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Does Gillard inspire confidence?

And for those that thought that the SMH only printed those letters favourable to the ALP here is one of the unfavourable letters...

"Apparently it's compulsory for Labor prime ministers to cry - about the time they're leaving office. Spare me, Ms Gillard - just come across, at least occasionally, as a real person telling the truth."

Actualy, from memory, Malcol Fraser shed a tear on election night when defeat heralded his time to "leave office". Must be a trait common among politicians, not just labor. Then again Malcolm isn't very popular these days with the libs is he.

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No they found out he had a pulse unlike the current leadership

IFocus, if Gillard had a pulse or a shred of decency she would listen to the call of the people. Poll after poll after poll is saying 60% against 29% for 11% undecided.
We don't want it.

Over in the West they call Eric Ripper, Mr 1%, don't think that Ms 27% can't go any lower.
No they found out he had a pulse unlike the current leadership
Any Coalition pulse is being drowned out by the coronaries Labor continues to have.

Labor is now being overwhelmed by the iceberg that is its carbon tax lie. Foolishly, they let the Greens steer them straight into it.

Gillard Labor is finished. The engine room is flooded and the keel of the ship is broken. It's now only a question of time before the stern disappears below the water. The best Labor can do now is to throw the Greens out of the lifeboats and try to save as much of themselves as they can.

In the abscence of a bi-election in a non labour stronghold, the current coalition of the ALP & the greens will serve full term. Get used to it.
Is that a new PC left wing term for a by-election? :

Touche..apart from the influence of a "rusty nail", I could plead that Mr Abbotts desire for a double disolution influenced my spelling. Bi-election.
When I go to that link I get stuff about football. Not that I'm burning to hear Gillard's voice any more than I have to, I guess.
When I go to that link I get stuff about football. Not that I'm burning to hear Gillard's voice any more than I have to, I guess.
Use the site's internal search using Oakes. It's the first video.

She looks a little under the weather. Must have something to do with the deteriorating political climate she finds herself in.

During that interview, she said she could have taken the poitically easy course.

In declaring no carbon tax during the election campaign, she did.
In the abscence of a bi-election in a non labour stronghold, the current coalition of the ALP & the greens will serve full term. Get used to it.
That so-called coalition is killing Labor.

A more immediate question may be the extent to which elected Labor politicians are prepared to go down with the ship for that coalition, or not.

Maybe she had a "Rusty Nail" as well. One part Drambuie, one part Johny Walker Black and the rest dry ginger (or mixer of your choice).
When I go to that link I get stuff about football. Not that I'm burning to hear Gillard's voice any more than I have to, I guess.

Julia, that video has gone off the side. Scroll down to the right further and you will see more videos. Type in Oakes/Gillard interview. It is there.
Maybe she had a "Rusty Nail" as well. One part Drambuie, one part Johny Walker Black and the rest dry ginger (or mixer of your choice).
It may have been doubles after the "nail on the head" summary Laurie Oakes gave near the end of that interview.
That so-called coalition is killing Labor.

A more immediate question may be the extent to which elected Labor politicians are prepared to go down with the ship for that coalition, or not.

while ever labor and the union movement continue to be controlled by the fabian socialist agenda they are steering away from the direction (and support) of mainstream australia

i know hardcore labor die-hards who are totally disillusioned by the direction their beloved party is headed... once they realise the cause perhaps labor can return to its rightful direction.... chiffley style!

p.s i follow neither labor nor lib/nat... neither subscribe to the pro-libertarian ideology that i support.
From ABC: More pain for Labor in latest poll

Latest Nielsen poll shows labor primary vote down to 26 with a 61:39 2pp in coalition's favour. Abbott is now leading Gillard as preferred PM by 11 points. More interesting stats in the article.

It seems the more Gillard puts herself and her tax on TV, the more angry voters are becomming.
My 12 year old grand son is studying endangered species at school and his teacher asked him to name one.


His father informs me, politics are never discussed at home.

So how much confidence is our illustrious Prime Minister giving to school kids.

My Grand Son lives in Victoria. This is a true story.
Q) Whats the difference between Julia Gillard & Kermit the Frog?

A) Nothing ... they are both green puppets.

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