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Donald Trump - Business and tax stories

What is going to be charged with?
The DA can arraign a grand jury for any reason they think fit.
The whole process is run by the prosecutor.
There is no presiding Judge.
It is partly why there is a saying in US legal circles that Grand juries would Indite a ham Sandwich.
There is nothing grand about a Grand jury, they largely ignore the accepted rules of evidence, witnesses are forces to produce documents , to testify, the plaintiff has no right to reject the jury members who are hand picked by the prosecutor, the plaintiffs lawyer is not allowed to cross examine prosecution witnesses or challenge any exhibits. if the grand jury commits someone to a real trial, then the proper legal proceedings start.
So given that the Prosecutor can do pretty much what they like, unless they commit some sort of corruption or other offence under federal law, I don't see what can be lumped on Bragg.
Unless of course the GOP decide to go down the path of impeachment.
Surely by now everyone has learnt that impeachments are just another political tool , and are no better than grand juries.
Withholding evidence or something (unverified).
As usual Jimmy Kimmel tells the ongoing story of "Donald Corleone" with a panache that entertains and educates.

Jimmy Kimmel on Trump: ‘When are they going to arrest him already?’​

Late-night hosts discuss Trump’s potential indictment in the Stormy Daniels case and other criminal investigations he faces

Jimmy Kimmel on possible arrest of Donald Trump: ‘Melania has been debating whether she should play Party in the USA or Celebration by Kool & the Gang.’ Photograph: YouTube
Late-night TV roundup



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The real problems for "Donald Corleone" will happen with the imminent Georgian charges relating to attempting to overturn the election results in the 2020 election. Dons lawyer seems to be all over this - NOT.

Checout Stormy Daniels on Jimmy Kimmel a few years ago, If/when Donald Corleone is charged and goes to trial in New York regarding the hush money Stormy will be giving evidence.

The real problems for "Donald Corleone" will happen with the imminent Georgian charges relating to attempting to overturn the election results in the 2020 election. Dons lawyer seems to be all over this - NOT.

This one has a real chance.
Check out this essay on Donald Trump.

The Sweet, Healing Power of Justice​

Chaos agents want their trumped-up storyline of outrage and political persecution to intimidate Americans. Let's not take the bait.​

Check out this essay on Donald Trump.

The Sweet, Healing Power of Justice​

Chaos agents want their trumped-up storyline of outrage and political persecution to intimidate Americans. Let's not take the bait.​

Yeah, another trump opinion.
The one who love Trump write essays, the ones who hat trump write essays.
But in the end, both sides are merely reinforcing their own biases.
There has been the best part of 5 1/2 years of various people wanting to indite Trump , when that failed they wanted to arrest him on stupid charges when they could have gone after him on the "find me some more votes" statement.
But its better to keep the pot boiling, keep up the hate from both sides because it suits those in power to have a fractured America, that way they can keep wielding the power levers to suit their own ends.
The Unsettling part for me is I see similarities between America and what is evolving in OZ.
So, let me get this straight -

Trump colluding with Russia Russia Russia (Muller Investigation) was all BS, meanwhile - Biden Crime Family (with tons of evidence), the DOJ/FBI does nothing
Stormy Daniels was all BS
Election fraud is real (with evidence too boot)
Ukraine/NATO is all BS
Biden blew up Nord Stream 2 (thats obvious)
Biden wants to give puberty blockers to teenagers (sicko)
When Biden was VP he held classified documents - according to the DOJ/FBI thats ok. Trump as POTUS did this - not ok and a FBI photoshoot was organised (LOL)
Hunter Biden has been caught in multiple felonies (money laundering/drugs etc etc) - not a peep from the MSN.

But, Trump was orange man bad

The USA is eating itself......
Trump has been indicted on the hush money investigations.
Excellent summary of the history of this investigations and the convulated trails Trump and Cohen constructed to cover the tracks of these payouts. (There have been at least 2 ) The legal issue will be the tax and compliance issues with the misrepresentation of the payouts

Nuh A waste of pixels..
He's the ultimate conspiracy along with big Mike.
I know how much you are into "alternative stories".

Poor old Larry unfortunately died back in 2008 in a hit and run organised by the Clinton's. Later in 2018 he ran for mayor.
He was also arrested for truth telling activities.
This crap has got traction again.
I was really hoping Trump was going to go unnoticed in this year's election.
I'm beginning to think this was a targeted move by the democrats to get him noticed again, so he would win the primaries and mobilise the democrats base voters.

They successfully did this in the midterms (by their own admission) by supporting the more loony maga candidates against the reasonable Republican ones. They then went up against moderate democrats in elections. And it seemed to have worked. So is a similar thing happening now since its been tested?
It is fascinating... Really I mean it. Couldn't make it up. Nah Chat AI would do it in a doodle

We have the most venal criminal lying heap of xhite that ever walked the earth poisoning the US political system and the response from people like Moxjo and co is to point at flying pigs, walking dolphins, mad hatters, other assorted lunatics. Anything to not see what is in front of their eyes.

Anything to justify not saying "This is unacceptable" "This is criminal " "This must be stopped" .

I saw the dribble about Sinclair . As I noted it was not worth wasting the pixels . But clearly other people see any pixels that distract from the 8000 lb gorilla currently trashing the US political system is worth throwing at the wall.

On the bigger picture, I suppose what Trump has done with Stormy Daniels is small potatoes. I mean the lying, heap of xhite has far, far more serious commercial, political and personal form than just paying off a couple of woman he has banged and then falsifying the books to cover it up while denying the fact he was xalls deep into them in the first place.

But this indictment is a start isn't it ? One DA has had the courage to say the law does apply to everyone. That just because someone is an 8000 lb gorilla who throws red meat to a blind mob to overthrow any one he hates doesn't mean we have to roll over for the xunt. With any luck the other far more serious corruption, sedition, rape and fraud charges will end up in indictments as well.

And then the 8000 lb gorilla can have his day, his week his months in court and see how much his bluster and BS counts when he is trying to turn merde into perfume.

In 1956 Nikita Khrushchev denounced the cult of Stalin in a closed session of the Communist Party Congress. Stalin had died 3years earlier but till then no one had the courage to stand up and call out the terror, the lies, the incompetence, the destruction that Stalin had wrecked on the Soviet Union. The denouncement shattered the true Stalin believers. But it had to be done.

Trump is no Stalin. But he has made a promising start to a very serviceable Cult of the Personality Party. The festering boil needs to lanced and drained.
