Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum


Mate, you have to write a book or something...

m8 - when you've been around as long as I have, all your jokes are so old that you can pretend that they're coming into fashion again - :eek:
have a good one - here's luck for this week - en garde , market !!

PS At the moment I'm not having depression - but I sure as hell regret some of my trades, - and I guess that means I'm experiencing regression? adios amigos
The following paragraph appears in a novel I'm reading at present. It offers a reflection on the current determination to have lots of people making the drug companies rich.

"But that was before the world changed on September 11. Now anything that could be blown up seemed as though it might get blown up. The whole country had come down with a bad case of post-traumatic stress disorder.
Bad for us. Good for Eli Lilly and Pfizer and Merck. Eventually, they'd put Prozac and Zoloft and Paxil in the drinking water, see whether that kept the anxiety at bay. Because nobody really wanted to figure out anything anymore, not when the knots in the world's psyche had gotten so tight that untying them might mean unraveling a preconception or two. Better to keep the serotonin flowing, bathe our brains in the calm water of denial."
Repost of #67...

Found a quote on
"The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature...."

If I tell you the author I think it will mean more....(Anne Frank)

I post it here, beside the humourous one below. Hopefully, with a combination of humour and "seeing the important stuff through the other stuff" , we can all end up seeing this thing through.

Personally I took a screen shot today at the very lowest point (about 10.30am) of my now-pathetic portfolio lol, just to be able to have evidence to show myself later - "hey you survived even that" ... :eek:

or as Buddha would say "This too shall pass" :2twocents
Repost of #67...

Personally I took a screen shot today at the very lowest point (about 10.30am) of my now-pathetic portfolio lol, just to be able to have evidence to show myself later - "hey you survived even that" ... :eek:

In 6 to 8 weeks time you’ll have a look at that screenshot again and you’ll say yourself: it wasn’t that bad then.
When things go bad people buy Drugs, Grog and turn to Gambling.
After reading this post I have decided to buy share in Anti D companies I feel better now.
I sold my house to avoid the crash and am now fighting fire ans thinking how good it was in the frying pan.
Can some one tell me what will happen in the morning so i can get a good nights sleep?
In 6 to 8 weeks time you’ll have a look at that screenshot again and you’ll say yourself: it wasn’t that bad then.

fair enuf Happy, you could well be right lol ;)

but in that case, I'll take another screen shot - And I'll reminisce(one day)
..."hey I survived even THAT :eek: "
Can some one tell me what will happen in the morning so i can get a good nights sleep?

That depends on where you live, what is the first thing you think of after waking up and which side of the bed you get out of...
My beds against the wall so I can only get out on the good side :D LOL
A couple of comments, for what they're worth, from an ex-psychologist who has, like everyone, experienced life issues.
Depression is a very serious issue and Julia's description apt.
There are many people seriously troubled and/or in trouble because of the current economic situation. Some of these may well suffer from what Julia called reactive [or exogenous] depression. Some may even develop an endogenous [clinical] condition as a result. Neither of these should ever be taken lightly. I am not qualified to comment on the medication issue other than to say that medication has proven to be a great aid to many and that it can be a challenge to "fit" the medication to a particular patient and condition.
I see a reactive depression to the market downturn as a step more serious than the "grief" that is associated with loss. In this case the grief is over a dollar loss of course - but this can be tied to issues of percieved failure to provide family security for example. Grief is a very normal condition - very normal. But this and reactive depression are, most commonly, temporary.
However, whatever form it takes, grief and depression benefit from openness with trusted others - whether this be family, societal support groups or individual professionals.
There is an aspect to this forum that I think may be unhelpful. The vast majority of us are here to share and learn. It is my opinion that there are a few contributors who regularly promote themselves as teachers / experts with an element of gloating of their success and demonstrated capacity to do better than others. For these few ASF almost seems a competitive site and an outlet what is possibly insecurity.
This unhelpfulness, this "I told you so" mentality is not productive and I would hope it dissipates.
I suspect there are many on this forum who are in legitimate grief or in a reactive depression - and they have every right to be.
If you are in this situation I suggest you don't bottle up your feelings but seek support from the people or organisations most suitable for your situation.
Best wishes

Rick, thanks for a timely and very appropriate post. I share your concern about the people on this forum who seem to be celebrating current events.

To those people could I suggest perhaps just tempering your comments in the light of all the less financially sophisticated people who will be in complete despair about the destruction of their retirement plans, or those who have regarded the share market as the best place to hold their funds whilst saving for a deposit on a home.

If this continues, companies will fail and jobs will be lost. Human misery will be experienced at levels not seen for many decades.

Let's try to be just a bit supportive of one another instead of crowing about how smart we are.
Rick, thanks for a timely and very appropriate post. I share your concern about the people on this forum who seem to be celebrating current events.

If this continues, companies will fail and jobs will be lost. Human misery will be experienced at levels not seen for many decades.
I don't think anyone is celebrating these events Julia.

Most are fully aware of the reality of the direness of this situation.
Rick, thanks for a timely and very appropriate post. I share your concern about the people on this forum who seem to be celebrating current events.

To those people could I suggest perhaps just tempering your comments in the light of all the less financially sophisticated people who will be in complete despair about the destruction of their retirement plans, or those who have regarded the share market as the best place to hold their funds whilst saving for a deposit on a home.

If this continues, companies will fail and jobs will be lost. Human misery will be experienced at levels not seen for many decades.

Let's try to be just a bit supportive of one another instead of crowing about how smart we are.

Yes, I agree here Rick and Julia.

It's an unhealthy, even morbit sense of vengeance that some are perpetuating.

The simple truth is that two wrongs don't make a right. Just because a relative few unethical people and illegal activity drove the markets a bit high, justice doesn't equate to irrational hysteria to drive the market down to punish and pay back the few that led the scandal and the whole of society in the process.

Remember you all have parents, brothers, sisters and children, some of which might just get tipped over the edge by just the sort of hopelesness, fear and panic that some of you are advocating or perpetuating.
All the recent dismal talk about the sky falling reminded me of one of my favourite headlines which I saw in the local paper a few years ago.

The story was about some layers of the atmosphere which measurements had shown were closing in on the earth. The headline said;

i am depressed with what's going on atm,

i have never felt so insecure in my life before

and i am almost 60
I was in my barber's the other day, he is a bit of an intellectual. I was reading a magazine , I think it was a science magazine, New Science or something, anyway it had an article in it that said that the more psychiatrists and counsellors there are in an area the more that people suicide.

So maybe the posters who say "s**t happens and just get on with it are better off in a situation like that.

Suicide and depression was low in England during World War 2.

Losing all your dough is not depression.

Its losing all your dough.

Tell a bloke he should be depressed and send him to a trickcyclist and he'll start believing he is depressed.

Someone who tops himself or herself because they have lost all their money is not depressed. He or she has lost all their money and can't bear the shame or the poverty or cannot see other riches apart from money or wealth or prestige.

The same day I was in the chemists and i was sat in a chair waiting for the chemist to do whatever they do for 10 minutes while they get a packet down from the shelf. I was sat in a chair and couldn't help overhearing the chemist giving out the dope to people and every second bugger was on an antidepressant.

They should have a bus outside chemists that take them to see the sea, or a mountain or a flower, or a concert rather than all this talk about depression.

i am depressed with what's going on atm,

i have never felt so insecure in my life before

and i am almost 60

Gutsy, keep your chin up & don't look for a quick solution through the market,let it flow, but be assured it will recover.
I'm going out for tea for my best mate's birthday tonight, he his down a fair bit in the market and i know he is depressed but he nearly got killed last week in a fire and feels better in the sense that family & close friends rallied around him and thats what counts.
Gutsy, keep your chin up & don't look for a quick solution through the market,let it flow, but be assured it will recover.
I'm going out for tea for my best mate's birthday tonight, he his down a fair bit in the market and i know he is depressed but he nearly got killed last week in a fire and feels better in the sense that family & close friends rallied around him and thats what counts.


i am very thankful that i am still alive and have not been struck by cancer or the alike