Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Did you know?

Yes, apparently we have overtaken or about to overtake the Americans in the fat stakes. Shame.
Yes, apparently we have overtaken or about to overtake the Americans in the fat stakes. Shame.

I remember an excuse for doing no exercise by a contact of mine in Perth. He said it's 36 degrees and its the best I can do to get on my motorbike and head for the beach.
Your house is very dusty and you can't imagine how that can be. Your car is dusty and there is only you, how can it be. Indeed, indeed, most dust is infact the dead skin of people.
Terry "Vic" Cazenove, at 2.007 metres tall was Australia's tallest cyclist.
Most germs are spread by shaking hands and passing them to a safe refuge in your ear, eyes, nose and throat. Infact a simple sneeze or cough put on these germs on the hands of the other party.
...that you have a greater chance of survival, should you contract pneumonia, if you have previously been immunized. All persons over the age of 60 and all those prone to any form of breathing difficulties should make sure they have this jab, save the obvious, if you don't "you may well die if you contract it".
As the UK Footsie index fell below 5,400 a bear market was officially announced - down 20%.

Bradford and Bingley a buy-to-let mortgage bank is now very seriously in trouble. They now look like following Northern Rock over the edge.

The next disaster is likely to be Alliance & Leicester Bank as their shares have gone steeply into decline.

Even Halifax Bank of Scotland, one of the largest banks, are in terrible decline. Barclays Bank and Royal Bank of Scotland are moving closer to the edge.

This market with massive lay-offs in the building sector could yet turn turtle as the cold winds from America arrive.
...that there is a good chance of one of the following on your little plot of land. Could be oil, coal, iron ore, gold, uranium(handle with care), copper...who knows infact, so what "GET DIGGING".
Hard to draw direct comparisons, but the yields on the ASX 100 would have to reach approx.13% to equal the 1973 - 1976 bear market.
Such markets have an ending when a little bell rings, usually soon after the collapse of a major stock.
...unskilled workers in Australia will earn 70 billion dollars next month...

...sorry, should read Zimbabwe unskilled workers and Zimbabwe Dollars.
...that coke was once a drink containing cocaine, merchandice No5, and sold that way in the nineteenth century.
... That most people who find out they have a serious illness, infact, find they've had it for a longtime.
Despite all the adverts wordwide on the concern about prostate cancer. Infact, tests are a lot more difficult and troublesome than many think and few countries have anything much setup, or indeed, any proper programmes for testing in place.

This post is not meant to put people off going for tests, infact quite the opposite, but remember you will have to put some effort in to get the tests underway, there may not be a screening service in place. get fat by eating too much food, and not through lack of exercise, however, exercise does help a bit.
"It seems, sir, that you do not yet rightly apprehend the enormity of the massacre lately committed." - St Ambrose.
His father was Prefect to the Praetorium in Gaul, and France, parts of Germany and Italy, Spain, Mauritania and Africa were under his jurisdiction. His father died when he was young, his mother returning from Gaul to Rome in AD401. He learned Greek and was a poet and Orator.
Ambrose became Governor of Liguria and AEmilia. He left law and was later a Bishop in AD375.
He died on 4th April 397 and is buried at the High Altar in the Ambrosian basilica in Milan:
Despite all the adverts wordwide on the concern about prostate cancer. Infact, tests are a lot more difficult and troublesome than many think and few countries have anything much setup, or indeed, any proper programmes for testing in place.

This post is not meant to put people off going for tests, infact quite the opposite, but remember you will have to put some effort in to get the tests underway, there may not be a screening service in place.

Did you know...

It's rare for Japanese men to die from prostate cancer?
This is attributed to their daily consumption of tofu!
Did you know...

It's rare for Japanese men to die from prostate cancer?
This is attributed to their daily consumption of tofu!
Yerrrreee but, these tests were carried out in 1966-68 and 1971-75 and prevalance was in doubt.