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Current returns for 2008/09 financial year?

you can roll it over and deduct from next years profits cant you?
Yes, but who is to say? I still have a couple of months to make some money back too, which will be hard because I'm spending May in Mexico. Anyway, I'm hoping just to break even, which will be nice considering. There could be a nice outlier in my sights that brings home the bacon, so who knows. I'm happy to be still floating right now. Set for the next wave.
i m a newby started in sept buying stocks and selling them for a profit or holding if making a loss
currently holding acrux fmg and lei as losses and sold sundance at loss to start reducing capital gain
dollar cost averaged gmg and wes to make a profit

current closed trades and dividends up around 18g
open portfolio down 8g
so up 10g all from last 3 months
i m a newby started in sept buying stocks and selling them for a profit or holding if making a loss

If I am reading this right you are selling your winners and holding your losers?If so you are setting your self up for disaster
Dollar cost averaging---always a winner!

Cut your winners and let your losers run adding as they do.
After all doubling your holding halves the loss--doesnt it?

I mean they cost me $1.00 dropped to 50c I double the number of shares hey presto they now owe me only 75c.

Who needs Reward to Risk ratio's?
in this market i am happy to sell my winners and take a profit
28 trades closed and 25 have been profitable and one breakeven.
bhp nab ipl awe cba to name a few only cba i got out too early 26.8 to 31.3
currently hold 16 stocks that owe me 8g 5 of these are in profit 8 in loss and 3 new holdings

if you dont mind me asking, how much capital did u start off with??
and why dont you use stop loss orders to prevent you from being that far behind
Um, Tech, someone might take this seriously!
Like my mates at work

"Why'd you sell that! Now you've made a loss! Should of waited for it to go back up!"


Ok seriously..

.. let's sort one thing out

The market doesn't owe you anything
The market doesn't care if you go broke
The market won't give back your money just because you've lost it

Don't let the market manage your risk
Manage it yourself
wow, i never realised those kind of returns were possible

Yea you can with futures. They are leveraged and you need to take a lot of risk!

If I may also add to this, you will need to find a style that will fit in with the type of person you are. How much risk you want to take, how systematic you want to be, how often you want to trade, how much do you want to risk per trade, etc...Only your psychological profile and knowledge of yourself will be able to determine what works. This part can take time!

none of the replies have actually answered the question asked in this thread... what are ppls current returns for this year??

300 fold.

I can't believe I agree with Brad again haha. You can be right too sometimes, even if not always open-minded Just joking man

If I may add to this, no stocks are safe. The only reason we get money for something is because we risk it.

Um, is this thread about current returns for 08/09?

For me, I'm still well down and need to make about $100K in the next 2 months to earn nothing.

Wish me luck!

GOOD LUCK!!! A few good months can come out of this... Maybe not on the long side though, at least for a while.

Bahahaha. Classic post

Good percentage win! What if the market revisits the lows posted a few months back? Where will your stocks be, and how much will you be down? If you are a fundamental trader you will probably know the approximate correlation of each of the stocks you hold, and you will be able to approximate how much you will be down. Be careful of a new leg down.

would someone mind explaining how 1k was turned to 50k by doing this??

That was TH. And TH can explain himself . MRC & CO trades futures As i noted before, high leverage, and high return. You risk more than you put in though!

Hahaha. I SOLD IT SO THAT I DON'T GO TO THE POOR HOUSE Haha yea it is funny. How much people hate losses... And it is so hard to change your psychology to think otherwise too! Words of wisdom there.

The market doesn't owe you anything
The market doesn't care if you go broke
The market won't give back your money just because you've lost it
in this market i am happy to sell my winners and take a profit

You should be trying to maximise profit, while also minimising losses.

Like my mates at work

"Why'd you sell that! Now you've made a loss! Should of waited for it to go back up!"

God bless them .

yeah fair enough but in a way that shows that you're not thinking about position sizing. I don't give a toss what margin the broker asks for to open a position.

The old saying minimum margin = minimum brains.

If you think margin has anything to do with position sizing well that's cuz you haven't seen :fan

LMAO!!! I love that emoticon! Actually my whole strategy is based on position sizing, and I know what you mean . But on a different note, I was reading that post you linked to (i haven't seen it before) I am amazed at the amount of executions haha. You do more trades in the open than i do in half a year! Although you are a scalper and I trade direction. Were you a cowboy in your previous life?
ok, ive read the first several pages of that thread and im still a little confused. heres what ive got so far..

- he trades in first 20 min of opening and last 20min before closing
- manages to make a trade every 30sec in that time period
- uses market depth to make his decisions
- how is this highly risky if he only started out with 800 capital??
isnt he only risking that 800?
- is it possible for me to use that same system? or is more experience required before i start with cfd's
- how is this highly risky if he only started out with 800 capital??
isnt he only risking that 800?

uhm lol. TH is a freak. It is extremely risky because 99.9% of other traders will blow the entire $800, or whatever he started with in no time if they try to trade the way he does, without sufficient/similar experience.

See if you can open a free demo account (simulation account) and try it out yourself.
thanks people for your concern my philosophy is to get on a smaller company with buying support and ride it up a little and get out before others dump it

for larger cap stocks with good fundamentals i am happy to hold if they drop
i will dollar cost average if they fall seriously
wesfarmers bought at $27 then $18 and took up the $13.50 offer
averaged at $19.12

sold my $27 parcel at $20 so take a capital loss on stock for finnacial year but still a profitable overall trade
Great philosophy. You cant lose. Either you cash out or never crystalize your loss, cant lose. Seriously, take some advice from some more experienced traders like Tech/A and TH, this way of trading will ultimately result in disastrous consequences.
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