Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Does Gillard inspire confidence?

Going on today's poll fewer and fewer voters have confidence in our fearless socilaist left wing leader.

Just waiting for the Labor Party implosion..........days?,,,,,,,,weeks?????????? Won't be long.

Nah. The current Labor noddies (both sexes) are all "straw men" (ie - gutless). Party unity is more important to them than what's good for the nation. Don't hold your breath too long!
Those spinels power hungry currently in power will do anything to last the distance.
They have no shame and not enough dignity to acknowledge it and call it a day.

Yet time and time again Labor gets to power, to blow the accumulated wealth and throw away money as there is no tomorrow.

And more dole-for life individuals we have the more votes they will have.
There are some gems in there.

.....when we have a deep and lasting community concensus to do it and I don't believe we have that lasting and deep community concensus.

She could always say she was four short at the time of that statement, Bob Brown, Tony windsor, Rob Oakshott and Andrew Wilkie.

Everbody is equal, but some are more equal than others. That's how history will judge her.
Did anyone watch Ms Gillard interviewed on 7.30 this evening? She seems to be becoming even worse, especially in the face of some more than usually aggressive questioning from Chris Urhlman.
Does she ever, I wonder, watch her own interviews and actually get how utterly patronising her manner is?
Just embarrassing.
I've reached the point where I can't sit through these interviews. Can't bear to see the prosperity and reputation of an entire nation subverted by personal ambition, inflexible ideology and sectional interest.

Of course we've been collectively a little cruel to this PM, and the Labor Party must shoulder more of the blame than they have to date, but if you stand for PM it comes with the territory. How much did John Howard cop, and still copping from the illuminati of the Left!

As for Paul Barry on Q&A and subsequently elsewhere, wanting an examination of the media, well let's include The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald, and ABC Radio and ABC Television in that shall we. Be careful what you wish for mate.
Did anyone watch Ms Gillard interviewed on 7.30 this evening? She seems to be becoming even worse, especially in the face of some more than usually aggressive questioning from Chris Urhlman.
Does she ever, I wonder, watch her own interviews and actually get how utterly patronising her manner is?
Just embarrassing.

Julia it maybe embarrassing, but wait until the next state, then federal election and you will really see embarrassing.
Bolt is somewhat revisionist here. There was a time when he was mightily impressed by the Melbourne based Gillard, even 'a little in love' with her. For my part, since the ill fated Medicare Gold, and when her (then) chum Mark Latham was dumped, only to see Gillard emerge as the deputy to Kim Beazley, my opinion hasn't changed.
...Take Graham Richardson’s analysis now of the woman cheered by so many in the media as our first female prime minister - a symbol whose past failures and lack of successes somehow seemed of little consequence at the time:…

...he insists Labor did not underestimate the electorate’s revulsion at the axing of Rudd. There was only a ‘‘gross overestimation of Gillard’s ability‘’.

I may have warned of just that back in March last year, when even conservatives were starry-eyed with Gillard.

Gillard, in the end, comes from the Left and I’m not sure her gut instinct isn’t there still, leaving her with a bias to disastrous big-government solutions such as her flopped Medicare Gold proposal in 2004 and now her job-strangling workplace “refoms”...
Logique - Richardson's sums labor's disappointment in Gillard poignantly with their:

"gross overestimation of Gillard’s ability".

I think we all thought it couldn't get much worse than Rudd - and obviously the labor power brokers thought the same. But if labor had lost it's way then, it is falling off a cliff now while Gillard is shouting "I'm the Proime Minister of Ostralia and this is the roight thing to do".

And I have found Bolt rarely to be partisan. It seems he is content to try and keep governments accountable and somewhat honest. I never heard a labor support complain about him when the Murdoch media were rightly giving the majority a voice over work choices. But now that the majority are fed up with this minority government, they want to silence the same media who gave the people voice in 2007.

Here is a list of labor's lemons which came via email:

Subject: The Top 50 Labor Lemons - so far!

1.. Carbon Tax - "There will be no carbon tax under the Government I lead."

2.. NBN - $50 billion but no cost-benefit analysis

3.. Building the Education Revolution - The school halls fiasco

4.. Home Insulation Plan (Pink Batts) - Dumped

5. Citizens Assembly - Dumped

6.. Cash for Clunkers - Dumped

7.. Hospital Reform - Nothing

8.. Digital set-top boxes - Cheaper at Harvey Norman

9.. Emissions Trading Scheme - Abandoned

10. Mining Tax - Continuing uncertainty for our miners

11. Livestock export ban to Indonesia - Over-reaction

12. Detention Centres - Riots & cost blow-outs

13. East Timor 'solution' - Announced before agreed

14. Malaysia 'solution' - Only just agreed, scuttled by High Court.

15. Manus Island 'solution' - On the back burner

16.. Computers in Schools - $1.4 billion blow out; less than half delivered

17. Cutting Red Tape - 12,835 new regulations, only 58 repealed

18. Asia Pacific Community - Another expensive Rudd frolic. Going nowhere

19. Green Loans Program - Abandoned. Only 3.5% of promised loans delivered

20. Solar Homes & Communities plan - Shut down after $534 million blow out

21. Green Car Innovation Fund - Abandoned

22. Solar Credits Scheme - Scaled back

23. Green Start Program - Scrapped

24. Retooling for Climate Change Program - Abolished

25. Childcare Centres - Abandoned. 260 promised, only 38 delivered

26. Take a "meat axe"' to the Public Service - 24,000 more public servants

27. Murray Darling Basin Plan - back to the drawing board

28. 2020 Summit - Meaningless talk fest

29. Tax Summit - Deferred and downgraded

30. Population Policy - Sets no targets

31. Fuel Watch - Abandoned

32. Grocery Choice - Abandoned

33. $900 Stimulus cheques - Sent to dead people and overseas residents

34. Foreign Policy - In turmoil with Rudd running riot

35. National Schools Solar Program - Closing two years early

36. Solar Hot Water Rebate - Abandoned

37. Oceanic Viking - Caved in

38. GP Super Clinics - 64 promised, only 11 operational

39. Defence Family Healthcare Clinics - 12 promised, none delivered

40. Trade Training Centres - 2650 promised, 70 operational

41. Bid for UN Security Council seat - An expensive Rudd frolic

42.. MySchool Website - Revamped but problems continue

43. National Curriculum - States in uproar

44. Small Business Superannuation Clearing House - 99% of small businesses reject it

45. Indigenous Housing Program - way behind schedule

46. Rudd Bank - Went nowhere

47. Using cheap Chinese fabrics for Defence uniforms - Ditched

48. Innovation Ambassadors Program - junked

49. Six Submarines - none operational

50. Debt limit to be increased to $250 billion - to pay for all of this and much more​
How can anyone have one shrewd of confidence in Julia Gillard when half of her own cabinet ministers don't?

It is time for her to resign. Where does the Governor General fit into all this mess. Surely her son-in-law is keeping her abreast as to what is going on.

If Gillard does not resign, she should be sacked for incompetence.
This, from the comments following noco's link, pretty much expresses the frustration, disgust and fury much of the electorate is feeling:

What could one expect, labor had Rudd drive it to a nearly unheard electoral defeat after one term, followed by gillard driving labor in to the ground. Now we hear that Rudd supports gillard in her decision not to use Nauru. has labor gone barking MAD honestly. Malaysia only had 800 person transfer thenwas off, and was inconsistent with Gillards clearly and often stated requirements for the UN conventions to be signed. Forget cabinet solidarity forget cabinet confidentiality how about running the country as per the mandate given to you!!!! stop lying, stop trying to spin everything and most of all stop telling us we dont get things such as the carbon tax we understand we just dont want it. is everyone in the ALP deaf or just stupid! look at the figures 70% of Australia don't want you!!!!!!!!!!

Looks as if Kevin is up to his old ways of leaking cabinet information. No doubt now that he's positioning himself to return to the leadership.

How anyone can so quickly forget how unbearably arrogant and dismissive he was, how utterly consumed by hubris, is quite beyond me. The notion that he will come back is just awful, awful, awful.:banghead: