Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Does Gillard inspire confidence?

I wouldn't trust her to mind my shopping trolley at the checkout. Everything she says has to be fact checked.


Why do you think she continues to do it?
Is it because she can get away with it?
Is it because she thinks the PM can say anything to the people?
Or is it because she needs physiological help?

Surely there is a simple reason, or could it be complex?

Perhaps this might provide a partial explanation Joea?
World we see is make-believe, top British scientist says - From: NewsCore July 30, 2011


I can comprehend that! I see individuals and couples living a dream quite frequently.

But I cannot understand Gillards beliefs, as she speaks on an Australian wide "stage".
I will quote " Nobody is defeated until they start blaming somebody else".
Obviously Gillard is overdue to be replaced or removed.

Thanks anyway.
Interesting poll on who is preferred Labor Leader from Essential Media.

37% of respondents prefer Kevin Rudd as leader of the Labor Party, 12% prefer Julia Gillard and 11% Malcolm Turnbull.

Among Labor voters, 43% prefer Kevin Rudd and 31% Julia Gillard.

Some interesting figures on the report. It seems that at 6% of labor voters are not so keen on Turnbull being labor leader, but liberal voters at 17% are quite happy for Turnbull to cross over to labor and be leader...:D

There were also 28% on average who simply didn't know who would be best for labor leader, but Gillard is not looking good.
I reckon Labor is far too right wing for Mal; perhaps the Greens would be a better fit. :p:
Its interesting that Simon Cream's name has come up afew times since the weekend.
It appears the Liberals think it will be him.
The Liberal guy in Cairns was praising him on the radio today. He commented that you can actually talk to him and have a conversation.
Interesting! very interesting!
Joea, I noticed that Crean wasn't on this poll by essential media. Maybe Crean is the libs idea for labor leadership much like labor seems to want Turnbull but not for themselves...:rolleyes:

And Gillard is not inspiring confidence even with her own voters (however many are left, I don't know).
Its interesting that Simon Cream's name has come up afew times since the weekend.
It appears the Liberals think it will be him.
The Liberal guy in Cairns was praising him on the radio today. He commented that you can actually talk to him and have a conversation.
Interesting! very interesting!
I can't see that they could go back to Simon Crean. He had his go and was a failure.
How stupid would they look to bring him back again!

Yes, he may well be better than either Gillard or Swan, but they will not see that as being the point. If they behaved logically, they'd have recommissioned Nauru instead of getting sucked into this ridiculous deal with Malaysia.
I think the Libs would love to have Crean back, he wasn't a top performer.
There is no way they will dump Gillard, that would be admitting they are useless( even though everybody knows it).
No I think they will stumble on to the next election, unless one of the independents wants to save their own skin.
If reports on ABC Radio are correct, the convoy is somewhat smaller than expected, i.e. about 800 rather than the two or three thousand suggested.
If reports on ABC Radio are correct, the convoy is somewhat smaller than expected, i.e. about 800 rather than the two or three thousand suggested.

I have very little confidence in the "Convoy of No Confidence" being seen as anything more than a stunt.
Agree. I suppose it's an expression of their unhappiness but it could never have been expected to actually effect any changes in government policy.
What next will this incompetent Prime Minister of ours try, just to cling to power.

This case of trying to silence the media is becoming more socialistic by the day. This is the sort of tactics used in Communist regimes and dictatorships.

Will somebody tell Julia Gillard Australia is a democracy and we believe in fredom of speech. "If it is getting too hot in the kitchen she should get out".

Make sure you read the 500 odd comments that goes with this link.