Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Critically Ill Family

Xplod very sorry to read about this terrible situation
Remember he's in a coma and plenty of people recover from there, he still needs you to be strong
Be his rock
You're a caring person and he's lucky to have you
I know it's all been said explod, but everything you have previously posted, shows you are a very caring person. Those who have this quality quite often have a feeling of helplessness in a situation like this. If our thoughts are a help to cheer you a little, then give us smile.
I have kept this to myself for a few days but just thought others may have experience in helping family to cope with a dreadful tragedy.
My thoughts and best wishes are with you and your family at this difficult time.
I know it's all been said explod, but everything you have previously posted, shows you are a very caring person. Those who have this quality quite often have a feeling of helplessness in a situation like this. If our thoughts are a help to cheer you a little, then give us smile.

Thank you so much Calliope :):):)

And all of you, have always loved ASF but this sheets it home.

Latest is: tomorrow they intend to reduce cooling and see how he responds. Elder Brother related to me an hour ago that to him his colour is looking better.

Again thank you all so much.
I really don't know what to say, I'm not good with this sort of thing, but best wishes and I hope it all turns out OK in due course.

Never, ever give up hope.
Explod terrible news, but there is always hope friends son was hit by a MTT bus on his moped coma, brain damage etc just got out of hospital after 6 months still a long road and life will never be the same but he continues to make progress.

In WA I know they have excellent care and experience in such situations and I am sure in is in the best hands, all the best
All the best Explod. Try to look after yourself as much as possible (eat & sleep as well as you can) so that you can continue to be a support for your family - it seems that helping others, helps you cope as well. Hope all goes well for Yaan.
From Yaan's Mum this morning, "...he's improving little by little bit"

We can feel better that he does look like he will survive now. The question is his cognitive situation as it unfolds.

Thanks for the kind thoughts from Smurf, Knobby, Ifocus and Dock since my last post.

And thank you Tink from the smile thread. We have a special human side at ASF when the chips are down.

I would also like to acknowledge a special PM from Joe, of the the admin, with helpful counsel.

Again thank you all.
Hi mate

So so sorry to hear about your grandson .

Just realised this thread was yours.

Take care

From Yaan's Mum this morning, "...he's improving little by little bit"

We can feel better that he does look like he will survive now. The question is his cognitive situation as it unfolds.

Thanks for the kind thoughts from Smurf, Knobby, Ifocus and Dock since my last post.

And thank you Tink from the smile thread. We have a special human side at ASF when the chips are down.

I would also like to acknowledge a special PM from Joe, of the the admin, with helpful counsel.

Again thank you all.

Good to hear there has been a little improvement, Explod...:)

It's one thing to have disagreements and some high spirited banter here at ASF but when it comes to family's health, and especially serious ones like this, this disagreements are put aside. I can only continue to wish Yaan the very best in his recovery and will continue to keep your family in my thoughts and prayers.
Good to hear there has been a little improvement, Explod...:)

It's one thing to have disagreements and some high spirited banter here at ASF but when it comes to family's health, and especially serious ones like this, this disagreements are put aside. I can only continue to wish Yaan the very best in his recovery and will continue to keep your family in my thoughts
+1. Thinking of you, explod.
My thoughts are very much with you and your family.

You need to be aware of the emotional rollercoaster your family will be experiencing over the coming months. Every minor piece of good news can send you sky high, just as every bad piece of news has the ability to send your spirits plummeting. All you can do is be aware of this and just do the best you can for your loved ones.

Since the last update our grateful thanks to, basilio, sails, Julia, Duckman#72, tinhat (and your p/m too t.h.) and pilots.

From Yaan's Dad this morning; only real change is that blanket has been removed which caused temperature to rise to 39, they are not too worried with that, indicates probably some infection in a lung that was damaged.

They are not able to speculate on damage, if any, to the brain at this time. If all continues as it is going now they will bring him to consciousness by the end of this week when further scans will be performed.

Again we thank you all for you kind thoughts for Yaan and his future.

Explod :xyxthumbs
Great to hear that there is some improvement Explod...i really hope he recovers...we're all hoping!

So sorry to see your family to sufer.

There are few possible outcomes and we all hope for the best one.

Often time is passing so slowly, that it is getting harder and harder to wait.
Be strong and take one day at a time.

My thoughts are with you, your grand son and your family