda. And of course the old Jean Carroll rape trial.

I'm far more prepared to see Donald Trump have the opportunity to prove his innocence in a court of law than put credence in his virulent denials and attacks on anyone who dares accuse him of not being the infallible Sun God.

So you say. But a grand jury of 20 plus citizens who saw all the evidence and questioned in detail the witnesses brought to bear believe there is case to answer. Of course in a trial the defence has the opportunity to put its case and cross examine the witnesses. And of course Donald Trump has his opportunity to go on the stand and under oath explain just what and what didn't happen and show everything was quite legal. That's the way the law works isn't it ?

Of course its not the way Trump works. He just guns away with denial and then attacks every person or legal body who dares challenge him. He has done this every single time he has faced legal threat. He has already started on the Judge who will be hearing the hush money trial.

In my view this is akin to lynch law behaviour. As per January 6th Trump is inciting his followers to ramp up the hate on all these awful people and if someone goes a step too far ... so sad. Lets see how the judge responds to this abuse. It seems he will take no nonsense but deal with the case on its merits.

I just don't think they have a case. The star witness is even less credible than Trump.
This stinks of political iinterference.

I'm probably more pissed off that they have kicked off the circus again. Trump was on the downside to obscurity before this happened. Now he is front page again. In no way, shape, or form do I think this was to see justice served. Maybe the democrats political coffers need refilling.
I just don't think they have a case. The star witness is even less credible than Trump. ? (How is that even vaguely possible ? Reallly ?o_O)
This stinks of political iinterference.

I'm probably more pissed off that they have kicked off the circus again. Trump was on the downside to obscurity ????? before this happened. Now he is front page again. In no way, shape, or form do I think this was to see justice served. Maybe the democrats political coffers need refilling.

Your opinion Moxjo. Your welcome to it.

On the big picture it seems any trial is a year away. Between now and then there is an actual trial coming up in New York re the defamation case and Jean Carroll. That will be worth a bag of popcorn.

There are still 3 other outstanding investigations coming to a finale in the near future. Far more serious politically. But at least with one indictment against Trump on the books another and another and another would give everyone plenty of practice in being fingerprinted, photographed and otherwise processed. The Sun God can get used to the process.

What I will be interested in is how Judge in the current case treats Trump kicking off about the case.

And Moxjo in which universe is the yellow Sun King on the downside to obscurity ? The one where he is nominating for President for 2024 and trashing every other candidate ? Where his most loyal xrse lickers fight for the privilege of backing him to the hilt at every opportunity ? Where his faithful zombiefied followers send multiple death threats to the Judges and prosecutors who dare hurt their darling ?

That's obscurity ? He is a menace. He is the circus ringleader. The chief knife and bomb thrower. The head propagandist. The financier. The controller of the Republican Party. The vigilante from hell who will destroy every political enemy, pardon the patriots who stormed the Capitol and ridicule/undermine every Republican politician who might stand up to him.

Yep just your average obscure sociopath..;)

And Moxjo in which universe is the yellow Sun King on the downside to obscurity ? The one where he is nominating for President for 2024 and trashing every other candidate ? Where his most loyal xrse lickers fight for the privilege of backing him to the hilt at every opportunity ? Where his faithful zombiefied followers send multiple death threats to the Judges and prosecutors who dare hurt their darling ?

That's obscurity ? He is a menace. He is the circus ringleader. The chief knife and bomb thrower. The head propagandist. The financier. The controller of the Republican Party. The vigilante from hell who will destroy every political enemy, pardon the patriots who stormed the Capitol and ridicule/undermine every Republican politician who might stand up to him.

Yep just your average obscure sociopath..;)
Trumps numbers saw him as being a has been. Not now. A lot of what they went after Trump with was rubbish. They went over the top with lies and that's proven. You can point the finger at Trump. But the fact is that he was never charged on the multiple serious allegations because they were all lies.

I find it odd you disregard the mountains of evidence of just how bad the democrats are as a collective.Their lies have been consistently exposed and ignored. Are you so blinded by your religion that you can no longer be objective?

Trump is one guy. The democrats are an insidious muck pile that have entrenched their brand of corruption and zealots into all tiers of public service. Entertainment, social media, media, advocates. They are becoming something akin to a religion. Trump has a bunch of maga.
Who's the threat?

No doubt Republicans are bad. But I'd choose the side of basic freedoms. But let's be clear, Republicans have fallen down in this area as well. I think the vast majority are slippery characters as well.
But democrats are warmongering whores and destroyers of nations. Their slimy tentacles reach worldwide.
Repetition does not transform a lie into the truth'. FDR.

'Nations do not die from invasions. They die from internal rottenness. '

'The money power preys on the nation in the time of peace. It conspires against it in time of war. It is more despotic that monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy.
It denounces as public enemies all who question its methods, or throw light on its crimes'

' Better to be silent on a subject, and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt'

Abraham Lincoln.

'You know, it really doesn't matter what the media writes as long as you've got a young and beautiful piece of ass'.

Donald Trump.
Repetition does not transform a lie into the truth'. FDR.

'Nations do not die from invasions. They die from internal rottenness. '

'The money power preys on the nation in the time of peace. It conspires against it in time of war. It is more despotic that monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy.
It denounces as public enemies all who question its methods, or throw light on its crimes'

' Better to be silent on a subject, and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt'

Abraham Lincoln.

'You know, it really doesn't matter what the media writes as long as you've got a young and beautiful piece of ass'.

Donald Trump.
Who is the threat?

The reason I supported Trump was because he destabilised the swamp. The only one that could navigate that sewer was a sewer rat.
Trump needed consecutive terms but alas the government corrupted their way back to status quo. So there's no point him winning now.
Trumps numbers saw him as being a has been. Not now. A lot of what they went after Trump with was rubbish. They went over the top with lies and that's proven. You can point the finger at Trump. But the fact is that he was never charged on the multiple serious allegations because they were all lies.

I find it odd you disregard the mountains of evidence of just how bad the democrats are as a collective.Their lies have been consistently exposed and ignored. Are you so blinded by your religion that you can no longer be objective?

Trump is one guy. The democrats are an insidious muck pile that have entrenched their brand of corruption and zealots into all tiers of public service. Entertainment, social media, media, advocates. They are becoming something akin to a religion. Trump has a bunch of maga.
Who's the threat?

No doubt Republicans are bad. But I'd choose the side of basic freedoms. But let's be clear, Republicans have fallen down in this area as well. I think the vast majority are slippery characters as well.
But democrats are warmongering whores and destroyers of nations. Their slimy tentacles reach worldwide.

Ha ha yep US politics, Cohen did time Trump should to, he will likely get off and he may win Republican selection however the independents that elect US presidents wont vote for him.

Note if the roles were reversed Republicans would have a full time prosecutor working on him as per Clinton, Trumps getting of light IMHO, FWIW I don't like any of them.
Ha ha yep US politics, Cohen did time Trump should to, he will likely get off and he may win Republican selection however the independents that elect US presidents wont vote for him.

Note if the roles were reversed Republicans would have a full time prosecutor working on him as per Clinton, Trumps getting of light IMHO, FWIW I don't like any of them.
Hmm.... Arresting political opponents after some of the dodgiest and most propaganda filled elections of all time always screams "Totally legit".

But right on cue Trump had the opportunity to zoom call it in, but went to NY for maximum exposure.
The circus is back.
Ha ha yep US politics, Cohen did time Trump should to, he will likely get off and he may win Republican selection however the independents that elect US presidents wont vote for him.

Note if the roles were reversed Republicans would have a full time prosecutor working on him as per Clinton, Trumps getting of light IMHO, FWIW I don't like any of them.
To do time as you say, you have to be found guilty of a crime.
Until Trump goes to court and evidence, as distinct from opinion, is put forward, he is not guilty until proven so.
Its not the other way around.
I keep hearing people quote "everyone is equal under the law and no one is above the law".
This is quite true, but until there is a conviction, there is no guilt.
Being a loud mouth pompous egotistical ******** is not a felony, otherwise the majority of celebrities would be in jail.
To do time as you say, you have to be found guilty of a crime.
Until Trump goes to court and evidence, as distinct from opinion, is put forward, he is not guilty until proven so.
Its not the other way around.
I keep hearing people quote "everyone is equal under the law and no one is above the law".
This is quite true, but until there is a conviction, there is no guilt.
Being a loud mouth pompous egotistical ******** is not a felony, otherwise the majority of celebrities would be in jail.

Largely agree but note the wealthy generally serve a lot less time than say a black or Hispanic American.

On this charge highly likely Trump will get off claiming the victim status but paying off a pr0n star while married isn't a good look for US independent voters.

As a result I suspect Democrat's will be hoping Trump wins the nomination but when he loses possible out come is civil war II.
Largely agree but note the wealthy generally serve a lot less time than say a black or Hispanic American.
Black and Hispanic don'r go to Jail any more in the US.
In New York they don't even go to trial.
The same DA that charged Trump has claimed a massive reduction in crime in NYC by downgrading lots of felony charges to misdemeanors. (see Here and here ).

On this charge highly likely Trump will get off claiming the victim status but paying off a pr0n star while married isn't a good look for US independent voters.
He will claim that Cohen paid it as go away money, and she signed a non disclosure agreement, which is not a felony, though maybe tawdry.
It was nothing to do with him.
Didn't seem to hurt Bill Clinton after Paula Jones accused him and got $850k.
The DA has go to prove tat a felony was committed, and so far we have not been told what that felony is.
It can't be the that he used campaign funds, which has been bandied around lots of times.
The problem is, that (a) , that is federal charge, not a state charge so cannot be filed at state level, and (b) two democrats fed DA's have looked at the evidence and ecided there was little liklihood of conviction and took it no further.
As a result I suspect Democrat's will be hoping Trump wins the nomination but when he loses possible out come is civil war II.
I have no doubt that the dems will not only hope that he wins the nomination, but they will actively go about making sure he does by white anting everyone else. They have past form, and its in their DNA.