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Coronavirus vaccine news

Thanks, much appreciated.

Did you watch the video. He doesn't claim he knew all along he said that some experts warned of this and explained the likely culprit. Excellent analytical research as always from Dr Norman Swan.

Another interesting fact regarding vaccines, in the USA, the more uneducated you are and the more black you are the less likely you will take the vaccine, so for instance only 25% of the black population say they will take it even though statistically they are suffering more than the general population due to their preponderance of working in service jobs.

I am pretty confident the uptake in the USA will be less than 60% meaning the therapies I have invested in will make large profits over the next two years with approximately 2 to 3 times as many citizens catching the virus than so far has occurred.

Pretty sad that uneducated people become prey to the anti vaccine lobby but honestly it is their fault for believing in pseudo science though its probably other factors such as poor schooling and the USA populace distrust of Government that is really to blame.
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One case, scientifically invalid, the doctor is trying to get funding. One case doesn't mean anything and previous trials showed no gains in vitamin C therapy.
I am disappointed in the ABC for falling for this like they were in A Current Affair.

There was a real study with many patients showing Vitamin D can provide some enhancement to fighting the virus but that is still early days
Pretty sad that uneducated people become prey to the anti vaccine lobby but honestly it is their fault for believing in pseudo science.

I've got some pretty educated folks as clientele. Of those with a bachelor degree or above, only two will take the vaccine without waiting for more broad based results.

Notwithstanding that less (tertiary) educated are probably even less likely to take it, attaching a reluctance to take it, to ignorance, is bollox mate.

Waiting = gaining further information and education, rather than trusting a system that has never proven itself to be very trustworthy.
Oh boy, there are many layers of the onion you need to peel there, bro.
We aren't in the desperate situation that the USA and GBR in so have the advantage of a huge trial. That said I have a number of family members who are in the medical fields who are very pro.
We aren't in the desperate situation that the USA and GBR in so have the advantage of a huge trial. That said I have a number of family members who are in the medical fields who are very pro.

Same here.

And inside info from one of the trials is that the safety aspects for the normal population are very good and have been well tested.

As I said earlier the major issues are the out lying medical conditions not subjected to normal testing.

One where the vaccine wont work is those on immune suppressors, they wont respond to the vaccine longer term so wont get benefit its up to everyone else to get vaccinated so they are protected.

Good to see Bas but they have been doing this overseas for at least 6 months, they must have sent it out by snail mail.

Hopefully the medical profession in OZ will act like old fashioned Doctors and do some research, both on line and in lab, share their results and take on board results from OS.

Sitting around waiting for a vaccine is lazy and bordering on malpractice

AstraZeneca To Use Components of the Russian Sputnik V Vaccine

The British firm AstraZeneca has accepted a proposal from the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) and the N.F. Gamaleya Research Center said it and will begin clinical trials of its COVID-19 vaccine candidate in combination with the Sputnik V vaccine's adenoviral vector of the 26th serotype by the end of 2020. Among the leading vaccines against coronavirus at the moment, only Sputnik V has the technology of two different vectors.​
The scheme using two different adenoviral vectors for primary and secondary immunization, which is a unique and fundamental development of specialists from the N.N. N.F. Gamalea, allows you to avoid the immunity to the first vector, which forms after the first immunization, and thereby increase the effectiveness of the second injection and form long-term immunity.​
Kirill Dmitriev, CEO of the RDIF, commented in a press release: 'AstraZeneca's decision to conduct a study using one of the two vectors of the Sputnik V vaccine is an important step towards joining forces in the fight against the pandemic.​

We aren't in the desperate situation that the USA and GBR in so have the advantage of a huge trial. That said I have a number of family members who are in the medical fields who are very pro.
I didn't say they weren't pro vax. They just aren't in a hurry to jump in.

And as I said elsewhere, risk v reward.
Talking to a medical professor yesterday (fascinating) who works in a unrelated field but takes a keen interest in the COVID world.

His concern was the so called "Long COVID" and rattled off a heap of medical problems caused by COVID even though the patients hadn't had a severe case.

One comment was at least thanks to the US there will be plenty of research material to study with so many cases, I also asked about masks.

Got the look followed by the question, "how many front line COVID health professionals do you see not using them?"
Front line medical professionals know *how* to use them.

Additionally the purpose have masks is protection against bacteria not necessarily viruses.

When a frontline medical professional uses them there are very precise and particular protocols. as I am often involved in veterinary surgeries. I see these procedures as it relates to animals which are even less stringent than with humans.

Do you think the average schmuck is using these protocols?

LMAO, not bloody likely.

most masks in use have probably been sitting at least part of the time in the console of the Kingswood, amidst the loose change, stale potato chips, and the general detritus that accumulates in the car of a typical person.... A rich, most, and unsterile environment for all sorts of pathogens to set up camp.

I would hazard a guess that in at least 80% of cases mask use is an absolute antithesis of what it is in use in frontline medical staff, and therefore, useless at best, and counterproductive at worst.
If there was 30 people in a room, each one standing in the middle of a four square meter area.
5 of the people had Covid.
The room was enclosed, say a supermarket.
You had to spend 15minutes in the room, every 5 minutes everyone had to move.

Would you wear any face covering or go it like a trooper and wear none?
I would read the disclaimer that is actually on the box of the masks, it is actually written on there that they provide no protection from viruses.

Additionally, your scenario is precisely what happens every flu season.

I go back, once again, to risk vs reward.

If you feel a mask protects you whether it's true or not, wear one, I really don't care. Unless forced I won't be.

And if forced then I will just withdraw my economic activity as much as possible.

Quite happy to stay home, put up the shutters and trade stocks, options and futures and f*** everyone else rather than tolerate all this bulshit.
I have had to wear various types of masks including full face and SCBA for most of my working life, I have a reasonable level of knowledge in regards to what they can and cannot do.

You for what ever reason are not seeing why and what the advantages are / who benefits from populations wearing masks during a pandemic.

Front line COVID health professional's are not wearing masks for bacteria.

As Trump pollicised the wearing masks the numbers seem to speak for the selves a significant higher number of Federal Republicans have caught COVID than Democrat's (roughly 11 Democrats verses 27 Republicans)
You cannot make commons sense common with a redneck, it is their right not to understand common sense.
You wearing glasses with those masks?

Everyone has to wear a mask to contain infection.

Masks only offer limited protection.
They are their to stop those that are infected from coughing droplets into the air. Your eyes are a weak point.

So you wear a mask to slow the spread. So long as you follow protocol.

Everyone should wear a mask if its going to work.

Front line workers were still getting sick even with all the ppe.

As much as everyone thinks they know, probably a good idea to brush up on the basics.
This isn't good news, a new strain, will that nullify the vaccine?
From the article:

Restrictions in London are to be ramped up to England’s highest tier of Covid-19 guidelines as daily cases in the UK topped 20,000 once again.

The government confirmed the decision on Monday (local time), citing increased infection rates that may be partly linked to a new variant of the coronavirus.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock said more than 1,000 cases of the new variant had been identified, mainly in southeastern England.

Although there was nothing to suggest the new strain was likely to cause more serious disease or that it would not respond to a vaccine, Mr Hancock said it could be contributing to higher infection rates
OK gents masks don't work because Donald says so, glad we could finally work that one out.

Spirted defence BTW.
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