Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Does Gillard inspire confidence?

And of course the alterantive, Tony Abbott, is so much better. Here is a link to todays Sydney Morning Herald letters to the editor where some of the puplic have written in with their views on Mr Abbott,
Why oh why, would anyone draw an automatic assumption that by criticising one leader we are therefore positively endorsing another?
Completely faulty reasoning.

I thought this one particularly worth a read...

"When a politician runs his own country down for the sake of his own ambitions, it is leadership at its worst. The Abbott effect is being felt all across Australia as a torrent of constant and unthinking negativism has dragged down our nation.

While we have one of the healthiest economies in the world, with most of our citizens still earning what they did before the GFC, still in their own homes and with our banks still in good shape, our retailers are slowly dying.

People are afraid, the Abbott effect has stripped the confidence out of our nation as he rips down anything and everything that stands in his way to power. Tony Abbott needs to get off the bike, stop looking at himself in the mirror, and see what his negativity is doing to our country."
What a joke. A Labor voter trying to blame the opposition for the failure of the government. That you can offer this as being worth reading is quite astonishing.

Big whoop-di-whoop, that's the opinion of one person.
Letters to the West Australian this week were something like 70% against carbon tax and only 20% for, according to The West.

Gillard should look at what her putting us at a competitive disadvantage is doing to our country.

Simple fact: Gillard wants to export our dollars offshore in the form of 10% handout to the UN and purchasing overseas carbon credits. Abbott wants to keep our dollars here.
Exactly. This is the reason for voter discontent and to try to blame the Opposition simply draws further attention to the desperation of the government and its supporters.
It seems that labor/greens just don't get what's pulling them down in the polls and they continue the same nonsense day after day. And then they blame Abbott. I think if Gillard blamed the dog for eating her homework, it would be more believable...:rolleyes:
This one goes out to Nulla Nulla .........

The Opposition party's main role in the House is to present arguments against the Government's policies and legislation, and attempt to hold the Government accountable as much as possible by asking questions of importance during Question Time and during debates on legislation .

Go and do the research as to how negative Labor was in Opposition from 1996 til 2007.

Last time I looked this is still a democratic country. Gillard keeps complaining about Abbott focusing on her government's incompetence and this is somehow being misconstrued as him being negative ??

No seriously .... you are pulling my leg right?

And retail slump is caused by Tony Abbott doing his job in opposition? WTF ???
Big whoop-di-whoop, that's the opinion of one person.
Letters to the West Australian this week were something like 70% against carbon tax and only 20% for, according to The West.

Gillard should look at what her putting us at a competitive disadvantage is doing to our country.

Simple fact: Gillard wants to export our dollars offshore in the form of 10% handout to the UN and purchasing overseas carbon credits. Abbott wants to keep our dollars here.

Exactly. This is the reason for voter discontent and to try to blame the Opposition simply draws further attention to the desperation of the government and its supporters.

Julia, i am fearing that for the most part the general public is resisting the carbon tax simply because it is a tax, not understanding the intrinsic specifics of it and how it could harm our nation.
I was at a party tonight and many people there were sucked in by the feel-good sense of 'we are doing something for the planet'.
When i started talking about the cold hard facts, ie. how much CO2 emissions humans actually contribute to the atmosphere, the amount of money will flow out of the country in the form of buying carbon credits, the 10% of carbon tax UN donation when major polluting countries aren't paying one cent, the 500 biggest polluters that are bring excluded from the carbon tax for political reasons, the fact the Aus Govt is being excluded from paying carbon tax because it would cost them a fortune and the $4.3 BILLION black hole in treasury figures, you should have seen their re-action.

It is sad that many people will never be fully informed, when 1 hour of proper research on the fors and againsts would make for serious conversation instead of this tripe trotted out in newspapers and internet forums alike across the country.

Wake up people, this is a global agenda, not a government looking after it's own nation. This is bigger than Australia, we are small potatoes.
Another little greenie driven tax, this time for home sellers and renters.

$750, how much per hour does this bloody scam work out to ?

Another labour/greenie tax scam

Oh my gosh!! This is getting way beyond a joke. This can't be for real - homeowners will have to pay $750 to have their house audited to give it a green rating? How can people stand for this absolute nonsense! This government has got to go NOW!!!!!!
All of the above is nothing more than I expected but here is another one that puts the whole debacle of the present standards of politics in perspective. Please remember I am posting quotes from letters to the paper. The quotes do not necessarily represent my personal views :) :) :).

"If Tony Abbott visits any more fish markets would someone please re-enact the Monty Python fish dance and give him a slap on the side of his head with a giant pike."

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All of the above is nothing more than I expected but here is another one that puts the whole debacle of the present standards of politics in perspective. Please remember I am posting quotes from letters to the paper. The quotes do not necessarily represent my personal views :) :) :).

"If Tony Abbott visits any more fish markets would someone please re-enact the Monty Python fish dance and give him a slap on the side of his head with a giant pike."

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Really, why would anyone take any notice of letters that are printed in the Herald? 9 out of 10 of them are pro the carbon dioxide tax when opposition to the tax with the general public is at least 60% against, so this newspaper is clearly biased and does not represent the views of the majority of Australians. I take whatever is printed in that extremely biased newspaper with a grain of salt.
Really, why would anyone take any notice of letters that are printed in the Herald? 9 out of 10 of them are pro the carbon dioxide tax when opposition to the tax with the general public is at least 60% against, so this newspaper is clearly biased and does not represent the views of the majority of Australians. I take whatever is printed in that extremely biased newspaper with a grain of salt.

And of course the Murdock owned Australian is so balanced and neutral. Never a whiff of bias or scandal with Murdocks papers. :) :) News of The World anyone?
And of course the Murdock owned Australian is so balanced and neutral. Never a whiff of bias or scandal with Murdocks papers. :) :) News of The World anyone?
If you have a specific reason to imply that the Australian organisation has engaged in anything untoward, then let's hear it.
If, however, you don't, you need to think seriously about casting such aspersions as you are doing here.:(
All of the above is nothing more than I expected but here is another one that puts the whole debacle of the present standards of politics in perspective. Please remember I am posting quotes from letters to the paper. The quotes do not necessarily represent my personal views :) :) :).

"If Tony Abbott visits any more fish markets would someone please re-enact the Monty Python fish dance and give him a slap on the side of his head with a giant pike."

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your posts are pointless inane drivel and have no intelligent content:2twocents
...the cold hard facts, ie. how much CO2 emissions humans actually contribute to the atmosphere, the amount of money will flow out of the country in the form of buying carbon credits, the 10% of carbon tax UN donation when major polluting countries aren't paying one cent, the 500 biggest polluters that are bring excluded from the carbon tax for political reasons, the fact the Aus Govt is being excluded from paying carbon tax...
Springhill, I reckon you're like Brett Burton, a 'Birdman'. :) Meanwhile we'll be lucky if we beat Freo today.

Anyway as a sucker for punishment, I tuned into the Insiders this morning. Surprise! It seemed like a balanced panel this time. The concluding montage of cuts from the history of the show was a cracker, and very funny. Julie Bishop's ''re a naughty boy..' to Kevin Rudd in Question Time was a scream.

Happy birthday Barry Cassidy, and thanks for the show.
It is easy to see that politicians in senior positions have no greater intelligence or wisdom. The scatter brains such as Turnbull, Katter and Joyce for example slip through plus the nonsense rantings from Abbot, Gillard and Swan when answering genuine questions of concern is prime example. They talk a lot but say nothing. Theatrical at best.
Laurie Oakes put Gillard through the hoops this morning about her broken promise and how she talked Kevin Rudd out of a double dissolution of parliament in early 2010 and how she persuaded Rudd to dump the carbon tax and ETS before the 2010 election.
And of course the Murdock owned Australian is so balanced and neutral. Never a whiff of bias or scandal with Murdocks papers. :) :) News of The World anyone?

I was not aware that anyone called "Murdock" owned any papers in Australia. If it wasn't for the Murdoch papers in Australia , all we would be fed is lies and crap. On the same lines as your posts.

I'm not surprised that Brown and Gillard want to muzzle them. They already have the Fairfax press and the ABC docilely doing their bidding.
Laurie Oakes put Gillard through the hoops this morning ........

It is interesting you should say that. I tried to listen to the interview at the link you gave, but half way through Julia's first answer I couldn't stand her anymore and exited. But when you say Oakes put her through the hoops, I heard a segment from that interview on ABC News Radio this morning and the segment they played was just an opportunity for Gillard to mouth her usual stuff about being for a cleaner Australia etc. In fact it seemed like Oakes was not asking anything difficult.

Why should I be surprised that the ABC chose to omit the meaty stuff and just air the anaemic schoolteacherish crap that she mouths at every opportunity.
I was not aware that anyone called "Murdock" owned any papers in Australia. If it wasn't for the Murdoch papers in Australia , all we would be fed is lies and crap. On the same lines as your posts.

I'm not surprised that Brown and Gillard want to muzzle them. They already have the Fairfax press and the ABC docilely doing their bidding.

My apologies to Mr Murdoch and his family for spelling his name wrong. :) :) :)
It is interesting you should say that. I tried to listen to the interview at the link you gave, but half way through Julia's first answer I couldn't stand her anymore and exited. But when you say Oakes put her through the hoops, I heard a segment from that interview on ABC News Radio this morning and the segment they played was just an opportunity for Gillard to mouth her usual stuff about being for a cleaner Australia etc. In fact it seemed like Oakes was not asking anything difficult.

Why should I be surprised that the ABC chose to omit the meaty stuff and just air the anaemic schoolteacherish crap that she mouths at every opportunity.

It was on channel 9 and you can retrieve it on
your posts are pointless inane drivel and have no intelligent content:2twocents

Seeing as how the letters to the SMH editer have bought so much cheer and response from the posters to this thread, I thought it appropriate to include one more...

"Dear Tony Abbott, would you please stop flirting with all these minor prophesies like BHP going broke and tell us when the world is going to end." :) :) :)

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