Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Did you know?

...that the hairiest people who ever lived and strongest, on average over 2 metres tall, came from NSW.
... a cockroach can live several weeks with its head cut off - it dies from starvation

Nose prints can be used to identify dogs, just like humans use fingerprints
...that 334 people were murdered in Australia in 1994 and 19,456 in the USA.

noi, if we use current populations ( hence very approx - but ok for comparison I guess ..

relative populations are 21 mill vs 303 mill?

1.6 murders per 100k people in Aus,
6.4 murders per 100k people in USA
mmm - only 4 times as bad :confused:

Here's the 1998 stats per city in USA and Europe...
USA has the top 6 - and about a tie for 7th with Moscow.

Here's USA's population btw (nothing to do with murders though) ...
One birth every.................................. 7 seconds
One death every.................................. 13 seconds
One international migrant (net) every............ 27 seconds
Net gain of one person every..................... 11 seconds

where I come from the entire population are relatives ;)
go to family reunions to pick up chicks.


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    murder rates.jpg
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...Australia's oldest golf course is in Bothwell, Tasmania.

...Tennant Creek is the third largest gold producer in Australia.
...Magic Bullets "Light Sensitive antibodies that act like magic bullets" are the latest weapon against cancer. They act very quickly to reduce the tumour and have been used successfully in patients, and noted in cases of bladder cancer.
...that a great storm is due to hit the East of England in about 7 hours time. Waves are set to strike the coast at 3 metres above normal levels, coinciding with the high tide, and the large number of tributarys are set to flood large tracks of land.
Flood barriers are in position to protect London.
...that a great storm is due to hit the East of England in about 7 hours time. Waves are set to strike the coast at 3 metres above normal levels, coinciding with the high tide, and the large number of tributarys are set to flood large tracks of land.
Flood barriers are in position to protect London.

...the storm struck the East of England:

Massive storm seems to have hit Germany and other parts of Europe.
Ah, but can you use it in a sentence, Noirua????;)

The symptoms of pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism, an inherited disorder, is not the consequence of pseudohypoparathyroidism or the lung disease Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconios, but more likely influenced by the unsettling behaviour of antidisestablishmentarialism.
Today is Armistice Day :
The Eleventh hour of the Eleventh day of the Eleventh month. Armistice Day. We honour our fallen. Not only the thousands that fell in the slaughter of World Wars One and Two but the thousands that have fallen in the many conflicts since then and those who continue to make the ultimate sacrifice in the service of their Country.

I purposely placed this here as some people are sick of hearing about war.A bit past the hour too.
...that the first gold license in Australia was issued in Victoria on 21st September 1851.

...that the first printed map of Australia was printed in Belgium in 1593.

...that gold was discovered in Victoria just two weeks after the new State was formed and they broke away from NSW. The new town was known in Victoria as "Coincidence" and by NSW as "Funny that".