Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Critically Ill Family

Just noticed your thread.
I am very bad at cheering up people but a former colleague suffered a terrible motorbike accident and was basically reduced to pulp.Most surgeons gave up at triage but luckily one decided to give him a chance and while my scientific side believed at the time it was just hopeless, I was proved wrong:
3 years down the track, this colleague is walking, laughting and enjoying life as much as can be.
Some talked of miracles, I just believe it is the result of a strong will and good physical strenght of the patient coupled with top medical facilities and expertises here in Brisbane.
Don't take me wrong, still a lot of pain and issues are endured, and it is a never ending rehabilitation effort but really, NEVER give up hope, even if your rational side is tempted to.
All the best
Yaan opened his eyes for a short time today and acknowledged the nurse with a look then back to sleep. A lot of very misty eyes.

Thank you CanOz, Happy, gav and qldfrog for your comments, kind words and support.:)
Yaan opened his eyes for a short time today and acknowledged the nurse with a look then back to sleep. A lot of very misty eyes.

Thank you CanOz, Happy, gav and qldfrog for your comments, kind words and support.:)

That's wonderful news explod! Hopefully his recovery will improve even more in the days to come.
At last good news explod.
It is hard for people to understand the anguish, tears and helplessness unless you've been through it.
Keep your chin up mate, he will probably need you more than ever when he comes out of hospital.
Glad to hear it, explod. I expect to all of you who are waiting anxiously, it must seem like a small step, but it's in the right direction. Hoping it continues in such a positive way.
That sounds positive Explod. Really hope Yaan continues to improve.

I agree with Qfrog. I can think of a significant number of people who have managed to recover well from very difficult situations.
Lets pray...
Sorry I have been offline for some days.

My computer got all mixed up with skybots and anti spy wear (Norton and AVG hate each other I have just found Lol,) and crashed. Put it in dock at a U3a worshop Thursday not realising that it will not be open again till next Wednesday so find myself at the local library at this time. They do very good job at low cost.

Yaan is now fully awake, very exhausted but recovering. We are so very lucky. His voice is still effected by the damage to throat, lungs and of course tubes down the throat. Not bedside myself of course as I have my own issues in not being able to make the trip, but well informed that things are over the worst, he is still confused but expect that will have cleared when I am in touch later today.

Thank you for all the posts of encouragement above.

Great to hear Yaan is recovering well explod :) Reading that is definitely something that made me smile today :)
Thats wonderful news explod :)

~~the wonders of the power of prayer ;)

stay safe
Yaan is going to make a full recovery according to neurologist taking car of him.

I could never thank you all enough for your thoughts and prayers. There is no doubt in my mind that collective spiritual and positive thinking plays a big part in our lives.

Last night sat up in an chair and feeding himself, stiil very exhausted and speech not yet clear but cognition was the worry.

Still working from Library computer so this note is short. Should be back in full swing by Friday.

Love you all here on ASF, :)

Yaan is going to make a full recovery according to neurologist taking car of him.

I could never thank you all enough for your thoughts and prayers. There is no doubt in my mind that collective spiritual and positive thinking plays a big part in our lives.

Last night sat up in an chair and feeding himself, stiil very exhausted and speech not yet clear but cognition was the worry.

Still working from Library computer so this note is short. Should be back in full swing by Friday.

Love you all here on ASF, :)


Yaan is going to make a full recovery according to neurologist taking car of him.

I could never thank you all enough for your thoughts and prayers. There is no doubt in my mind that collective spiritual and positive thinking plays a big part in our lives.

Last night sat up in an chair and feeding himself, stiil very exhausted and speech not yet clear but cognition was the worry.

Still working from Library computer so this note is short. Should be back in full swing by Friday.

Love you all here on ASF, :)


Great news explod :)