For thirteen straight trading days the cpa share price has slumped from the recent high of $0.955 and looks to have lost all prospects of reaching the "Off market share buy-back" cap of $0.97 or narrowing the gap to the alleged nta.
The paperwork for the Off Market buy back arrived and the invitation is for holders to nominate minimum prices of $0.86, $0.88 and $0.90 with options of nominating premiums of 2% - 5% with a maximum price of $0.97. Further the market price will be set by determing the average of the daily average for the five days preceding the close of the offer. At the current rate of decline the market value will be less than $0.90.
If cpa received a take over offer of $0.90 you would expect the independent directors to knock it back. Yet here they are with an "Off Market buy back offer" to shareholders for a price that will be way off the nta and likely no where near the offer "cap" of $0.97.
Sometimes you wonder if the directors stopped to consider whether there are some share holders on their books who purchased cpa before the GFC. Shareholders that have seen the share price slump, been diluted by capital raisings and seen yields on their original investment drop to basement levels.
These people would probably have been greatful for a capital return or special div and probably see the "Off market" buy back as a furtive attempt by the board to mop up their shares eliminating any prospects of them ever recovering a better proportion of their capital. Personally I think the directors could have looked at how GPT, IOF, MAP and SGP have gone about returning capital to shareholders.
IMO the longe term paterns have been disrupted by the buy back and any trading entry at the moment would be tenative looking to exit on a tight margin. Mind you if the share price drops below $0.88 I might look for an entry with a hold for the December div and try for a combo trade of div and capital gain. Nothing is easy, dyor and good luck.