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Deceptive Terrorism Support

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Analyst claims to be standing up for his land in another thread. I am still wondering what land he is standing up for. It seems to be Israel.

That's OK if he is an Israeli, but shouldn't expect Australians to blindly stand up for Israel without at least asking a few questions. I certainly don't see how it is treason to question Israels tactics when the inquisitor is AUSTRALIAN.

Nobody questions Israels right to exist, they are there now, right or wrong. But the circumstances by which this came about was problematic to say the least.

For popular support, governments must take the high moral ground. This is not happening. Both side are behaving like barbarians.
wayneL said:
That's OK if he is an Israeli, but shouldn't expect Australians to blindly stand up for Israel without at least asking a few questions. I certainly don't see how it is treason to question Israels tactics when the inquisitor is AUSTRALIAN.

Like I have said from the beginning of this thread the Lebonese protests in Australia were a support of terrorism because of the fact that they refused to denounce Hezzabolah and attacked other peaceful protestors and made no mention of the acts done against the Israeli's and had no respect of this nations soveriengty.
TheAnalyst said:
Like I have said from the beginning of this thread the Lebonese protests in Australia were a support of terrorism because of the fact that they refused to denounce Hezzabolah and attacked other peaceful protestors and made no mention of the acts done against the Israeli's and had no respect of this nations soveriengty.

If that is the case, then the protestors have said: "we the collective do not support the UN resolution requiring Hezbollah to disarm and disband"

So, it appears they would support terrorists based on ethnicity rather than what is right or wrong. Now that is racism! Though it will never be levelled at them.
TheAnalyst said:
Like I have said from the beginning of this thread the Lebonese protests in Australia were a support of terrorism because of the fact that they refused to denounce Hezzabolah and attacked other peaceful protestors and made no mention of the acts done against the Israeli's and had no respect of this nations soveriengty.

While going to great pains here NOT to support Hezbollah in their terrorist activities, does not Lebanon have sovereignity as well?

Israel certainly has the right of self defense, but in the criminal law that we citizens are required to uphold under threat of incarceration, is that we are only permitted to defend with as much force as is applied by the attacker.

So if someone comes at us with their fists, we cannot blow their head of with a shotgun, even if in self defence... and we cannot go and blow away the attackers children and family members.

Yet is this not what Israel is doing? They have openly stated they will destroy 10 buildings for every Hezbollah rocket :eek:

They cannot claim the high moral ground under these circumstances.

I don't know what happened in Sydney because you won't provide a link, but a few people doing the wrong thing in Sydney in not relevant to the central issue.

If they do the wrong thing then shame on us for allowing it to develop to the stage it has. It's not our fault, but we should have nipped this BS in the bud years ago.
Snake Pliskin said:
If that is the case, then the protestors have said: "we the collective do not support the UN resolution requiring Hezbollah to disarm and disband"

So, it appears they would support terrorists based on ethnicity rather than what is right or wrong. Now that is racism! Though it will never be levelled at them.


Israel doesn't pay any attention to UN resolutions either. Both sides are racist.
wayneL said:
Israel certainly has the right of self defense, but in the criminal law that we citizens are required to uphold under threat of incarceration, is that we are only permitted to defend with as much force as is applied by the attacker.

Does this apply to the laws of war, stamping out terrorists etc?

I don't know what happened in Sydney because you won't provide a link, but a few people doing the wrong thing in Sydney in not relevant to the central issue.

I suggest you educate yourself on it because it is a big problem the country has.

If they do the wrong thing then shame on us for allowing it to develop to the stage it has. It's not our fault, but we should have nipped this BS in the bud years ago.

Sydney or Israel?
wayneL said:

Israel doesn't pay any attention to UN resolutions either. Both sides are racist.

I`m not getting into who is and who isn`t, but the observation was clear.

Regarding Israel what UN resolutions have they ignored?
Snake Pliskin said:
wayneL said:
Does this apply to the laws of war, stamping out terrorists etc?

I suggest you educate yourself on it because it is a big problem the country has.

Sydney or Israel?

Snake I clearly acknowledged the problem in my last comments which applied to Sydney.

But you see the two issues are being confused.

Bad behaviour by Lebs is our problem, we let it develop.

Israel is not our problem unless they and the USA decide to draw us into it.

analyst is mixing the two issues when they are clearly nor related.

wayneL said:
Snake Pliskin said:
Snake I clearly acknowledged the problem in my last comments which applied to Sydney.

But you see the two issues are being confused.

Bad behaviour by Lebs is our problem, we let it develop.

Israel is not our problem unless they and the USA decide to draw us into it.

analyst is mixing the two issues when they are clearly nor related.


All clear now Wayne, thanks. :)
Posted by WayneL

I don't know what happened in Sydney because you won't provide a link, but a few people doing the wrong thing in Sydney in not relevant to the central issue.


I can not provide a link as it can only be read in the Melbourne Herald Sun printed version but it is there pictures and all.

The threat Hezbollah poses is catastrophic

By Piers Akerman
Saturday, July 22, 2006 at 12:00pm

HEZBOLLAH flags flew at rallies in Sydney and Melbourne last week. Hezbollah’s TV station, Al-Manar, was broadcast into Australia, spreading racist hatred and advocating violence, until its backer went broke last year.

Its headquarters were in southern Beirut until a few days ago, when an Israeli attack forced it to move.

Hezbollah is a proscribed terrorist organisation in the European Union, the US and here.

Any sensible person who has seen what has happened since Hezbollah attacked Israel would realise that this group is solely responsible for the mayhem.

Although some Australians waiting to be evacuated from Beirut are blaming the Australian Government for their plight, surely their outrage would be more effective if it were directed to Hezbollah’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, or to his Iranian masters, the real engineers of this catastrophe.

Not to put too fine a point on it, there is a direct line running from Ayatollah Khomeini’s installation of an Islamist theocracy in Iran to Hezbollah today - Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt are fully and fearfully aware of it.

Hezbollah’s abduction of two Israeli soldiers was not a one-off incident. It was part of a strategy designed to re-ignite the Middle East, and the flag-wavers in Melbourne and Sydney are willing dupes in this operation.

The turbanned team in Tehran does not recognise Israel’s right to exist any more than it recognises the rights of women or the rights of those who don’t follow Islam.

They want to see Israel drawn into a war of attrition which, they hope, will sap the commitment of support it enjoys from liberal democracies such as the US, Britain and Australia.

Unfortunately, they may get their wish if any of the missiles they have given Hezbollah strike the oil refineries surrounding the Israeli port of Haifa. Such a hit would not only create an ecological disaster but would kill tens of thousands of civilians.

Not that Hezbollah has ever shied from murdering civilians - that’s its modus operandi. It’s notan army, it’s a militia.

Its forces don’t wear uniforms or abide by any conventions, Geneva, Paris or Lakemba.

Conventions don’t apply to those who claim to be on a jihad dedicated to furthering Islam, as their banner-bearers in Australia well know.

Hezbollah, like the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas, has always used civilians as shields, setting up its arsenals in schools and hospitals, using ambulances to ferry its bombs and ammunition, establishing its headquarters in mosques.

It wants the civilian toll to rise - on both sides of the conflict - but it wants to blame Israel for the bloodshed, and most media organisations are more than happy to play along in this charade.

Ethicists have been excited by the buzzword “proportionality’’, but what proportional force would they suggest is reasonable to respond to an attack by a missile loaded with ball bearings, whose technology has been developed by the Chinese, is manufactured in Iran, armed in Syria and fired by Hezbollah from Lebanon?

The Lebanese government is powerless against Hezbollah’s occupying force, the Syrian government is acquiescent, and the Iranians are the masterminds.

The Chinese see a larger picture entirely; they are addicted to Iranian oil, and are prepared to prostitute themselves to keep it flowing, even to the extent of providing Pakistani-developed nuclear technology.

Hezbollah and Hamas subscribe to the suicide bombers’ mantra: we love death, you love life, therefore we will win.

These groups don’t flinch when they strap suicide vests on to children; indeed, they ensure their love of death and hatred of the West is inculcated from the cradle.

Much of the West has refused torecognise this reality until the terrorists struck at their hearts.

The US, like Australia, is a migrant nation that has for centuries welcomed the contributions of those seeking abetter life. In Britain, a growing Muslim population has been accommodated and provided for.

United Nations secretary-general Kofi Annan has not deserted his customarily craven position, calling on Israel to exercise restraint.

But Israel withdrew from Lebanon in 2000 and Gaza last year. It provides hospital care for those injured by suicide bombers, be they Palestinians or Israelis, and is unquestionably the injured party in this crisis.

Hezbollah has announced it has chemical and biological weapons, and has shown it can destroy the Haifa refineries.

Should it use this weaponry or devastate Israel’s economy, it’s a near-certainty Israel will attack Tehran’s nuclear program, just as it destroyed Iraq’s nuclear reactor in June, 1981.

In the face of the threat posed by Hezbollah, the world must prepare for this eventuality.

Australians cannot become hostage to this evil. They must understand that in this conflict, Israel is our ally in the pursuit ofliberty and freedom.

The foul malevolence represented by Iran and its murderous accomplices is beyond contemplation.

As lunatic as the Iranians may be, they are matched in their insanity by those among us who carry Hezbollah’s banner here.

Tide turning in the Arab world

Neil Macfarquhar
July 29, 2006

AT THE onset of the Lebanese crisis, Arab governments, starting with Saudi Arabia, slammed Hezbollah for recklessly provoking a war, providing what the US and Israel took as a wink and a nod to continue the fight.

Now, with hundreds of Lebanese dead and Hezbollah holding out against the vaunted Israeli military for 18 days, the tide of public opinion across the Arab world is surging behind the organisation, transforming the Shiite group's leader, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, into a folk hero and forcing a change in official statements.

The Saudi royal family and King Abdullah of Jordan, who were initially more worried about the rising power of Iran, Hezbollah's main sponsor, are now scrambling to distance themselves from Washington.

An outpouring of newspaper columns, cartoons, blogs and public poetry readings have showered praise on Hezbollah while attacking the US and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice for trumpeting American plans for a "new Middle East" that they say have led only to violence and repression.

Even al-Qaeda, run by violent Sunni Muslim extremists, has gotten in on the act, with its deputy leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, releasing a taped message on Thursday saying that through its fighting in Iraq, his organisation was also trying to liberate Palestine.

Mouin Rabbani, a senior Middle East analyst with the International Crisis Group in Amman, Jordan, said: "The Arab-Israeli conflict remains the most potent issue in this part of the world."

Distinctive changes in tone are audible throughout the Sunni world. This week, President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt emphasised his attempts to arrange a ceasefire to protect all sects in Lebanon, while the Jordanian king announced that his country was dispatching medical teams "for the victims of Israeli aggression". Both countries have peace treaties with Israel.

The Saudi royal court has issued a warning that its 2002 peace plan ”” offering Israel full recognition by all Arab states in exchange for returning to the borders that pre-dated the 1967 Arab-Israeli war ”” could well perish. "If the peace option is rejected due to the Israeli arrogance," it said, "then only the war option remains, and no one knows the repercussions befalling the region, including wars and conflict that will spare no one, including those whose military power is now tempting them to play with fire."

The Saudis were effectively putting the West on notice that they would not exert pressure on anyone in the Arab world until Washington did something to halt the destruction of Lebanon, Saudi commentators said. There are evident concerns among Arab governments that a real victory for Hezbollah would further nourish the Islamist tide engulfing the region and challenge their authority. Hence their first priority is to cool simmering public opinion.
TheAnalyst said:

The threat Hezbollah poses is catastrophic

By Piers Akerman
Saturday, July 22, 2006 at 12:00pm

HEZBOLLAH flags flew at rallies

Ah yes, P. Ackerman. A distinctly Jewish name, no? Not withstanding the trangressions of some of the Lebanese community, that is possibly one of the most unprofessional articles I have ever seen written by a supposedly professional journalist.

I'm not a lefty. I've never voted labour or Aust democrat in my life, and never will. But that is the politically one sided and prejudiced article I have seen.

Obviously Mr Ackerman is a tad emotional and lacking in judgement over this issue.
It seems you are in absolute denial WayneL of some quite disturbing facts that should not be ignored and you must ask a real question. Where does the money and tradable goods go that the Lebonese send overseas to Lebonon.
TheAnalyst said:

Tide turning in the Arab world

Neil Macfarquhar
July 29, 2006

AT THE onset of the Lebanese crisis, Arab governments, starting with Saudi Arabia, slammed Hezbollah for recklessly provoking a war, providing what the US and Israel took as a wink and a nod to continue the fight.

Now, with hundreds of Lebanese dead and Hezbollah holding out against the vaunted Israeli military for 18 days, the tide of public opinion across the Arab world is surging behind the organisation, transforming the Shiite group's leader, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, into a folk hero and forcing a change in official statements.

Your own article says it Analyst...

Israel may have had the moral highground initially... and indeed the sympathy of many, including the Arab world (except Syria and Iran) but their stupid, indiscrimate and manic slaughter of lebabnese civilians is bringing about their own undoing....

They are digging their own grave...

Analyst, if you indeed are a Jew... I would be very concerned at the naive military strategy being used by your nation at this point in time...

After all, as history has shown repeatedly, its not just those with the biggest guns who win... its those with the smartest minds...
TheAnalyst said:
It seems you are in absolute denial WayneL of some quite disturbing facts that should not be ignored and you must ask a real question. Where does the money and tradable goods go that the Lebonese send overseas to Lebonon.

And on this point Analyst... I suggest you forget about the money sent back to Lebanon by a handfull of lebanese...

For it is us... you and me... every time we fill our car with petrol, every time we go on our overseas holidays, everytime we eat exotic fruit transported for far away shores, that is paying for this...

Its OIL Analyst that is funding this, nothing else.... you and me and funding this, because we are addicted to the high standard of living... brought about as a result of cheap OIL!

And if don't beleive me... do you know, South Lebanon, the hospitals and the infrastructure was built by Hezbullas Political wing.... do you know how... with OIL money from Iran...!!!

Then you ask wonder why people support Hezbulla.... Hezbualla has built souther lebanon... with your money and with mine...!
TheAnalyst said:
It seems you are in absolute denial WayneL of some quite disturbing facts that should not be ignored and you must ask a real question. Where does the money and tradable goods go that the Lebonese send overseas to Lebonon.


I am not in denial of any disturbing facts whatsoever. I just look at both sets of disturbing facts.

The second set of disturbing facts are what you appear to be in denial over.

This double standard is disturbing and a monumental hypocricy.
Rafa said:
And on this point Analyst... I suggest you forget about the money sent back to Lebanon by a handfull of lebanese...

For it is us... you and me... every time we fill our car with petrol, every time we go on our overseas holidays, everytime we eat exotic fruit transported for far away shores, that is paying for this...

Its OIL Analyst that is funding this, nothing else.... you and me and funding this, because we are addicted to the high standard of living... brought about as a result of cheap OIL!

And if don't beleive me... do you know, South Lebanon, the hospitals and the infrastructure was built by Hezbullas Political wing.... do you know how... with OIL money from Iran...!!!

Then you ask wonder why people support Hezbulla.... Hezbualla has built souther lebanon... with your money and with mine...!

I am on LPG and I am not a Jew either.
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